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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75 Graysons POV There’s nothing sweeter. Nothing is as perfect. Nothing this nearly as important as what | saw waiting foras we landed.

She stood there her belly far too big, waiting for me. The tthat had passed | could never get back.

The copter landed and the blades slowed as | got out.

“Grayson,” her voice choked and she stumbled forward.

Annette,” | breathed her in.

Her skin was still ungodly soft to r my touch. She had no marks on her to tellmy worst fears had been confirmed.

She threw away all decorum and jumped up to my I*ps capturing me. | joined her wrapping her up in my arms and keeping my salvation in my hands.

“You” cback,” she whispered, tears being wiped against my shirt.

“Always,” | reminded her grabbing her hips and without thinking picking her up.

Grayson,” she gasped so delightfully. “Grayson everyone is watching,” she remindedher dutiful mind reminding her of our respectful positions.

“It’s too late to stop,” | returned my mouth to her. “They'll see us at the feast tonight,” She was the soothing balm to my crazed behavior. She was the sunshine after the fire had blazed through the night.

| kicked open our door and took her upstairs locking the bedroom from anyone who might disturb my rewards.

“Grayson you look so torn up,” she looked over my b*dy.

“I have you for that,” | grabbed one of her wrists and then her waist pulling her in for a k*ss.

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She giggled in excitement as | released her. “Grayson Adams. As much as | am relishing this. You're filthy. Get in the shower,” For a second | wanted to get indignant. But then | decided. “Great idea,” | picked her up again and she squealed.

| started the shower and walked back over to her taking off her sweater and then her dress.

| traced my hands along her bump. | suppose it was still small but she looked so much bigger than she had before.

“How's our babe,” | asked her, holding my hands to her stomach.

“He's strong. He's much bigger now he looks like a babe. | took a video and got extra photos but we can go tomorrow if 1/4 Chapter 75 you so wish,” she rubbed her thumb on my cheek.

“I've missed it haven't I? Watching this take shape,” | looked down at that growing swell on her.

“You haven't missed a thing,” she shook her head. “He’s been waiting patiently | promise you,” she calmedtaking my face in her hands. “He’s your son after all,” “Did they see?” | felt a pang of fear and guilt.

“No!” She saw her misstep and froze “no but | know,” “Hmm you know do you? My all-knowing Luna?” | chuckled.

Even her voice was enchanting me, all | wanted was more of her.

| took off the dirt-ridden, bloody, torn clothes and led her back into the shower.

The gronturned the water black as it washedclean.

“You shouldn’t have had to do any of that,” she pouted slightly lookingover.

That is true, but it doesn’t matter. I'm home,” | ended that conversation as quickly as I could. | didn’t want to think about what else we could have been doing these last three weeks.

She washedclean and eventually my hands wandered. Then my mouth joined in following the path of her b*dy. | had her in my arms | was going to make the most of it.

1 had ber completely three times before she stoppedbecause the water was getting cold.

Then again we cundone twice before she fell asleep in my arms. After an hour or so of watching her, | drifted off as well | woke to her sitting on top ofsnuggling into my chest.

“I've missed this,” | felt her tears hit me.

“You shouldn’t have to worry,” | felt the guilt wash overand wakeup like a bitter taste.

“I know but if you blyourself I'll smack you,” she sniffled.

“I am the instigator,” “That dead man is the instigator,” she shoved me.

her attempt to shove me. | knew my wife wasn’t using her full strength despite my wife's small stature she’s inbuman strong “How's your nausea been.” | charged topics back to my worries about her tcarrying the baby.

“No new foods have been added to my list to avoid but pork is still going strong as enemy number one,” she rolled her 2/4 Chapter 75 eyes.

“I'll have two dozen roasted chickens prepared for dinner tonight,” | declared to her.

“Two dozen?” she perked up an eyebrow. “What will everyone else eat?” | let out a belly-shaking laugh, “hungry is he?” | placed a hand on her ever-growing belly.

“I'll get you whatever you want to eat. I'll have the men carry you around on a bed, so your feet don’t get tired.” | joked.

Sounds lovely,” she godly entertained my idea.

“Hmmm,” she hummed and stretched and got off of me.

“What cruel trick is this?” | glared at her taking her warmth away fromonly to dance her bare self in front of my eyes.

“I have to go out and help people today. | have to teach the new young ng ones their letters,” she went into our closet.

“And if | decide that you should stay in bed with me?” | laid back annoyed.

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“We have duties,” she called back.

“And I'm your alpha. You must do as | say, unruly woman,” | shot back commanding her in a false voice.

saw her back straighten before she turned tothat knowing look in her eye before she stuffed back into the bed.

“And yet I'm the only one you listen to,” she k*ssed me. “Get up,” Reluctantly | got out of bed and got dressed but | kept her by my side. She pouted once that she had things to do, but only once before settling into staying with me.

She ran up to her baby brother once she saw him but she slowed her steps remembering all he had done.

“He savedmore than once over the past weeks. He's still got a long way to go, but | believe your brother and | have bound common ground,” | rubbed her back.

She looked over af her brother the shiniest gleam of hope in her eyes. “Is this true?” “Minim” he ralled his eyes and shrugged causingto sigh deeply. Little prick.

Came” she ran forward and hugged him tightly. “Oh, | knew you'd find a way out of it. I'm so thankful,” she He related ton hug bun 1 saw the weight of her words on him. | was entirely unsure if he was out of it yet but he had a *Churber,” site her der brother's face up after releasing the younger. He did have one hell of a shiner.

3/4 Chapter 75 “Gotgood | know,” he coughed looking around uncomfortably.

“Be careful | told you!” She hit his chest.

“Goddess Anna,” he coughed again at her strength.

We got up to my office after a while of her fretting over her family. | do believe her maternal instincts have started to grow.

We planned the defenses and the guard. We thought up our weaknesses to protect and where the enemy might strike next and before | knew it was tfor dinner.

We walked to the pavilion for dinner hand in hand our people smiling and clapping as they saw us walk.

| sat her down at the main table and raised my glass.

“I know. | look so different,” | smiled at the many laughs.

“To have been gone so long was the greatest burden. To be back with you all, safely,” | looked down at her sheltered under my roof.

“No greater bounty could | have hoped for,” Happy holidays | hope that you all had a good twith peoplpe you love. | was overjoyed to see my family, heres this weeks chapter thank you so so much for reading and | hope the new year brings everyb*dy something good.

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