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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 886
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Chapter 886 A Taste Of Living Hell

Once the two burly men had had their fill, they climbed down from the bed, looking satisfied. Hugo got up from the

couch, waved a dismissive hand at them, and said coldly, “You guys can get lost now.”

The men licked their lips as though they wanted more. However, they did not dare to go against Hugo’s command.

They picked up their clothes from the floor, nodded at him, and left.

Hugo took the camera from the man in a suit standing to his right. He carefully went through the photos and felt

quite satisfied with them, as they clearly captured Isabella’s dazed look and anguish.

He returned the camera to the man in the suit and dismissed him and the others with a wave of his hand. The men

behind him nodded and left quietly with the camera.

Walking to the side of the bed, Hugo gazed at Isabella, who was staring at the ceiling as though in a stupor, with a

smirk. “It must’ve felt good to have two men servicing you, huh?” he asked coolly.

Isabella’s gaze shifted, and she glared at him with bitter resentment as he looked at her condescendingly. Then, as

though assailed by a sudden frenzy, she tried to get down from the bed, but she fell straight to the ground as soon

as she moved.

Her body felt sore and weak, and she did not have an ounce of strength left.

“You’re a crazy b*stard, and you can expect retribution for this. I’ll make you pay for the humiliation I suffered

today. You’d better finish me off now. Otherwise, as long as I’m still alive, I’ll make sure you die a horrible death,”

she hissed through clenched teeth.

Hugo chuckled, seeming unperturbed.

“I’ve been putting my life on the line since the first ever task I carried out for Boss. You’re welcome to take my life

at any time. Many would like to do so, and I wouldn’t mind if you were one of them,” he said.

Isabella shot him a death stare as she struggled to move her hand and pull the covers over her body.

Suddenly, the door flew open, and Oscar walked in.

“Boss, you’re here,” Hugo greeted politely.

Oscar strode forward. With his arms behind his back, he looked at Isabella as she lay on the bed.

A light flashed in Isabella’s eyes when she saw it was Oscar. She still harbored a fanciful hope in her heart, not

wanting to believe that he was the one who had orchestrated the whole thing. I’d much rather it be Hugo who

recklessly came up with this plot and that I’m still Oscar’s beloved. I’ve long coveted the honor of being the lady of

the Clinton family, so how can I let the opportunity slip through my fingers just like that? There’s no way I’m giving


“Save me, Oscar. Hugo made me… You’ve got to seek justice for me. He harmed me, both mentally and

physically.” She forced herself to climb off the bed while holding the covers around her, and instantly, her tears

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flowed like a river. Yet, she still managed to look pretty while crying.

Oscar merely gazed at her impassively. Had he not regained his memories, he might have been slightly affected by

her tears. However, at that moment, he only felt thoroughly disgusted.

He had never liked Isabella, and the only reason he had not taken any action earlier was on Olivia’s account. But

now, she had clearly crossed the line with him and nearly wrenched apart his little family.

I said before that I’m not a nice guy and have no intention of being a kind person. Those who cross me will have to

pay a high price. As for Isabella, I’ll ensure she never has the chance to bounce back.

“I was the one who arranged all of this. I believe you enjoyed yourself thoroughly,” he uttered frostily.

Oscar’s response promptly dashed Isabella’s hopes.

“You said you loved me and that we’d get married soon. You can’t be so cruel to me,” she responded pitifully.

Sneering, he raised his hand and grabbed her chin. In an icy tone, he said, “I truly admire you for your ruthless

tactics. You even managed to deceive me. I’ve nothing to say about how I underestimated you and fell into your

trap. However, hearing you shamelessly declare that you love me makes me feel sick. Even if I forgot every

memory about Amelia, there’s no way I’d have any wish to touch you. The mere sight of your body repulses me.”

Isabella’s face turned deathly pale, and her eyes had a hurt look mingled with disbelief.

“You can’t treat me like this. No, I know you must love me. I may have tricked you, but I do genuinely love you.

Please don’t say such horrible things. It’ll make me upset,” she replied weakly.

I’ve sacrificed everything to have Oscar for myself and even proclaimed myself as the lady of the Clinton family. If

he turns against me, I’ll have absolutely nothing. I can’t bear such an outcome.

“Don’t you enjoy being in the limelight? The incident where that video of you got widely circulated on the internet

was merely child’s play. This time, I’ll turn you into a household name. The minute I step out of this room, your

photos will be released via the newspaper and the internet. With that, you’ll truly become a well-known figure who

can even give popular female stars a run for their money,” he said while gripping her chin tightly.

Isabella shuddered, and her eyes widened as she fixed her gaze on him.

“You can’t do this to me. I truly love you. If you blame me for ruining your marriage, I can apologize to Amelia and

be your mistress willingly. I’m begging you, don’t ruin my reputation. I only did those things because my family

forced my hand. They said they’d only be able to provide me with a life of riches if I managed to hook up with you. I

didn’t have a choice. Please, I’m begging you,” she wailed, her body racked by convulsive sobs.

Alas, she had no idea that what happened was only the beginning. The brunt of Oscar’s wrath was still yet to come.

If she had known how terrifying his revenge would be and how one would never be able to recover from it, she

would not have dared to provoke him.

