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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 490
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490-They Played Me.

'I was supposed to have a famil—y with you," Theo seemed to have lost so much blood that his mind was now all

over the place.

*What is going o— oh shit!" Lazio and Maynard shouted in unison, but that was all they could mumble when they

came out of the deep woods and saw Theo in my lap.

"He got shot by an arrow. We need to help him." I lifted my head to speak to them, but they were staring at him in

my lap.

When they didn't say anything, I looked down to see why Theo wasn't moving at all. That's when I realized fate had

once again played a nasty game with me and had stolen the love of my life from me.

'Theo!" I whispered, "Why is he not moving?" I asked Maynard and Lazio. By now, I have stopped crying. My body

felt restless, and my eyes were shedding big tears, but my mind refused to believe I had lost him.

"Enya!" Maynard held my hand to pull me away from Theo, who had stopped moving entirely by now.

"Wait! he is— why is he not answering to me?" I yelled at Maynard when he dragged me away from Theo by force,

"What are you doing? Let me speak to him." I got angry at him for trying to pull me away from my Thiago.

Lazio knelt beside Theo and gently touched his wrist. The way he closed his eyes and rested Theo's hand on Theo's

stomach made me want to throw up.

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’No!" I shouted from afar, being held tightly by Maynard, who was refusing to let me get closer to Theo.

’The arrow seemed to be laced with the exact kind of poison that can kill a lycan," Lazio murmured when getting up

from the ground. Maynard started looking around in agitation as he feared the one who attacked Thiago must be

around somewhere.

’There is no way he can die," I yelled, trying to free my arm from Maynard and getting angry when I couldn't

release myself out of his grasp.

'We know you are dealing with a lot right now, but at this moment, we need to leave." Lazio rushed over to me, and

the way Maynard started pulling me away, I understood he was agreeing with Lazio.

No! I am not leaving him behind." I finally freed my arm from Maynard and let out a scream.

'But he is dead, Enya!" Lazio shouted back at me. I stared at his face for a moment before I lunged at him and

slapped him hard.

'You will not say that word for him again," I warned him, looking him in the eye and warning him.

"He will wake up—,’ as anger started boiling my blood in my veins, I felt this uneasy feeling inside my body that I

had never felt before.

"Whoever attacked him is still around somewhere. Why do you want to waste time looking after a dead body? We

can always come back with guards, but right now we need to leave." Maynard was the one who shocked me with

his indecency this time. These two have always been selfish. When Thiago was alive, he took care of the two like his

own brothers.

That was it. I glared at the two one by one before I walked past them to reach Theo again. I was not going to

believe I had lost him again. But I couldn't even approach him because soon my body felt this rising pain, which

compelled me to kneel down and wrap my arm around my stomach.

"Ugh!" I let out a cry while Maynard and Lazio rushed over to me.

’You are not feeling well," Maynard announced, which I already knew.

Let's take her home,’ Lazio suggested, making me shake my head aggressively. I didn' t want to go anywhere. If

Theo is really dead, then I must die, too.

N0000!" I shouted at the top of my lungs when Lazio tried holding my hand. He let me go because my bone cracked

and a weird pain struck through my whole body.

"Ahh!" I gasped, fighting for air.

"What is happening to you, Enya?" Maynard asked me, kneeling beside me and checking my fever.

’I a m feeling — like I am —I twitched, biting my bottom lip and unable to respond

to them.

That's when the pain suddenly started to subside, but that wasn’t it. Before I could straighten my back and reach

Theo, I heard this little whimper inside me.

"Ah!" I covered my mouth with my hands and gasped into my palms, looking around at Maynard and Lazio with my

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big eyes.

"What happened? You are scaring us," Maynard complained, and Lazio bobbed his head at his statement.

'Did we lose him again?' Nias sweet, almost-whispered cry broke my heart.

’Nia!’ It has been so long that I forgot that I didn't need to speak loudly for her to hear me.

Maynard and Lazio shared a glance and then looked at me excitedly.

Is Nia back?" Maynard asked, his voice filled with enthusiasm. I don't know what they were so happy about because

I no longer cared about anything.

There will be no Enya without Theo or Thiago. I closed my eyes and let out a sob.

■You were sleeping all these years when I dealt with and faced the pain of living without him, Nia. And now that you

are back, he is gone again,' I cried loudly, complaining that we have lost our one true mate again.

Nia is back!" Lazio straightened his back and announced. I stopped crying just so that I could stare at his face in

disbelief, but that's when I saw something else.

Theo instantly rolled to the side and looked my way while still resting on the ground.

It worked!" Theo whispered, and the others nodded happily. For a moment, I couldn't comprehend if I was looking at

a ghost or the person who fooled me into thinking he had died.

’That was—," I asked them, watching Theo jump up to his feet and throw the arrow away that was only sticking to

his chest and not actually going through his heart.

’To help wake up Nia,’ Theo mumbled, stealing his eyes from me because he could now see how angry I was.