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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 80
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Chapter 80 There’s No Misunderstanding

Josephine shuddered uncontrollably in the car, perhaps because the radiator was not turned


Sam noticed. He closed the windows of his car and turned on the radiator.

“I’m sorry, I don’t quite like the smell, so I forgot to turn it on.”

Josephine shook her head, saying that it was fine.

When they reached the electronic store, Sam headed straight to the place that sells security cameras.

He was clearly familiar with the owner.

Josephine couldn’t help but look at Sam through a different lens. He had such a vast network of

contacts. It merely took him a few minutes to get Patrick’s address before. At that moment, he even

knew the owner who sold security cameras.

Sam talked to the owner for a while. Once he confirmed the type of security camera, the owner got his

men to install the security camera for free.

Once that was settled, Josephine and Sam left the store and headed to the parking lot when at few

cars suddenly appeared, blocking them in their path.

When Josephine saw the luxurious cars, her heart skipped a beat.

A few men in a suit got out of the car while Conrad got out in the other Bentley, went over to the other

side, and opened the door.

Josephine unknowingly swallowed her saliva, looking at the car door closely.

A pair of long slender legs appeared. The shiny leather shoes stepping on the ground felt like

they were stepping on Josephine’s heart. She unknowingly clenched her fists.

Lewis got out of the car with a long black coat over his shoulders. Standing among his bodyguards, he

was instantly the center of attention.

Sam looked serious and turned to look at Josephine.

Lewis slowly walked over to Josephine and swept her a cool gaze before looking at Sam. “Is this the

lawyer that you found?”

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Sam stood up straight. “And you are?”

“She asked you for legal advice. How could you not know who I am?”

Sam furrowed his brows and wanted to reply when Josephine interrupted him, frantically trying to

explain everything.

Lewis grabbed her hand and pulled her behind, handing her to Conrad.

“Take her home.”

Conrad grabbed hold of Josephine and said with a complicated gaze. “Madam, let’s get you home.”

Josephine shook her head. She wanted to break free to explain herself, but Conrad didn’t let her go.

He said in a low voice, “Stop causing further trouble.”

Conrad gave the surrounding bodyguards a look, getting them to get Josephine into the car. Josephine

couldn’t overpower them and was being dragged into the car. Her heart sank as she turned back to

look at Sam.

Once the cars left, Sam looked back, and as if he suddenly realized something, he said, “Sir, I think

there’s a misunderstanding. Miss Vance had only just engaged my service.”

Lewis gave a fake smile. He looked at Sam and said nonchalantly, “There is no misunderstanding. Mr.

Wade, let’s talk.”

Sam looked at the security cameras of the electronic store. He smiled and said, “Okay.” Then, he got

into the car by the side of the road.

Although Sam was already mentally prepared, when he was taken to the mansion halfway up the

mountain and heard those beasts growling, he looked a little worried.

Thankfully, he soon quickly calmed down due to many years of training on the job. He stood. next to

Lewis, walking around the mansion.

If not for the group of bodyguards behind them, they would look like two old friends catching


“How did you know my wife, Mr. Wade?” Lewis asked.

Sam thought for a while before replying, “It’s better if you asked your wife because she was the one

who approached me.”

Lawyers have long-term clients, so he didn’t know who introduced him to Josephine. However, only a

few knew of his number, which was why when Josephine approached him, he helped her the best he


He would not be bothered to accept such small cases if it were other people.

Lewis stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Sam with a sharp gaze as if his eyes could penetrate

Sam and read his mind.

Sam looked at him with openness. After all, he was telling the truth.

“Is that all?” Lewis muttered and chortled. Sam did not know what was on his mind.

“That’s all. That was how we were connected.”

Lewis looked away into the metal cage in the distance. He said, “Mr. Wade, you’re a smart guy.

Sometimes it’s best not to take some cases, in case trouble comes finding you.”

Mr. Wade was confused. “That old woman’s case is just the most ordinary case of family conflict. I don’t

think it’s something I shouldn’t take on.”

“It looks like you don’t understand what I’m saying, Mr. Wade.” Lewis walked over to the bench and sat

down with his legs crossed. He looked at Sam calmly.

Sam still did not understand. After all, he didn’t know what was going on between Josephine and


Right at this moment, a dog as huge as a wolf, with a shiny fur coat under the sunlight, came out of

nowhere, rushing and growling at Sam.

Sam froze and forgot to react.

In the blink of an eye, the dog was about to maul Sam’s leg.

“Eric!” Lewis yelled, and the dog immediately stopped in front of Sam with his tongue out, drooling.

The color drained from Sam’s face.

“Come here.”

The dog looked at Sam, reluctant to go, before wagging his tail and walking over to Lewis, obediently

sitting next to him on the ground.

Lewis put his hand on the dog’s head, gently patting it. He looked at Sam. “Mr. Wade, do you

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understand now?”

Sam’s opened his clenched fists. His palm was sweaty. He smiled a little and said, “I understand. I will

never take on Miss Vance’s cases in the future.”

Lewis smiled, finally a little more sincerely. He said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Wade, the dog is a little out of

control. Did he frighten you?”

Sam looked at the dog. Although it seemed adorable in front of Lewis, it looked like a predator about to

pounce when it looked at him.

The dog clearly did it on purpose.

Sam maintained his polite smile. “No, the dog is rather cute. I never would have thought that you liked


“I have many more. If you’re interested, you can have a look.”

Sam was speechless. He was not interested in Lewis’ pets, but Lewis still got Conrad to take him

around on a tour.

When Sam saw Lewis’s so-called pets, he only thought about how over-the-top Lewis was.

Lewis was trying to intimidate him on the pretense of taking him on a tour around. Any ordinary person

would have been frightened half to death on that tour.

The so-called pets did not have ordinary eyes. Their eyes were reddened as if they were hungry for

human meat, and they were clearly trained.

If a person was being thrown into their cages alive, they might not even have a single bone. remaining

by the end.

Lewis was obviously trying to tell him that he might be able to come out of the tour alive that day, but

there would be one day when he would slip up, and he might not be that lucky the

next time.

Josephine sat on the sofa, worrying. She did not know what Lewis would do to Sam. Avery and Mrs.

Jinkins were good examples. Mrs. Jinkins did nothing, but she was still targeted by Lewis.

Would Sam be….

The thought ran rampant in her mind when suddenly, the bodyguards by the door greeted in unison,

“President Alvarez!”