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Untouchable by Marii Solaria

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63 - The Pool "All she wanted was that special someone to reach beyond the surface and discover her heart."- Terry O'Neal Kiya +10 Bonu 01:01 Entering the mall foyer, I immerse my ears in the intense melody of punk rock. It fills the blitzing tunes with riveting emotion, amazing vocals, and harmonious instruments molding together into the perfect recipe that captured my attention. I followed, the music getting louder with my approach. An audience, in their seats, watched and listened to the rock band.

Los Delphines. Fascinated, I took a nearby seat, settling my bags around my legs. As the music raged on, I was enamored by the band. They give off an otherworldly vibe, deepening my curiosity. All the band members were exceptionally talented. Yet, I couldn't take my eyes off the lead vocalist.

Long, curly jet-black hair curled to perfection with one side shaved. A thick streak of teal poked proudly out of her ringlets. Deep blue-green eyes with skin light tan. Dressed in all black leather, she truly was a star. My eyes spied the blue choker around her neck with an oddly shaped pendant.

Is that...a seashell? There was something about the vocalist I couldn't put my finger on. Something toldshe was someone special, even Artemis could feel it.

As special as Phoebe.

Within several minutes, the group finished their song, and the spectators roared in applause. I clapped along. I never found punk rock to be a genre I'd be interested in, but this band piqued my interest.

As the band packed up, I lingered, shuffling around the seats. Something inwas urgingto talk to the vocalist. Would she be mean? Snobby? Would she findunworthy of her time? Too many nights of reading intehorror stories of fan interactions with musical artists madewary of approaching.

But it never hurts to try, right? If anything happens, I'll lick my wounds at home. Huffing a breath of gallantry, I grabbed my bags and walked up to the singer. "Um, hello?" The moment our eyes met, I felt like my breath snatched from my lungs. She was stunning and her eyes. remindedof the deep seas. Her natural scent was interesting, I could smell an oceanic scent radiating z off her. How odd. I've never met anyone who smelt this way before.

The three other band members have the sscent marker. The two men were deep in conversation in the background. Judging by their closeness, I assthey're in a relationship. The shorter woman with rose-gold hair was packing away the microphone stands.

"Yes?" I silently cursed myself for losing focus so quickly. “I just wanted to congratulate you on your performance. You're talented." She smiled warmly, almost beaming with pride. "Thank you! It's nice to hear from a fan." Her shoulders relaxed. "Are you a local of Carson City?" Chapter 63 - The Pool "Sort of." I shrugged my shoulders. "It's complicated. My nis Kiya." +10 Bonu 00:51 "Violetta." We both shook hands. Hers were so smooth and supple. "Have you heard of Los Delphines before?" I shook my head. “This is the first tI've heard you guys play and I'm impressed. Were you all always a punk rock band?" "Pretty much." Violetta pointed to her members. “The short one with the rose-gold hair is Marina. She may be small, but she packs one hell of a punch. The lovey-dovey couple over there is José with the black hair and Chase with the green mohawk." "Wow. You guys sure are..." "Different?" She smirked. "We try to be. We weren't allowed to be ourselves growing up. I sure as hell wasn't.

Glad I left that cult so that I could watch movies and wear whatever the hell I want." I stared at her in silence, eyes wide as saucers. "Cult?" "I didn't mean to say that!" Violetta stammered, shaking her hands in front of her.

"N-no worries. We say a lot of things we don't mean." But deep down, I feel there was struth to Violetta's words.

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"Nice necklace. is that clear quartz?" A weird sense of protectiveness cover me, my hand instinctively covered my moon pendant. "It's selenite. Is that a seashell charm on your choker?" "Yup. You could say...I have a thing for the ocean." She shot a wink at me, which madechuckle.

"Interesting. I have a thing for the moon." Wink wink, nudge nudge. "Anyway, would you guys be staying in Carson City? I'd like to hear you play live again." "Yes, we are. We have a gig coming up in two weeks at a dive bar called the L&L Tavern. You should check us out there if you're around. Look up online for a run-down of where we'll play." "Will do! Thanks!" A text chimed on my phone from Galen, saying everyone was done and on their way to get spizza. Bidding Violetta and her bandmates farewell, I write a note on my phone to check deeper into the band.

