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The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage by Chu

Chapter 1245
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Helen's eyes narrowed, clearly skeptical.

"See for yourself!" she snapped as she opened her laptop, put it in front of Frank, and played an on-scene interview.

"This is Piers Hershey, reporting live from the scene. I'm with Mr. Terry Cotton, a kind soul who has been helping victims of the Zomber Tower collapse. What do you think about this incident, Mr. Cotton?" "Oh, it's a tragedy. We're just passing by, but it's only right to help..." Piers nodded approvingly. "You really are a model citizen of Zamri, Mr. Cotton." Terry's tically tearful reaction left Helen furming. "So what have you been up to again, Frank?!" "Uh... We were just having tea with Kit Jameson, over a bar grill and stuff—" Lily the secretary entered just then. "Ms. Lane? A board member of Zomber Group is asking to see you." Frank sighed in relief and was ready to bail, only for Helen to catch him, snorting. "Don't think you're getting away. You either confess, or this won't be over!" Seeing Helen's hostile glare, Frank threw his hands up in defeat.

"Ms. Lane, Zomber Group has decided to join Lanecorp as a subsidiary, with your company taking over fifty-one percent of our company shares. The agreement drafted by the board members is right here-please take a look." Helen was sipping tea in an effort to calm down but spat it out straight at the balding man's face when she heard what he said. Helen quickly apologized. "A-Ahem... I'm really sorry about that..." "Oh, it's alright" The old man smiled politely and took out a handkerchief to wipe his face. "I know this must cas a surprise, but it's a unanimous decision. With Zomber Tower collapsing, we have to consolidate what we have as our stock price plummets..." Soon, Helen and the Zomber Group board member signed the agreement and shook hands, after which the old man left contentedly.

As soon as he closed the door after him, Helen wheeled on Frank with yet another hostile glare. "What did you do, Frank?!" "Alright, I give!" Frank threw up his hands. "I went to et Zomber Tower yesterday, but I ran into both the Wolvens and the Bleeders at the stime. They were ready to attack the Blue Fangs, so I intervened—it's just that no one expected Larry Jameson's prother was crazy enough to blow up the whole building just to kill us. And you know the rest." As Frank shrugged innocently, Helen had the picture and gave up on trying to ask for details although she wanted to. Frank would not harm her, after all.

And yet...

Staring at Frank, she asked, "Do you know why I'm upset?" Frank asked in surprise, "Why?" Helen sighed in exasperation. "I've heard that Zomber Tower was the Bleeders' turf. Don't you think it'd et worryif you went there, Wiles 77, we're in the middle of a blood with Zomber Group? I'm worried about your safety." "Hehe..." Frank chuckled, scratching his head. "It just happened out of the blue! And don't you have any confidence in your darling? I got you a subsidiary company out of nowhere too!"