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The Charming Ex-Wife

Chapter 214
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Chapter 214 Not A Good Memory Zachary asked, "Who is it?" Lysander simply ignored the message. "It's a promotional niessage." "Is it a real estate agent? You can reply to them. They are usually well-informed.” "No. they're selling flowers." "A flower shop?" "Yeah." Soon after, Zachary's phone rang.

He put on his Bluetooth headset and answered the call..

Yet, he remained silent, simply listening to the individual on the other side of the call. His countenance. progressively soured.

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Finally, he responded in a low voice, "I understand. I'll hurry back as soon as possible." Lysander asked, "Company matters?" "Yeah, I've been considering a job change recently. I have an interview scheduled for this afternoon, but I'm running a bit late." "A job change? Why?" Zachary let out a chuckle. "I thought that in the future, I would have to earn more money to support my family, so I need to earn more. Isn't money needed for everything from weddings to having children? Although state- owned enterprises have good benefits, the salary is still a bit low. I want to switch to a private enterprise. It's equally tiring, but the incis much higher." Lysander felt somewhat ashamed.

He has planned everything.

From buying a house and getting married, to having children, he's already preparing for our future.

But L..

"I'm sorry." "It's okay. I know rushing into marriage now seems a bit hasty. I haven't proposed to you and we haven't spent quality ttogether, yet we're fast-forwarding to marriage and having children. Your previous relationship shared the spattern, so there would inevitably be worries. This is normal, and I can understand." "Then just dropoff at the intersection and go about your business. Don't be late for the interview. You need leave a good impression." Balance: 722 +0 Chapter 214 Not A Good Memory “I'll just take a taxi back to the hospital.” Zachary looked achis watch again and again, and finally, with sregret, he said, "Then, senda message when you get to the hospital.” "Okay." There was not much going on in the hospital in the afternoon.

The pregnant women were in good shape these days. The bespectacled Lynn was currently lying on her desk, studying hard.

Seeing Lysander return, she greeted listlessly, "Dr. Thorne, you're finally back." "What's wrong?" "My thesis has been sent back again." "Lettake a look."

Since there was nothing to do in the afternoon, Lysander simply helped O' Lynn review her thesis Lynn's !! hert direction was very similar to hers.

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She pointed out a few issues to Lynn, asking her to take another good look.

Lynn was so annoyed she angrily threw her glasses. "Dr. Thorne, how did you manage to complete youn professional title requirements back then? A single thesis is nearly drivingto the edge. The mere thought of future professional title evaluations makesfeel like I'm at the end of my rope." Lysander reminisced about the night she prepared for her professional title evaluation.

"It wasn't a good memory."

"I guess so too. I heard from Dr. Ena over at the internal medicine department that her myopia has worsened by three hundred degrees due to the preparation for the professional title evaluation." "Isn't Dr. Ena already over forty? Can her myopia still worsen?" "I know, right? Dr. Thorne, I'm already at seven hundred degrees now. Does this mean when I get to your level, my myopia will be at two thousand degrees?" Then you should take a break. Don't always be reading books or looking at the computer." Lynn slammed the book shut with a thud. "Dr. Thorne, Linda is treating everyone to dinner tonight. Shall we go together?" Linda was a nurse in the obstetrics and gynecology department and had a good relationship with her.

"What's the occasion?" "She's getting married! It's her Bachelorette party tonight!' X