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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 71
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Chapter 71 You Are Lying To Me

Taking a couple of quick steps, his crutch striking the floor in a rhythmic ‘thud thud’ that

seemed to have a hypnotic quality, terrifying Emily. As he approached, she noticed a knife in his


Emily quickly threatened, “If you dare to touch me, Angela won't let you off. Don’t you know Angela’s

relationship with The Wilson family? Do you want to lose another leg?”

Xylon suddenly stopped.

Just when Emily thought she had scared him, Xylon took a couple of quick steps and delivered a resounding slap

to her face. Immediately after, the glint of a knife flashed, and the blade pierced through Emily’s abdomen.

Xylon, as if unable to relieve his hatred, twisted the knife

in Emily’s belly.

“Ah!” Her screamed in pain.

“You bitch, still dare to threaten me.” Xylon laughed arrogantly. “You want Henry to cand

save you? Do you know who brought you here?”

“Who?” Emily weakly lifted her head.

“It’s David. You tell me... who gave him the order?”

Emily's eyes widened in an instant, full of despair. “No... that’s impossible.”

She covered her wound, stubbornly lifting her head. “You're lying to me, right? You are lying to


“You better ask him in hell.”

Xylon jabbed his crutch into her wound, viciously saying, “Bitch, you like talking about others selling themselves,

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right? I'll let you experience it now-how a woman should be sold!”

Suddenly, the bathroom door swung open, and five strong men walked out.

Fear filled the woman's eyes.

Xylon excitedly grinned. “Con, serve her well.”

“No, no, no!”

Emily shook her head frantically, desperately pushing away the approaching men. The only response she got

was a night of torment and burning despair.

Chapter 71 You Are Lying To Me

The Wilson family’s birthday celebration was very peculiar this time. It had been half an hour,

but many people still hadn't arrived.

Old Mr. Wilson, Old Mrs. Wilson, and Ava cout, their brows furrowing.

Especially Old Mr. Wilson, “What's going on? Where are the guests?”

The old man enjoyed lively celebrations for his birthday, so he hadn’t opposed holding the

birthday banquet. However, the current situation was a mess.

The housekeeper of the old mansion approached Old Mr. Wilson, saying something with a displeased expression.

Old Mr. Wilson immediately becfurious, and with a dark expression, he looked at Evelyn

and uttered a few words.

Even from a distance, Evelyn could see Old Mr. Wilson's lip movements.

He said, “Troublemaker!”

Evelyn: “...”

She had been obediently staying here; how did she beca troublemaker?

When Henry cdownstairs, she had no choice but to stand up. As she approached The Wilson family

members, she heard Old Mr. Wilson ask another question.

“Where's Lucas?”

Old Mrs. Wilson explained, “He went on a trip to clear his mind after a recent breakup. But he

didn’t forget about your birthday celebration. He's already on his way back, and he should be

arriving soon.

“Ah, that boy never behaves properly. It seems like he’s experiencing a breakup every other


When Evelyn heard Lucas’s name, she stiffened, silently cursing, ‘Damn.’

How could she forget that Lucas, the troublemaker?

Evelyn immediately turned to Henry, contemplating how to handle the situation. Just as she was pondering, the

housekeeper suddenly shouted towards the entrance.

15:35 Thu, 22 Feb GB.

Chapter 71 You Are Lying To Me

“Master, Lucas has arrived.”

David had been worried about this situation, so he had already gathered information, knowing that Lucas had

gone away to clear his mind. Only then did he dare to let Evelyn attend the birthday banquet.

However, Lucas’s return was unexpectedly sudden.

This was bad.

If they bumped into each other, he and Madam would be in deep trouble.

Just when he was filled with anxiety, Evelyn suddenly bent over, a painful expression on her

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face. “Uh.”

“What's wrong?” Henry anxiously supported the girl.

As Lucas approached, she stooped and raised her head pathetically. “My stomach hurts, it really hurts.” After

saying that, she hurriedly walked in the direction of the back door.

Henry, with a worried expression, followed Evelyn and immediately picked her up. He then instructed David, “Go

to the hospital.”

David breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to catch up, Lucas suddenly quickened his pace and

shouted, “Uncle.”

“Young master, the boss has urgent matters and had to leave first. If you need anything, please call him.” David

stepped forward to block his way.

Lucas complained, “What urgent matters can he have, with a woman in his arms,,,”

“If | ever meet her, I'll definitely teach that woman a lesson.” Remembering the last the was punished to

clean the old mansion because of the woman who angered his uncle, Lucas wished he could rush up and pull

that woman down.

David: “..."

If only he knew that the woman in the boss’s arms was his little beauty, who knows how crazy

he would become.

On the other side, when Old Mr. Wilson heard that Henry had left, his entire face sank.

“The troublemaker.”

Old Mrs. Wilson consoled him, “Don’t be angry. Even if it weren't for that woman, how long

Chapter 71 You Are Lying To Me

could Henry stay in this chaotic place?”

Chapter 72 Boss's Woman