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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 66
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Betrayal hurts
Watching Winter run into the trees I’m still in disbelief at what I’ve learned. Fraction had a second mate and not only did my best
friend and Alpha not tell me neither did my mate. I don’t know which betrayal stings more, I kind of get Eliza and her not telling
me but she could have found a way. I thought we were more than that, stronger and communicated better than to lie and betray
each other.
“You lied to me.” I tell Eliza as we watch Winter run into the trees. I’m not going after her, I get her need for alone time.
“I didn’t mean to, I didn’t do it to be malicious. After we talked, Fraction came round and all but told me not to say anything.” I can
hear the tears streaming down her face, I don’t have to look at her to know she’s upset.
“After we talked? So after you lied to me? So no one told you to do it. You did it yourself, you made the decision to lie to me.” I
spin on her and I have to physically stop myself from grabbing her and shaking
“I’m sorry.” She tells me with a red face and tears racing down her face.
“Right now, I don’t care.” I know I’m being a bas ta rd but she’s pis sed me off to no end. Every force in my b*dy is telling me not
to but I walk away and leave her crying there on the field.
I’m sure once I’ve calmed down I’ll apologise for being like this but right now I feel like I have the right to feel pis sed at her. I
consider heading home and seeing Fraction but I think if I see him right now we might actually come to blows.
‘Where are you?’ I ask over the mind link.
‘At Leon’s,’ James answers back instantly. ‘What’s wrong?’ I don’t answer him, I’m sure he’s sensing my anger through the link
but I think I’m better off explaining things when I see him. I avoid everyone I see when I leave the clearing and head for Leon’s
house. Just as I round the corner I see Faye hugging Mrs Jacob’s. I’m confused as I wasn’t even aware they knew each other.

They seem very friendly chatting away as Faye goes into her home though. I don’t bother with the path and instead trudge over
the grass and I slam my hand on Leon’s front door. Safe to say my anger hadn’t calmed down on the walk over. I eye Mrs.
Jacob’s front door as I wait for Leon to open up.
I slam my hand against the door again as I grow impatient for Leon to open up. The door swings open to Leon looking rather
rumpled, hist face seems flushed and there is a distinct smell of arousal around him. I don’t comment on it and instead push
inside his home.
“James?” I shout.
“Hello, Leon. Nice to see you,” Leon whispers behind me as he closes the door. I don’t comment as I stomp through to the
lounge. James is sitting on the sofa looking as cool as a cucumber, legs spread and arms. over the back of the sofa.
“What’s up?” James asks, his eyes are shifting between me and Leon.
“Did you know?” As his eyebrows draw together I elaborate, “about Faye?” I drop myself onto the sofa across from him.
“I did.” I throw my hands up in the air at this.
“Has everyone been lying to me or am I just not important enough to know that I’m traiing our Luna for a f ucking challenge?” I
say between clenched teeth.
“Calm down Patrick. We only found out the other day.” Leon says.
Retrayal H ors
sitting next to James.
“You knew?” I ask him astounded, “what the hell?” I ask James.
“Fraction told me the other night and I asked Leon about it to learn more about Omegas. I needed to understand how to support
our Alpha in this situation. I’m not ashamed to say I had no idea what to do.” James says while smiling at Leon.
“And you just confidently forgot to tell me? And now I have Luna running through the woods after being challenged by Faye.” I
run my hands through my hair in frustration. .

“Wait...Faye issued the challenge?” James asks, jumping to his feet, “has Fraction been told?”

“No, he’s still blocking everyone and I was more interested in getting here after learning my mate has been lying to me.” I say
rubbing a hand over my face, “I wrongly assumed you didn’t know!”
“Well, I’m sorry your feelings have been hurt but I’m going to go and tell our Alpha that his Luna has been challenged!” James
says, jumping to his feet and running out of the house.
“F uck!” I shout before following James.
“Bye Leon, nice to see you.” I hear Leon mutter as I slam his door closed behind me.
“Faye, what are you doing here?” I hear James ask, looking around I see him standing in Mrs Jacob’s garden with Faye. I decide
to stay in Leon’s garden, to be honest I’m worried that if I get within touching distance of Faye I might actually hurt her.
“Just visiting a friend,” Faye says in a sickly sweet voice.
“I would think after the damage you have caused you would crawl
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under a rock and vanish for a while.” James says calmly, always the diplomat. I could never speak to her so calmly, our Pack is
falling around us and it all boils down to this female.
“I have nothing to be ashamed of,” Faye says, sticking her nose in the air. “I’m soon to be Luna, why would I hide?”
“You haven’t won yet!” I say between clenched teeth and balling my hands into fists by my side.
“Please, we all know that Anna’s wolf is weak. There is no way an Omega can win against an actual Luna. Once I am in my
rightful place you will both see the damage she has done here.” Faye says before flipping her hair over her shoulder and walking
off down the street.
“What does she mean, the damage Anna has done?” I ask James who just shrugs his shoulders before heading off in the
opposite direction to Faye.
“I need to find Fraction. He needs to know the challenge has been issued so he can prepare. Was Faye right? Will Anna lose?” I
look at him with sad eyes and nod as we both speed up to get to Fraction.
Anna’s world is crumbling around her, I feel ashamed that she is going through this alone. If it wasn’t for my mate she would
have her friends around her but instead she’s alone. And Winter will know there is no way she can win this fight. Anna is strong
in many ways but she is not a warrior, she can defend herself and probably Thomas if it comes down to it but she can’t take a
life. She doesn’t have a killer instinct like most wolves.