“I’m sorry, Oscar. Give me another chance. I’ll apologize to Amelia personally and do anything she wants me to do.

Please don’t hurt me. All this only happened because I love you too much.” With the covers wrapped around her,

she got off the bed, then fell to her knees. She was attempting to weasel her way out of her predicament by

backing down.

However, Oscar simply looked at her with an icy gaze.

As he returned to the couch, he instructed, “Hugo, snap her arms and legs. Since she’s so fond of doing evil deeds,

I’ll make her stay in bed obediently.”

Hugo nodded expressionlessly.

Taking out a dagger, he slowly approached Isabella.

She retreated in horror, backing into the bed and toppling onto it.

“Don’t come any nearer! I’m the Walker family’s precious daughter. If something happens to me, you can be sure

my family won’t let it slide. I’ll also make a police report. Oscar may be a powerful person, but he’s not omnipotent.

Once the police get involved in this, there’s the possibility that you might end up in prison. You’d better stay away

from me,” she shouted fearfully, genuinely terrified that Hugo would break her limbs.

Nonetheless, Hugo remained impassive and reached out to haul her to her feet.

Frightened, Isabella started struggling and blurted out, “Don’t touch me, or I’ll release all the information on Clinton

Corporations. After I set Oscar up, I thought something like this would happen. That’s why I gave the information to

someone I trust. As soon as something happens to me, she’ll send it to the rival companies of Clinton Corporations.

You’d better not harm me. Otherwise, I’ll send Clinton Corporations to its doom.”

Hugo let go of her and turned toward Oscar, but the latter merely arched his brows, utterly unfazed.

“Cripple her.”

Isabella’s expression changed drastically as she widened her eyes and stared at him.

I know he can be rather ruthless, but I can’t believe he’d abandon his family business to seek revenge! How brutal

can he get?

“Oscar, are you seriously willing to put Clinton Corporations at risk just to get revenge on me?” she yelled


Although the corners of Oscar’s lips curved into a smile, his gaze was exceptionally glacial.

“I don’t think a woman can ever lead me by the nose again,” he remarked before shooting Hugo a look.

Immediately understanding what the former meant, the latter stepped forward and pulled Isabella to her feet.

Waving her hands, she tossed out another threat.

“If you don’t want Tony to die, you can’t lay a finger on me!”

Oscar’s countenance finally shifted.

He sprang up from the couch abruptly and stormed over to Isabella.

Grabbing her, he demanded angrily, “What did you do to Tony?”

In truth, she had only said that as a stopgap measure. After seeing the frigid look in Oscar’s eyes, I figured I had

nothing to lose, and maybe using Tony could keep me alive for some time. If I make it through tonight, I’ll think of a

way to turn the tables. Since he no longer has feelings for me, I’ll destroy him.

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With that thought in mind, she began devising her plan.

She looked Oscar straight in the eye and said smugly, “If I could drug you, naturally, I can drug your son too. On top

of that, it’s something undetectable by current medical science. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have regained your

memories only after a year. In order to make you mine, I used an increased dosage on Tony. If you do me any

harm, you can forget about him ever recovering, and he’ll be stuck with the IQ of a ten-year-old for the rest of his

life. If you don’t mind him being an idiot, go ahead and cripple me. It’s worth it if I can drag Tony down with me.”

His gaze turned even colder, and he radiated a chilling aura.

He asked, “Did you really target Tony too?”

Isabella nodded. “As long as you spare me, I’ll tell you what drug I used on Tony.”

Oscar’s lips curled as he sneered. He raised his hand and tapped her cheek sharply. “Oh, Isabella, I’ll make you pay

dearly for that presumptuousness of yours. So, you harmed Tony, did you? Very well. I was going to make it quick

and painless, but now, I think a long, drawn-out torture will be better.”

Hearing that, Isabella was overcome with fear.

She had already enraged Oscar earlier, but now that she had used Tony as a bargaining chip, she had stepped on a

landmine. Unfortunately for her, her two slip-ups struck a nerve in Oscar.

“I’m sorry, Oscar. I messed up big time. Please spare me this time. I’ll return all the information I stole from Clinton

Corporations and leave the country. I’ll give you everything, and all I ask is that you spare my life. I won’t ask for

anything else,” she pleaded.

The way I see it, as long as there’s life, there’s hope. Someday, I’ll be able to return.

“I wasn’t planning on taking your life, but you had to go and lay a finger on Tony. You shouldn’t have done that.

Nonetheless, you can relax. I’m not going to kill you just yet. Instead, I’ll let you have a taste of living hell,” Oscar

said lightly.

His tone was light and calm, yet to her, it sounded as though he had delivered a death sentence.

She did not quite understand the extent of the things those bodyguards Oscar had trained had done. Had she

known, she would not have been so bold as to challenge Oscar’s limits.


“Deal with her for me, Hugo. I want her lying in the hospital all by herself and hanging onto life by a thread so she

can experience that despair and pain.”

Hugo nodded in response while Isabella looked horrified.

She rushed forward, not a scrap of clothing on her body. However, Oscar kicked her down before she could even

touch his shirt.

She felt a burning pain in her chest, and everything went black. She even felt as though she could see stars floating

above her head.

It took her a long time to return to her senses.