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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57

The heels were rather high for these shoes, much higher than the heels Larissa usually wore. She

could not quite master the height difference yet and fell sideways just after taking a step. Thankfully,

Kevan caught her before she could hit the floor.”

After using him to regain her balance, Larissa tried to leave his embrace, but he stopped her.

“Do you want to fall again?” he asked coldly, causing Larissa to bite her lip, and she stopped moving.

Vivian, who had been quiet, finally spoke up. “How’s Ms. Seymour’s look? Is it…good to go?”

“Yes,” Kevan replied.

“And you…?” Vivian studied him once again, her eyes showing her desire to try her little idea from


“I’m fine the way I am.” Kevan ignored her passionate gaze and rejected her flatly.

Vivian’s shoulders drooped.

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“Sit,” Kevan ordered Larissa while patting the high stool. She did not know why he wanted her to do

that, but she complied.

Kevan crouched down again and helped her take off the heels, replacing them with her slip–ons.

“I’ll change them for you again once we reach the venue.”

Larissa stared at him, her heart racing once more even as a sense of warmth engulfed it.

The banquet was held at a private villa located halfway up the hill.

As the car drove up from the foot of the hill, all that could be seen through the window were towering


It was a beautiful area that had been left largely untouched by man… This was probably the only place

preserved in the heart of Covenford. As a result, the villa was quite expensive. Even the average elite

would not necessarily be able to afford to buy it.

Larissa grew more and more uneasy, her anxiety racking up as well. She clutched

Chapter 57

onto the seat belt across her chest for dear life, and her palms began to sweat.

Kevan drove into a large courtyard. Well, it was more like a park–the area was so large that it was

shocking, and various plants and sculptures could be seen. Other than having wide driveways, the

courtyard also had narrow cobblestone paths. Right in the center of the place was a fountain gleaming

with various colors.

Larissa could not help sighing to herself. Poverty had truly limited her imagination. The lives of the rich

were so opulent to the point she could hardly imagine it.

The car kept going until it was deep in the courtyard. There was a four–story villa there. Kevan got out

of the car first while Larissa was still unbuckling her seat belt, and he opened her door.

“Don’t get down yet.” Kevan retrieved the heels in the backseat and changed shoes for Larissa as he

did before. He had just straightened up when he heard Dylan’s teasing voice sound from behind.

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“Yoo, since when did Mr. Rogers become so thoughtful?”

Larissa, who was already a ball of nerves, nearly had a heart attack when someone randomly just

popped out of nowhere. As he was keeping an eye on Larissa’s every move, Kevan noticed the panic

and fear on her face. He turned and glared reproachfully at Dylan while also somehow making it look


Being glared at like that, Dylan consciously stopped all thoughts of teasing.

My apologies, Ms. Seymour. I really could not step away, that’s why I had Mr. Rogers ck you up.” He

pretended to apologize to Larissa, who waved her hand and said, It’s alright.”

Squeezing his way past Kevan, Dylan held out his hand to Larissa, who was still in the car. “It must be

hard for you to walk in those heels, yes? Shall I help you up?”

Since Dylan was not like Kevan and was not Larissa’s immediate superior–not to mention that his

personality was leagues better than Kevan’s–Larissa was much more at ease when faced with him.

“Well, yes, thank you, Mr. Shields.” Larissa grinned and reached out to take Dylan’s proffered hand

without hesitation. However, halfway through that, Kevan intercepted her hand.