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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58 Meet Again

In the bathtub...

Henry tugged down her lingerie, dragging it down to her leg and she squirmed above him impatiently

He went down on his knees and pulled out the pants from her legs before he tossed. her pants aside and lifted

his gaze to her. Her cupped breast was still stiff and her face was flushed from her hard breathing.

Henry’s hand move onto her breast and the other traveled it from her chest down to her stomach. He circulated

his finger around her navel and her skin juddered. He slid it down... She moaned.

He lightly rubbed his finger around her cl**it over. She clenched her thigh against his hand and arched back. She

began panting in anticipation as her gaze was focused on his fingers.

“Please”. she closed her eyes and tossed her head backward. She propped her neck. backward...

Evelyn had a peaceful sleep, unaware of the earth-shaking changes outside.

As soon as she entered the company, she heard people gossiping in hushed tones.

“Evelyn, you're here, be quick, check out the latest gossip.”

Rose pulled her to sit in front of the computer.

?Wealthy Heiress Bullies Others, True Background a Mystery]

?High-ranking Official’s Prospective Daughter-in-law Flaunts Power, Turns Out to Suppress...]

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?High Officials, Business Tycoons...)


Chapter 58 Meet Again

Looking at the enlarged face of Lydia on the screen, along with the blurred image of her passing by, Evelyn

instantly furrowed her brows.

In just one night, the video had been leaked.

Well, Mia not only had an unattractive appearance but also seemed to be in a hurry.

She was about to glance at the comments when suddenly a bunch of fiery red roses appeared in front of her.

“Little beauty.” Lucas’s enchanting voice echoed in her ears. “I've been away for a few days, sorry for any


He was suddenly sent on a business trip by David and had just returned today, only to hear. about Evelyn being

held hostage.

“Where are you injured? Is it serious? Do you needto take you to the hospital for a check- up?”

Evelyn, with a dark expression, showed him the diamond ring on her hand. “Do you like married women?”

“How is that possible? How old are you?” Lucas looked injured. “It’s just a ring. Are you trying to deceive me?”

“Ill prove it to you.”

Evelyn decisively logged into the website, pulled up her profile, and enlarged the status


Lucas’s unbelieving gaze lingered on it for five minutes, then he dropped the rose in a daze

and turned around.

“I'm injured, | need to take a leave.”

His wounded expression was too serious, even Rose couldn't stand it. She picked up the flowers from the ground

and patted it.

“A handsman like him, how could you bear to refuse him?”

“Because there's an even more handsone.” And one who loves her more.

“Nonsense.” Rose rolled her eyes.

Evelyn ignored Rose, continuing to focus on today’s gossip comments.

Wed, 21

Chapter 58 Meet Again

“Nonsense.” Rose rolled her eyes.

Evelyn ignored Rose, continuing to focus on today’s gossip comments.


Knowing Lydia’s temperament, she probably had already broken down, and most likely, she

would bleverything on her.

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After a day of work, Evelyn went to the supermarket.

Although she had decided to cook for Christmas, it was necessary to let Henry adapt to her cooking skills in


Carrying a bag of groceries, she turned into a small alley near the mall, and the sky was getting darker.

And, once again, Evelyn stumbled upon a scene.

Lydia leaned against the wall, with two men in front of her. One held a knife to her, and the

other seemed to be searching for valuable items in her bag.

Well fate really had a funny way of bringing people together.

As she was contemplating whether to intervene, she felt a pain in her waist.

“Don’t move. If you make a sound, I'll kill you.”

Evelyn shrugged and resignedly dropped the bag of groceries.

In the next moment, she was tossed like a sandbag, landing next to Lydia with a ‘bang.

Lydia was startled by the sudden appearance, and when she realized it was Evelyn, she immediately burst into

tears, “Evelyn, wuwu... it’s all because of you that | ended up like this.”

After saying that, she wiped her nose on Evelyn's shoulder.

“It’s so dirty. | really want to hire someone to kill you,” Evelyn sighed.

After her words, the three people on the opposite side immediately reacted. Their gaze towards Evelyn was filled

with intense killing intent. “One life, five hundred thousand.”