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The Charming Ex-Wife

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38 Package Delivery From Josiah Daphne requested a glass of hot water from the waiter and handed it to Lysander, saying, "Let's go. I'll take you to the hospital." Lysander stood up, and the two of them exited the coffee shop and entered the car.

Daphne started the car, getting ready to drive away.

But Lysander halted her, saying, "Don't go to the hospital." Daphne disagreed, "Do you want to see how pale your face has becnow? Don't argue with me." "I'm a gynecologist myself. Why should I go to the hospital?" Daphne was momentarily speechless. "Fair point. I suppose the doctor on duty probably isn't as skilled as you." Lysander chortled. "Let's head home." "Are you really okay? Don't tough it out. If it's really bad, you can go to the hospital for a painkiller." "Harper, I don't want to go to the hospital." "Look, I understand. It's your workplace, and once you're off work, you never want to step foot in there again. But you can't just endure the pain like this, right?" "Josiah and Lysanne are there." Daphne was about to say something, but upon hearing this, she ultimately held back her words.

Lysander said, "It's just a stomach ache. We can simply grab sgastric meds and painkillers in a pharmacy on the way back." "Why did you suddenly have a stomach ache?" "Maybe I got a little wet in the rain just now and caught a cold." Daphne felt slightly relieved. "Okay, then." However, Daphne didn't stop by a pharmacy. She drove her straight hand then asked a runner to buy the medicine.

Lysander took the medicine and fell asleep in a daze, After she slept for quite stime, the vibration of her phone woke her.up.

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"Hello, is this Miss Lysander Thorne?" "Yes, who is this?" Balance 602 1 Coins - 1 Pearls Chapter 38 Package Delivery From Josiah Lysander's mind cleared up a bit. She wasn't fond of online shopping, and she hadn't bought anything online recently.

Even if she had forgotten what she had bought before, she probably entered her previous apartment's address as the delivery address.

If she wanted to pick up the package, she would have to go to Josiah's place.

She didn't want to go.

"Sorry, I'm not hright now. Can you helpreject it?" "There are several items. Do you want to reject them all?" Several items? At this point, Lysander was sure those packages did not belong to her.

She always only bought what she needed, never overspending on unnecessary items.

"Are you sure it's my name?" "Are you Miss Lysander Thorne?" "Yes, but... are you sure the spelling is right? Can you please double-check for me?" The delivery person laughed. "The spelling is right, and the phone number is yours. Even if the nis spelled wrong, the phone number can never be wrong." Only then did Lysander realize.

Recently, she was so confused by the similarity between her and Lysanne's names, to the point wh she made such a common mistake.

Ring, ring.

The doorbell rang.

"Miss Lysander Thorne, are you home?".

Lysander put on her coat and went to open the door. A delivery guy was standing outside, holding a large cardboard box in his arms, with a polite smile on his face. “Excuse me, are you Miss Lysander Thorne?" "Yes." "Great, here are your packages. Please sign your nhere." As they spoke, Daphne was awakened by the noise, rubbing her eyes as she walked out of the bedroom. "It's so late already. Lysander, what did you buy?" Balance: 581 +0 1 Coins 1 Pearls Chapter 38 Package Delivery

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Daphne was intrigued and walked over to look at the delivery slip m "You're right. It's delivered to you. Who sent it to you?" Lysander had no idea, She quickly signed her nand thanked the delivery guy.

Luckily, Daphne was there to help her carry the box inside.

"Can I open it and have a look?" Lysander nodded. "Of course. It's probably slocal produce sent by my mom, but how did she know I'm here at your place..."

Daphne quickly unpacked the box, taking out the items one by one. "Hairdryer, towels, umbrella, and...'a e! bag? Why does this bag look familiar? Lysander, chere and take a look. Isn't this bag exactly the sas the one you're using?" Lysander took a glance at it before her hand froze.

"What's on your mind, silly?" Daphne waved her hand in front of her eyes.

"Why did your mom send you these NO things? Here, I thought she sent you syummy snacks. You can buy these things anywhere." "They're not from my mom." "If they're not from your mom, then who could it be?" It's Josiah. He must've seenat the entrance of the hospital today.

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