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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59 Compensate My Fiance to Me

12:16 Wed, 21 Feb.

Chapter 59 Compensate My Fiancé to Me

Lydia’s face turned pale instantly.

As an upper-class socialite, she could boldly shout about hiring someone to kill others, but when it cto

actually doing it, she bechesitant.

“Five hundred thousand?” Evelyn smiled.

“Hey, Lydia, don’t you want to kill me?”

Her indifferent attitude made Lydia feel on the verge of a breakdown. She glanced at the three people on the

opposite side, then scolded angrily, “Shut up! | hate you, but | don’t want to really. kill you.”

After saying that, she burst into tears again, “Wu... If | die here today, it's all because of you, Evelyn. Mia was

right; you're a disaster.”

Her crying beclouder, and the three people were visibly annoyed. Waving the knives in

their hands, they seemed ready to get start.


Lydia screamed as she watched the falling knife, but the expected pain didn’t come. Lydia opened her eyes and

saw the girl she hated the most blocking the knife with her arm. Bright red blood dripped from her arm onto the


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Evelyn's face, usually stunning, now had an unhealthy pallor due to the pain. Beads of sweat, the size of beans,

slowly trickled down her face.

“Cough.” Evelyn held onto her wound. “Quite unfortunate, isn't it? Today, it’s only this disaster that can save

you.” She shielded Lydia behind her.

The tall man in charge gritted his teeth, shaking the knife in his hand. “Want to die? Stand against the wall

quietly, or...”

As the tall man’s knife cat them again, Lydia hastily pulled Evelyn. “Um, let's endure it,


“How much money do you want? If it's not enough, | can have my family send more. We have

a lot of money.”

The tall man slightly perked up, looking satisfied as he stared at Lydia. Just as he was about to compliment her

for being ‘reasonable, Evelyn's voice, killing the mood, rang out, “If you're so wealthy, why not treatto a


12 16 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 59 Compensate My Fiance to Me

She glanced at her phone with indifference. “You have two minutes to escape.

Turning the phone towards them, a police call was glaringly displayed.

Before the tall man could distinguish its authenticity, police sirens sounded not far away.

“Damn it.” He gritted his teeth, gave Evelyn and Lydia a fierce glare, and then, with the remaining two, made a

run for it.

Evelyn breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning around, she ruffled Lydia's hair, sounding more relaxed, “It seems like you owea favor.”

Evelyn's eyes, were surprisingly calm. Despite Mia's descriptions of this girl filling her mind, Lydia couldn't

summon any resentment.

She even thought that maybe that Mia she had been friends with for almost eight years might be lying to her.

Lost in thought, her chin was suddenly hooked.

“Stop daydreaming.”

Lydia snapped back to reality, her cheeks flushing. “Pah, stop being conceited. Who's daydreaming?”

“Let's go.”

Evelyn was in pain, and she had no mood to appreciate the shy antics of the socialite.

But as she took a step forward, her hand was grabbed.

“Since you've called the police, shouldn't we wait for them? We should probably make a statement,” Lydia

suggested, looking serious.

Evelyn sighed, finally understanding why Lydia could been deceived by Mia.

“I got kidnapped the moment | appeared. How could | have a chance to call the police? | just played an empty

call,” Evelyn explained, taking out a small device from her pocket and pressing a button. Immediately, police

siren sounds were heard, and the source of the sound could be adjusted.

“Here, a gift for you,” Evelyn said, forcing the small device into Lydia's hand.

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12 16 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 59 Compensate My Fiance to Me

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Lydia looked at the device in her hand, somewhat dumbfounded. She hurriedly took a few. steps to catch up with

Evelyn. “Where are we going now?”

“We should go to the hospital if you don’t wantto bleed to death, Evelyn replied.

Lydia hesitated.

Being injured again after only a few days, if Henry found out, she might be confined again for a few more days.

After careful consideration, Evelyn chose a reliable clinic for bandaging, as the wound was not too deep.

After spending twenty minutes inside, when Lydia cout, she seemed like a completely different person.

Sitting on the ground alone, she curled up into a ball, shivering.

Evelyn glanced at her and sighed. “What happened?”

“Evelyn, you disaster, Lawrence wants to call off the engagement. He wants to break up with me. Ah...

wuwuwu.” Lydia, with her head tilted back, had mascara smudged all over her face, looking comical, but Evelyn

couldn't find it in herself to laugh.

The emotions and pain in Lydia’s eyes were too deeply ingrained, even affecting Evelyn for a


“You owe me. Compensatea fiancé,” Lydia suddenly grabbed the hem of Evelyn's pants.

Evelyn frowned, saying, “I can’t compensate you with a fiancé, but | can help relieve your silly thoughts.”

“What are you saying?” Lydia stopped crying, looking confused.