The next day, I stood in front of my full-length mirror in my black, polka-dotted swimsuit. It exposed all my scars, from the ones on my back, my thighs, and ankles. It feels weird to have them visible in the place they were born in, but there was not much I could do about it. Grabbing my sunglasses and slipping on my flip-flops, I met Abigail at my door.

"Ready to go?" Goddess, she looked amazing in her plain, bright yellow bikini. Jackie was going to be all over her, swimming in something other than water. Smiling, I put my shades in my hair and loop my arm with hers.

"Yup!" Chapter 43-The Pool +10% Bonu The pool party was as active as an amusement park, Wolves of all shapes and sizes swimming, mingling, or dancing to the blaring music. There was a minibar serving all sorts of drinks from juice for the pups to alcools for the adults.

There were several pools, the big one for adults and teenagers who could swim. There was a smaller pool for the unshifted pups who wanted to hang out with their peers and parents teaching their smaller children how to swim. I spot my friends and their mates, huddled near the pool or on the grass. Pink blossomed on Galen's cheeks as he swam with his mate, Mikhail.

Adorable! Unfortunately, that feeling faded when I saw Darien and Odessa making out like they couldn't breathe without one another. I want to be happy for Darien, but I couldn't because his mate was a conniving cheater. The happiness in his eyes made my chest tighten because he was ignorant of Odessa not holding the samount of love he did.

"Mine!" Abigail was ripped from my arm and lifted in the air by her strong mate donning a forest-green two- piece. "By the Moon Goddess, you look so delicious, my love." "We're here to have fun, so try to keep your hands to yourself." She teased, smooching the Beta's nose as she was slowly put back on her feet. Jackie scoffed, rolling her eyes as her biceps bulged with her arms tightening around Abigail's waist.

"Impossible, my sweet. I'm not letting you out of my sight." "Gotta go!" It was my cue to leave when they started making out. I found couples around the pool, a large pool raft near the pool and took a seat, not wanting to go in the water yet. My eyes spotted many mated couples around the pool, enjoying each other's company on and off the waters. The stench of love was potent, makinggag a little. The sun was out, but it didn't warm me.

A pang of jealousy ached in my heart, recapping that I wanted what I couldn't have. I was sitting here, feeling the unwelcoming sting of loneliness around destined love. Everyone I knew was mated now, even Sapphire who I have yet to see arrive. It wasn't even the stupid bond I wanted! I wanted someone to look atwith pure admiration in their eyes, holdingclose in their arms as the world faded around us.

I wanted to mean the world to someone. I wanted someone to just...lovefor me. Not because they had to. Was that a bad thing? Was it a bad thing that I wanted the love to blossom naturally, not because of destiny? I hated that the first person I thought about with this love was Neron. That damned Alpha. I am determined to not have the bond affect my rationale, but the good feelings it gives were mind-boggling. I couldn't love Neron. But goddamnit, I hated how his touch madefeel.

Stupid bond. Stupid Alpha. Stupid werewolf bullshit. Stupid-! "AAH!" My world blurred aroundbefore I plunged deep into the cold, chlorinated water. Swimming to the surface, my ears were bombarded with laughter. I turn to my right to see Isaiah and Sapphire cackling as they rose off the inflatable raft I was just sitting on! Those assholes catapultedinto the pool! Chapter 63 - The Pool "Need shelp there?" Sapphire mocked, shootingan infuriating wink.

+109 Bonu 00:49 "You two are so dead!" Wet and angry, I shot out of the pool like a rocket and chased the pair down. They ran fast, but I was faster.

Too fast.

I smacked into someone and we both went tumbling hard into the grass. Upon contact, I knew who it was when the sparks ignited by our touch. I open my eyes to be pulled in by his bright blue. He smirked as I slowly realized the compromising position we were in. I laid there splayed out across Neron's body. Neron was shirtless in only his swim trunks, his arms wrapped around me, holdingtight against his hard body. "Wow, Kiya. It looks like you've fallen for me." He chuckled. "Get it? Because you fell?" He liked to make puns? What a nightmare! "Don't ever beca comedian, Neron." I struggled to move my wet body off him, but his arms locked aroundtighter, pressing my body into his. My eyes couldn't look away as our breathing slowly settled as one. That's when I suddenly realized just how close our faces were.

