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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56 She Went a Bit Too Far

“Quinn, | really, really can’t endure it anymore. Stephen Harris is a pervert. He beatsevery day, and the

beatings are light. Waa, Quinn...”

Zella Collins in Quinn's arms raised her head. Her originally delicate and pretty face was covered in bruises, with

one eye even bleeding and oozing pus, extremely horrifying.

Even someone like Evelyn, who had lived for two lifetimes, felt a bit pitiful to her. Yet, Quinn didn’t even furrow

her brows.

She gently touched Zella’s wounds. “Zella, does it hurt? It’s all my fault. It's all because | let you marry Stephen

for my own benefit. Hit me, scold me; I'll share the pain with you.”

Quinn acted as if she was about to hit herself, but Zella quickly grabbed her.

“Quinn, I'm happy to be your friend. | don’t regret marrying Stephen. But now, you've got all the resources you

need. Can | divorce him?”

Quinn bit her lip. “Divorce if you want. It doesn’t matter. Even if Stephen threatens me, it doesn’t matter. I'll

endure everything with you, no matter how bitter or painful.”

“He threatens you!” Zella instantly becconflicted.

Evelyn didn’t hear what the two said afterward. She only saw Zella leaving with a resigned expression.

Then Quinn immediately took out a pack of wet wipes and cleaned every place Zella had touched.

12:15 Wed, 21 Feb


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Chapter 56 She Went a Bit Too Far

“Ugh, so dirty.”


Evelyn's expression turned cold. Silently, she stored away the exciting scene she had just recorded. Just as she

was about to leave, a voice devoid of warmth reached her ears.

“This performance, was it enjoyable?”

Evelyn turned around and saw a girl with long hair standing two meters away.


he girl had fair skin, and looked like a well-behaved girl similar to Rose.

“Quite attractive,” Evelyn replied with a smile, feeling it may be her day today. The girl's nwas Georgia

Moore, who will be a programming prodigy a few years later, Getting her on her side was one of Evelyn's goals in

joining this company.

In her previous life, for sunknown reason, Mia had managed to recruit Georgia into The Taylor family,

leading to significant wealth creation for the family. In this life, Mia could not count on having such good luck


While Evelyn was lost in thought, Georgia took out her phone and shook it. “Want to play at game?”

“You don’t suspectof cheating?”

“Heh, all | know is that Genevieve is shameless and despicable.” Georgia gestured towards the street nearby.

“Just like these seemingly glamorous places, who knows how many fake things are hidden inside?”

At the stime, across the street.

“Mia, what are you looking at?” Lydia Hall, by Mia's side, followed her gaze to Evelyn and immediately furrowed

her brows in displeasure.

She then grabbed Mia and crossed the street.

“Evelyn, how do you still have the face to cout? Doing such shameless things and got kicked out by The

Taylor family.

Evelyn watched the two, dangerously narrowed her eyes.

“Shameless? Kicked out?”

“Heh, Mia, why don’t you tell her what I did?”

“...” Mia's

“I...” Mia’s eyes reddened.

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Chapter 56 She Went a Bit Too Far


This deep-seated fear, as if it had penetrated into her bones, only intensified Lydia's displeasure.

“Just a daughter kicked out by The Taylor family, why are you so afraid of her? Without you all, this kin

kind of woman is not even worth a piece of trash.”

“Evelyn, from now on, if you dare to bully Mia, I'll hit you every t| see you,” Lydia scolded angrily.

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Evelyn raised an eyebrow, “Physical violence, huh? Seems like that’s against the law.”

“Against the law? Memphis’s laws can’t touch me.” Lydia sneered, “Do you know who's backing


“I almost forgot, Miss Hall will soon be the vice mayor's daughter-in-law,” Evelyn stood up nonchalantly, “But so


“You!” Lydia was about to erupt when Evelyn pointed to the other side, “Look at that.”

A glaring camera was recording the two of them.

“You think, if this video gets leaked, can the vice mayor's family still tolerate you?”

People working in the government cared a lot about their public image.

Lydia was shocked, her heart pounding. She threatened Evelyn, “If you dare to do this, | will never let you go.”

“Suit yourself.” Evelyn waved her hand, not bothered by Lydia’s threats. Today, she was in a good mood and

didn’t want to argue with this young lady. Lydia might be a bit foolish and easily manipulated by Mia, but she was

a good girl. In her previous life, even when everyone hated her, Lydia had handed her a glass of water when she

was at her lowest.

Unfortunately, The Hall family was also deceived by Mia in the end.

After her death, Evelyn believed Lydia's days wouldn't be easy either.

After Evelyn left, Lydia stamped her foot in frustration.

“Damn, damn, damn, she actually dares to threaten me.”

“Lydia, don’t be angry. Evelyn just has a bad temper and won't really do anything to you,” Mia

consoled her.