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Untouchable by Marii Solaria

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34 - The Gamma "If I had a flower for every tI thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever."-Alfred Tennyson Kiya "... I've been exonerated?" "Yes.

+109 Bonus 05:48 I didn't know what to feel. Should I feel anything? Sitting next to the Gamma on the plain bed, I stare at the floor as my mind registered the news. The air is silent around us, our breathing echoing. Should I be happy? Angry? Scared? Shocked? Enraged? Disappointed? My mind cannot process a single emotion, blank as a newly purchased canvas. All I could do is just sit there, unable to look Kwin the face.

"How long?" "Excuse me?" He asks.

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"How long after I passed did you all find out the truth?" Kwsighed heavily. I knew it is a loaded answer he is about to give. "Three years ago." Gaining the courage to look him in the face, I notice his eyes were glued to the floor. He couldn't look atat all. "Who killed Luna Ess-Celeste and Nuria, then?" "He went by the Rogue King. It didn't take us long to figure out that he was related to former Alpha Jonathan." His words leftdumbfounded. "Related? You mean he was..." "Neron's estranged uncle." He revealed. "It is an act of revenge against his brother. Upon his capture, he confessed to everything, including framing you. They acquitted you of all suspicion and crafter his execution. But by then, it was too late." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Neron's uncle killed his sister-in-law and his niece to get back at his dad. And for what? For petty revenge? I was framed and tortured over petty revenge! I breathed in sharply, folding my hands in my lap.

"Wow," I mutter. "I didn't expect that." "Neither did we." Kwchuckled. "But, yes. You're exonerated, and your punishments were voided. But there is not much we could do since you're...dead." "And I want to stay that way." I retorted. "I don't want Zircon Moon to know I'm alive. Look, Kwame," I was facing him with my bent leg on the bed. "I have a very happy life here and I don't want anything to mess that up." "I can see that." He gavea warm smile. "You look healthier and lively. GaMoon gave you hope. And I don't want to take that away from you. Your happiness is here...not with us." "I agree." I nod. "They turned a dying wolf into the woman you see before you. I can't repay them enough for feeding, housing, and acceptingas part of their family. I love it here." 1/4 Chapter 34 - The Gamma +109 Bonus "I could see it in your eyes." Kwame's smile widened. "I'm happy for you, Kiya. You deserve the absolute best. Always. I wish Zircon Moon would have seen your potential before we snuffed it out. I'm glad the pack didn'5:44 smother out your hope for good." "But, if you don't mindasking, how did you survive? No one could have survived that fall from that cliff..." I smile small, my eyes burning with unshed tears. "It's a long story. But our Moon Goddess helpedout. She gavea second chance at life. It is because of her I'm still here today." The man looked as if he wanted to say something, his mouth opening, and closing, but remained silent. His eyes held many unanswered questions that he wanted to ask. But Kwcouldn't bring himself to speak. What was stopping him? This is the only twe'll ever see each other...

"Kwame," My smile turned into a frown. "Know that I cannot forgive Zircon Moon for what they did to me. It can't forgive the Lanes, the Omegas, and everyone else between, especially Neron and his father. What they did towas on par with what monsters and devils would do to their victims. There is too much hurt, anger and pain for there to be forgiveness." "I don't blyou. If I was in your position, I wouldn't forgive them either. I couldn't forgive myself for not helping you out sooner." He looks atwith concern. "Do...do you hate me, Kiya?" I shake my head. “I don't. You and your family saved my life. You stopped Neron and your mother gotout of there. I would be dead right now if it wasn't for your bravery and belief in my innocence. I've cto terms with that, with the help from my therapist. Yes, I held sanger for you for not standing up to Neron sooner, but you helped a meek slave seek her freedom. You did all you could do, and I'm alive today because of you and your family." He gasped in relief, blinking back his tears. "You sure know how to make a man tear up, Kiya." I chuckled. "There is nothing wrong with crying. I hope talking witheased sof your burdens. I hope you find an answer to your rogue problem." "We're looking at every other avenue in case this alliance falls through the cracks. But, talking to you and finally getting the answers I was seeking is the highlight of this trip." I smiled at him, happy. I wish I'd gotten the chance to know Kwback then if our lives weren't so different. We could have becgood friends. It is a shthat we both missed out on a potential friendship. He is a great person.

"I don't want to keep you away for long." I pat my thighs once, hopping on my feet. "But, thank you. Really. For all that you and your family did for me. Give them my thanks when you see them again?" "Yes. I will." He nodded, his smile matching mine. "It would surely make my mother feel good when she hears. you're alive and well. Your death devastated her, so I hope this can bring slight back in her eyes." My heart lurched. I didn't know Mrs. Dubois was affected by my death. I wish I could see her in person and hug her, but it's just not possible. I still remember her grief-stricken face that night, beggingto not jump. But, if I hadn't, I wouldn't have this life now.

Before Kwleft the room, I hugged him as tight as I could around his muscled stature. It took him a second to reel in from the shock, but he huggedback, burying his nose in my hair. His muscular arms caged my body against his, protectingfrom the outside world. A single tear slid down my face as I basked in his Chapter 34 - The Gamma +109 Bonus smoldering warmth. It is a hug I felt both of us needed. The hug toldof his appreciation, happiness, and hope. Goddess, I didn't want this moment to end.

1 think he was waiting for this moment to seeagain. I don't hate Kwame, I respect him. I wished he was my mate and not Neron. But the Moon Goddess had other plans.

His mate, whoever she is, was lucky to have him.


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The end of the day rapidly approached and the three wolves from my old pack left my territory. I could finally breathe in relief, knowing around the I was safe to roam order, territory without their presence. I was sitting on the front steps of the packhouse with a bottle of water, watching the sunset paint the sky with orange, pinks, and purples. I was watching the creation of beautiful art right before my eyes. A lot had been on my mind since I spoke to Kwame. Sburden is lifted off your shoulders." Phoebe took a seat right next to me, smoothing out her purple summer dress. "I assyour talk with your old friend went well?" "I don't know if I'd call him a friend," I answered, my eyes still on the sky. "But he helpedout a lot and put himself at risk for me, so perhaps I should?" "He left our territory happier than he had arrived. Your talk did the both of you sgood." Her pearl-white smile showed itself towhen I glanced at her. "Do you forgive him?"

"Yes." I glanced back at the sky, fixated on a marigold-colored cloud.

"I never hated him. He did nothing wrong. Thinking back, he's done his best to look out for me. It restricted him a lot because of his best friend, but he would sneakfood and water every chance he got. His parents or his little brother would sneaksoap to shower if I'd run out or givea warm blanket to sleep with if nights got too cold." "They are compassionate people."

"They are." I agreed, humming at the memories. "They made my life as a slave more bearable. They knew the ey knew the consequences of helpingbut did itathat's not courage,/ don't know what is." I set my bottle down on the stair under my knee, folding my hands on my lap. "I pray to the Moon Goddess to watch over them and protect them." "But as for everyone else..." I huffed. “I'll never forgive them. Not by a long shot. I told Kwthis when we spoke. He never put his hands on me, but his friends and everyone else did for years and they enjoyed it. They bring nothing but bad memories." "Forgiveness is a process that cannot be rushed.” She placed her hand on my shoulder. "But it is all up to you. Your life, your choice, Kiya." "Yeah, I know." "Con." Phoebe hopped on her shoes and offereda hand. “Let's do smagic training before dinner. What do you say?" I smirked, my mood lifting. Taking her warm hand, we both walked to her home, practicing our abilities until we were mind-linked for dinner.