How close our lips were.

One fatal move and I'd be kissing him.

"Neron..." I whimpered. "L-Letgo." "You feel it too, do you? Our bond revitalizing?" As one arm remained locked around my waist, Neron brings a hand to brush my wet curls from my face, thumb caressing my cheek. I had to resist nuzzling into his large palm. "Goddess, I want to kiss you right now. You're so beautiful." I saw it. That love I wanted simmering in his deep cerulean blue. The waves of his desire and admiration. crashing violently against the shore, pullingdeeper into the depths of his soul. It was suffocating, seductive. It urgedto sink deep, to lose myself in the unmatched azure. I didn't want to look away.

I couldn't look away.

His lips moved closer to mine, his breath becoming hotter and more ragged as he closed in. I didn't want to move. There was a deep part ofthat was curious about what would happen if I did just let go. I wanted to have a single, soft taste of what his lips offered.

"N-Neron..." "Kiya..." The world faded into black. It was only the two of us in our smoldering bubble. It felt good. It felt peaceful.. My resistance wavered and my resolve crumbled. At that moment, I wanted nothing more but to feel his lips on mine.

Just...a single...taste....

I shut my eyes, leaning into him, enjoying the heavy aroma of his sandalwood scent swallowingwhole. I wanted to feel what it was like to be loved deeper than familial. I want to feel this love that Selene destine all werewolves to have. I wanted to feel him.

Chapter 63 - The Pool Our lips brushed up against one another, sparks shooting off like detonating fireworks. It felt amazing!! wanted more! I needed more! I wanted-! "What the fuck is this?" +101 Bonu 00:4

We jumped, bashing our heads against each other from the shrill voice. Our faces turned to see ed to see m Odessa glaring down at us with burning intensity and hatred, most aimed at me. Realizing what had happened, or was about to happen, I gathered off the Alpha, who also scrambled to get off the grass. I felt something brush up against my leg.

Something large.

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OH, MY GODDESS! My face burned the brightest shade of red it could muster as I rose on my feet, taking several steps away from Neron and Odessa. "Nope! Don't worry, that won't ever happen again!"

"Kiya, aren't you overreacting just a bit?" Neron asked me, arching an eyebrow while ignoring Odessa's pointed glares. I could see the anger rolling off him, pissed at the woman in the white, cherry-designed bikini for interrupting the kiss. Our almost kiss.

"Take care of that, will you?" I pointed to the noticeable tent in his swimming trunks. Panicked, I ran to the other side of the packhouse. I hid behind a wall with my hand over my chest, trying to calm my pounding heart.

I couldn't believe that happened. I almost kissed Neron! I becso enraptured in his beautiful eyes that the mate bond pulledcloser to him. I almost surrendered to destiny.

Goddamnit! Why did things have to becthat much harder?

After fifteen minutes, I returned to the party, walking towards the bar.

Cursing myself for falling so easily, breaking my years' long promise to always hate him. Goddamnit Selene, could you have chosen someone else to be tied to this damn bond with me? At least all my friends were having fun, even Sapphire and Isaiah whom I did not catch.

"Givethe strongest drink you have," I demanded the female bartender. The blond arched an eyebrow in curiosity and shock.

"For a little thing like you? We have the Long Island Iced Tea-" "Givethat with extra vodka." "Delta Kiya, I wouldn't-" "Now." My growl meant business. In under a minute, my order was made and handed to me. I chugged down the strong drink to take my mind off what happened. Not a good coping mechanism, I know, but I do what I want.

516 Chapter 63 - The Pool +109 Bonu While walking back to the pool for a much-needed dip, the wind was suddenly knocked out of me. My world spun rapidly like a merry-go-round. My muscles, strong and mighty, suddenly went weak and limp, sendin00:42to my knees.

I couldn't breathe. No air could get in my lungs like someone's squeezing the life out of me.

My stomach toiled and tumbled wildly. My head pounded like jackhammers to concrete.

As I gasped for air, something dribbled out of my mouth. Staining the grass red. Is that blood? "Poison!" Artemis exclaimed. "You've been poisoned!" Nothing she said registered in my mind. Not even the shouts and screams heard all around me. The last thing I remembered was tumbling onto the ground in intense pain.

Then my world turned black.

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