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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 289
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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 122

✩ Eva ✩

Turning my face up to the sun I let its rays soak into my pale skin, it doesn’t matter how much time I

spend in the garden, I can never seem to get the sun kissed glow that Selena or Cas seem to naturally

have. The smell of wild lavender swamps around me and calls me over to the collection I’m currently

planting around the cell block. Recently I’ve added large wild daisies and white roses but something is

missing and I can’t quite put my finger on it.

“Try lilies, I do love a good lily.” I smile as Ghost stretches before slinking across the lawn, the sun

bounces off her fur making her white. fur almost glow.

“Don’t you think that will be too much white?” Kneeling down in the warm grass I slide my hands into

the dirt surrounding the flowers. I do love the way it feels as it separates my fingers, I don’t know why I

find gardening so relaxing but apparently it’s my happy place considering this is where I always come

in my dreams.

I don’t realise that Ghost hasn’t said anything for a while until the sun starts to lower and I’m planting

the last lily into the soil. The flower bed is finally complete and it looks beautiful considering it’s next to

such an ugly building.

‘We need to talk.‘ If that sentence had come from Cas I would panic but as Ghost says it I feel an ice

cold bucket of fear wash over me.

‘What is it?” I ask her as I fall back onto the grass and turn around to


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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 122

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see her laying the grass behind me.

‘Dean, I know you love him and I know that eventually you want more pups. I’ve seen the craving start

within you.‘ I shift my eyes down to my dirty hands, I’ve only had the thought a few times. Dean came

so quickly that I can honestly say I’m in no rush but a few more pups running around with my hair and

Cas’s eyes could be amazing.

‘A big family would be nice.‘ I say to her as I pick at the dirt under my nails, I can’t keep the small smile

from my lips as I imagine me and Cas older and with a small army of children behind us.

‘Dean will be your only child Eva.‘ I gasp at Ghost’s words, it feels like she’s just dropped a stone in my

stomach and it feels clean through my body.

‘No.‘ I shake my head as I place a hand over my empty stomach, ‘I want more, I’m sure Cas does too.‘

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Ghost slinks over to me without standing up, it’s almost like an army crawl, it’s not until her wet nose is

pushing. against my hand that I realise I’m crying.

‘It’s not Cas and you know it, deep down you know why.‘ I nod my head as I stroke her fur, she turns

into my touch and I can feel her vibrating next to me like she’s trying to comfort me.

‘Jeremy.‘ I snuffle and lay down in the cooling grass as I push my face into Ghost’s smooth fur, ‘how did

I even have Dean after everything he did to me? I know the answer before Ghost answers me.

‘I did everything I could Eva, I got you as far into the pregnancy as I was able. Each time I healed you

the damage would come back worse and worse.‘ I thought I was over my hatred for Jeremy, I let the

pain he caused me fall away as I let Cas wrap me in his comforting hold.

‘Did Cas kill him? I never did ask him, I guess I didn’t really care.‘ I force my tears to stop as the sky

around us turns black, it’s gone from



His Roque Omega: Chapter 122

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day to night in the blink of an eye. We are suddenly laying under a blanket of stars and inky black sky.

‘He’s alive, Cas got close though.‘ Pushing against Ghost’s strong body I sit up in the grass and stare

at the sky, I am finding myself oddly glad that Cas didn’t kill Jeremy, I have something I want to say

before he meets his end.

“Thank you for giving me Dean.‘ I slide my fingers through Ghost’s fur once more before I close my

eyes and will myself to wake up.

Waking up from being in the garden always confuses me, the dreams. are so vivid that it isn’t until I see

Ghost that I even realise I’m dreaming. The dark of the room is only diminished by the soft glow of the

night light Cas insisted we plug in, Dean is sleeping at the end of our bed in his white bassinet.

‘Don’t do this Eva.‘ I shrug Ghost off as I slowly pull myself from under Cas’s arm, he’s got it slung

across my stomach in his sleep. I’m not sure. when he came to bed after fucking me to sleep, maybe

he never left and crashed right there beside me. Standing next to the bed and pulling on his shirt along

with some panties, I can’t help but feel a little guilty. We promised no more secrets, no more lies and

here I am sneaking out in the middle of the night to confront my abusive ex boyfriend. Dean stirs in his

bassinet making me glance down at him, he’s still sleeping peacefully but seeing his soft pale face and

full head of black hair I realise I need to do this. Not just for me but for Dean too, when Dean gets older

and asks why he has no siblings I want to tell him that the man responsible paid a price for the damage

he inflicted. –

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back.” I whisper down at Dean as I lay a kiss on my finger and press it to his

forehead, I know he won’t even know I’m gone but I will.


