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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56 Alive

When Lewis heard the question, he turned around to stare at Tyler. “What did you say?”

The latter tensed up For a moment, he wondered if he had said the wrong thing and forgot to add the

words what if into his question judging from the way Lewis looked

Tyler explained hastily. “It was just a random question Don’t overreact, please.”

“Never come up with this sort of hypothetical situation ever again Lewis replied coldly as a form of

rejection to Tyler’s question while seeming very harsh as well

At that moment. Tyler had a bad premonition in his heart. It seemed that Lewis really didn’t want

Josephine to be pregnant

“Alright, then I should’ve just minded my business” He flashed a smile at Lewis in return. It turned out

that Josephine’s decision to make him keep her pregnancy a secret was the correct thing to do

At the same time, Tyler found it difficult to understand the mentality of someone who hated their

own children.

Since Josephine had gotten drenched by the downpour that night she started burning up during the late

hours of the night. She ended up spending the next day in bed.

No one knew that she was currently staying at Alvarez Manor. It was only when a housekeeper was

cleaning all the rooms, which was part of the daily routine, that she discovered Josephine lying on the


The moment the housekeeper flipped the blanket off the bed, she noticed a woman curling on the

mattress, which gave her a huge fright.


Josephine cracked her eyes open deliriously. The moment she noticed the frightened expression on

the housekeeper’s face, she forced herself to sit up.

“Why are you here?” The housekeeper asked

Josephine started gesturing back, but when she noticed the confusion in the housekeeper’s eyes. she

quickly gave up and pulled out her phone instead to type her answer.

“I’ll be staying here for a few days.”

The housekeeper finally reacted with a quick nod “Oh, got it! Is there anything I can help you with?”

Josephine continued typing away on the phone. “Please get me two antipyretic pills. Thank you ”

“Alright. Please wait for a moment.” The housekeeper put down the things she was carrying before

turning on her heel and leaving the room to fetch Josephine the medicine.

Josephine raised a hand to feel her forehead. Since her body temperature was the same as her

forehead, she couldn’t feel any difference at all.

However, her head felt heavy and dizzy at the moment, which were the exact same symptoms that

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appeared during her last fever, so she was already experienced

Soon, the housekeeper returned with some antipyretic pills and a glass of warm water. She handed the

items to Josephine, who gulped down the pills immediately. After that, she fell asleep for a few hours.

By the time she woke up once more, it was already 8 pm.

Josephine was completely drenched in sweat, but her fever had gone down a lot.

The moment she descended the stairs, she could hear Daphne’s voice. The latter happened to be

playing with the baby in her arms. It was Daphne’s first time being a mother, so she had a gentle and

happy smile on her face.

When Daphne noticed Josephine, she was stunned for a moment. It seemed that she didn’t realize the

latter was still here.

Then, a fake smile appeared on Daphne’s face. “Didn’t you go home last night, Josephine?”

Josephine shook her head in response.

The housekeeper’s words echoed in Daphne’s head at that moment, causing her fake smile to fade

away slowly. “What made you decide to stay here all of a sudden?”

Josephine gestured to Daphne quietly. “I wanted to change my mood.”

Daphne’s eye twitched slightly. “Change her mood? There are many other places for her to go to! Why

must she stay here?”

However, Daphne didn’t voice her thoughts. She didn’t want to make any speculations on

something that lacked substantial evidence. Otherwise, she might affect the relationship she

shared with Seth.

At that moment, Seth happened to return home. After catching a glimpse of him from the corner of her

eye, Daphne smiled once again before saying, “Right, you did go through an abortion, after all. You

should recuperate for a few days, seeing as you’re quite weak at the moment.”

Those words weren’t just meant for Josephine; they were also meant for Seth.

If Seth was still able to set his sights on a woman who had gone through two abortions, that

meant he was clearly insane.

However, Seth didn’t react at all after hearing Daphne’s words. Instead, he walked into the living

room calmly.

He was still wearing a tuxedo at that time. Curly locks hung by his ears while he continued

smiling that perfect smile of his as he approached Daphne from the side.

After taking his seat, he reached out to caress his baby’s face while smiling. “Did he throw a

temper tantrum today?”