His Roque Omega Chapter 122

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Creeping through the Pack house at three in the morning is weird, it’s oddly quiet considering lately the

Pack house has constantly been filled. It’s like the Pack is desperate to get eyes on the new Alpha heir,

it’s been fun showing him off but it’s nice that they all go home at the end of the day.

“Luna?” Francis sounds confused as he watches me pad across the dark garden in nothing but a t–

shirt and no shoes.

“Jeremy still in there?” I ask him without slowing, he moves to block the door which is the only reason I

stop. “Move Francis.” I put my hands on my hips, Francis’s hips don’t leave my face for even a second

which shows me how much he learned from our little outing before I started seeing Cas.

“Can’t let you in there Luna, Jeremy is still dangerous.” Letting Ghost come forward I watch Francis dip

his head in submission, “I meant no. disrespect, Luna!” Francis speaks quickly as I pull Ghost back.

“Move, I need to speak to him.” I stare at Francis but when he doesn’t step aside I let Ghost growl at

him, I watch the warrior actually shake before stepping aside.

“Alpha Cas wont like this Luna.” I swallow hard as I nod my head, I know Cas won’t like this and I don’t

expect much time alone before he comes and pulls me out of the cell block.

“Give me as much time as you can,” I tell him as I push the heavy door open, it kind of ruins my whole

badass Luna thing when I actually grunt as I put my full body behind it.

The door finally gives out and I have to catch myself before I hit the floor. Francis doesn’t say anything

as I step into the dimly lit hall, it’s been a while since I’ve been in here. The smell of blood, sweat and

urine smacks me in the face, I feel Ghost recoil from the smell as I


His Rogue Omega Chapter 122

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block my nose and push forward. There are little lights along the ceiling that give the impression of light

but it doesn’t actually offer all that much.

‘Goddess, he looks like he’s on his last legs.‘ Ghost gasps as I step into the second cell along and see

Jeremy, or a shape that resembles Jeremy, laid on one of the beds. He’s covered in bruises and cuts,

his blood has pooled under the bed and seems to have soaked into the thin mattress. His once sinfully

handsome face is beaten so badly that all of one side is swollen, I can’t even see his eyes thanks to the


“Jeremy.” I clear my throat as I call his name without entering the cell, when he doesn’t answer me I lift

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a bare foot and slam it into the end of the small bed. “Wake up Jeremy.” I know he’s still alive because I

can hear the dull thumping of his heart.

“Zoe.” He groans out, his head moves to the left a little but he flinches. from the pain, his voice is gruff

and barely audible.

“Eva, my name is Eva.” I tell him sternly, “did Cas do this?” I cross my arms over my chest as I watch

his chest slowly rise and fall, he’s wearing black dress pants and black socks but otherwise he’s bare.

“Stupid shifter, should all die.” I can’t help but laugh a little, Jeremy groans out as he tries to lift a hand

to his face.

“I don’t think we will be the ones to die, you don’t smell too good Jeremy.” I make an audible sniff, “you

are smelling like death. You haven’t got long left.” I know it’s mean but I can’t help but feel some

happiness in Jeremy dying from a beating. There were so many times. that I thought he would kill me

with his fists, how the tables have turned.

“Then let me die in peace.” Even beaten and dying he still manages to have that horribly bossy tone

that used to have me running for a hiding spot. Uncrossing my arms I slowly walk into the room and



His Rogue Omega Chapter 127

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down beside him, leaning into him I get close so he hears every word I have to say.

“You’re going to die in here, alone and without any friends or family.” I can feel Ghost under my skin but

I hold her back, I’m here to say my peace not kill him. “I have a mate, a son and a Pack. You almost

took all of that from me but I got it all, it’s mine and no one can take them. from me.” Jeremy turns his

head to me but he can’t open his eyes.

“You don’t deserve any of it, shifters should all die.” I’ll give him one thing, he sticks with what he


“Good job I’ll make sure she keeps it.” I glance up from Jeremy and see Cas leaning against the cell

door watching me speak to Jeremy, “you done Angel?” I shake my head no as I lean in closer to

Jeremy, dropping my voice, I speak as clearly as I can.


“I don’t hate you Jeremy, I pity you. You will never know the love that I have or the family that wants

me.” Standing up from the side of the bed I walk over to Cas as he beams at me and holds his hand

out to me, “and you never will.” I tell him before pulling Cas from the cell, sure I would have loved to

have punched and kicked Jeremy but once I saw him I realised he’s already in a hell of his own


The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!