Daphne handed the baby to Seth with a smile on her face. “He’s very obedient today since he hasn’t

cried much. Look at how big of a smile this little rascal has on his face the moment he notices you

coming home.”

The baby’s mouth was stretched into a wide and toothless grin as he started giggling happily at

his father.

Despite that, Seth’s smile didn’t change at all. That smiling mask of his was never taken off his face,

even when he was facing his own son

When Josephine saw how happy the family of three was, she placed her hand on her abdomen.

instinctively. Every time she did so, she would feel emptiness coming from her womb.

She wanted to keep that baby very badly, so she did all she could to avoid letting Lewis know the truth.

After that, she avoided getting injured by those hooligans and did her best to survive the hardships that

were thrown her way.

In the end, she was unable to escape from the Alvarez family.

Daphne didn’t forget to add insult to injury after that. “Josephine, you’re still young, so you’ll be able to

have another baby in the future.”

Josephine turned to look at Daphne, soon noticing the hint of mockery and ridicule in her smile.

The former did her best to squeeze out a strained smile without replying to Daphne. Then, she walked

over to a couch and sat down before pouring herself a glass of water.

When Daphne noticed Josephine’s lack of response, she suddenly felt flames of inexplicable fury

shooting up from within. She stood up abruptly while saying, “Seth, look after Bambam for me. I need

to go to the toilet.”

“Sure thing. Go ahead.” Seth cradled Bambam in his arms while adjusting the quilt on top of him.

Meanwhile, Josephine drank water from her seat at the side. The living room was eerily silent at

that moment.

Fortunately, Bambam kept letting out soft gurgles from time to time, so the atmosphere wasn’t

that awkward between the adults.

Suddenly, Seth turned around to look at Josephine.

The latter seemed to have sensed his gaze, seeing as she turned her head as well. Both of them

ended up making eye contact with each other.

Then, Josephine quickly averted her gaze and looked down at her glass before resuming her drink.

‘Where’s Lewis?” Seth asked.

Josephine paused for a moment before turning around to glance at Seth. After that, she shook her

lead to indicate that she had no idea.


Seth continued, “He didn’t go to the company today, so I thought he was with you.”

osephine lowered her gaze in response. Lewis never skipped his shifts at the company just to pend

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time with her.

nly Sierra had the privilege of spending time with Lewis whenever he didn’t go to work.

ewis must have spent New Year’s Eve with her the day before.

ith that thought in mind, Josephine pulled out her phone and opened her Twitter feed.

she wanted to know where Lewis had been, all she had to do was scroll through Sierra’s stagram. In a

way, her Instagram feed acted as a human GPS that could track Lewis‘ activity at

Chapter 56 Alive

all times.

Surprisingly enough, Sierra didn’t post anything on Instagram on New Year’s Eve.

At first, Josephine thought the webpage wasn’t done refreshing, so she refreshed it a couple of times.

Then she realized that Sierra didn’t post anything on Instagram at all. In fact, the last post was made a

few days ago.

After that, Josephine navigated back to Twitter. It showed the same result–Sierra didn’t post anything

there as well.

Seth looked like he wanted to say something when his phone rang all of a sudden. It was a call from


He paused for a moment before moving to place Bambam in the stroller. After that, he pulled out his

phone and answered the call.

“Hey, Lewis. Do you mean right now? Okay, got it.”

Josephine turned around to look at Seth subconsciously. The sight of the latter’s serious

expression made her feel inexplicably nervous.

After Seth hung up on Lewis, he pushed the baby stroller to Josephine’s side. “Josephine, please take

care of Bambam for me. I need to go out for a bit.”

Stunned, Josephine looked down at the baby in the stroller.

The adorable infant was plump and fair, with large, round eyes and incredibly puffy cheeks. Every

move he made was filled with vigor and vitality, making him seem so alive.

Josephine looked away immediately, not wanting to look at the baby anymore.

Every time she laid eyes on Bambam, she would recall the memory of her unborn baby getting reduced

to nothing but a pile of flesh.

Seth quietly moved the stroller a little closer to Josephine. “I’ll put him here, so you can just watch over


At that moment, Daphne happened to exit the bathroom.

The first thing she saw was Seth pushing the baby stroller toward Josephine so that she could

watch over her son.