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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44 “But you" you're okay?” | asked Brian over the sat phone.

“Yes Luna, he was fast but he couldn’t take a punch,” “Do whatever you need to to extract the information from him Brian. He's attacked oh so you gave my full permission to treat him as the enemy,” Grayson gripped the phone so tightly | put my hand on the side of his face to steady him.

This wasn’t good news in any way. This almost guaranteed our worst fears. Even if it did not it meant we had attacked an innocent pack which would leave us indebted.

“Let us know what you get Brian | want you to treat your wounds promisewhatever you have to disinfect them if they're enemy they'll be trying to poison and infect | packed santidotes with you,” | spoke to him over the speaker.

“Thank you luna,” he commended me. | felt pride spike inat the kindness in his voice towards me. He started out as wary as my mate and now he was thankful forand risking his life for me.

“Call us only when you have the information do not risk it until then,” Grayson continued sternly.

“Please be sure to thank Lilianna for us,” | asked Brian before hanging up.

“You know worrying like this will not help the situation, all it will do is attract attention,” | rub his shoulders for at second.

He reached his hands up to grab mine, rubbing his thumbs over my knuckles. “This is looking more and more ground is about give out from underneath us,” “I know, let’s go for a run,” | whispered to him.

“Hmmm,” he pulledcloser, a mischievousness to him.

“You will leave first so | can shift on my own!” | shrieked pulling myself away from him hitting his back.

* the “I'm just saying that | would not be worried,” he leaned back. “But | know we still need time,” he rubbed the side of my face for a second.

“Go,” I nodded to the door.

He growled a second and walked out the door givinga smirk over his shoulder that sent a thrill down my spine.

We had been much more open with each other and | felt like | could tell him anything. Still | wondered if he felt the sway.

| know how much of a gentleman he was being. He wantedmore than words could describe. | had seen flashes in his mind the other day. | had to leave the gym and run hfor a shower.

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It was the first tI'd seen images in his mind. He hadn't seen any fromyet. He had apologized for almost an 1/5 Chapter 44 hour when he realized what I'd seem It was only natural | told him.

And the fact that | had to keep myself at a distancestropitom/recreating what | say may have entered the link in our minds.

| walked out of his office and down to the back porchicalicove meant for shitting. | hung up my clothes next his.

To say | felt cheated by the fact that we now had a definite firesticcomering us just as we were finding our rhythm wit each other was putting it mildly..

Each day we spoke to each other and shared lunch togettien Hettdimore and more about him and I told him about my life.

Het Seraphine take over and bolted to the woods. Enzo was waitingsstigue, a shadow huntingdown.

Seraphine took off teasing him with her scent leaving it in the airfon Him.umping around the woods leading him to clearing.

She slid into the trees as he nipped at her desperate to see her closely Spantena circle slowly.coming u of him muzzling into him as they bathed in their ttogether..

lin sync (Gmyson and | looked away and the two wolves ran into the wind together.

after an hour we walked out of the woods. Grayson cafterand | waitedtiforimontthe porch of the keep.

Hungry?” He askedas he buttoned up his shirt, Thet’s go cat, “I laced my fingers through his.

the sense that after what we would hear from Brian | had to tell Grayson the truth aboutmyyreams.

We were mammuch better place and if he knew we were most likely going to have a pup fromunyathenad mor fmittimum future.

The thought ofbringing a baby into an unstable relationship is one thing but if we truly were omthelbinowaril wonddddattritungrave myself for mot letting him know soon enough.

We nesto puent the child we were bringing into the world.

“Are you alight? Herited his head toas we walked the path to our home.

“Tam... suppoxiellin worried what is going to cof this interrogation tonight,” | leaned into him “I thought you saidinum twory The teasedmoving his hand from mine to rub the small of my back sonungliv “You shouldn’t worry, singlunt worry anil still there is this great big bubble that’s about to pop.” sighed.

“Moonendia gito He stopped in his mets, mis going to touch you Annette,” his eyes flickered black for a second.

with Chapter 44 one is going to touch me“.1 lcnndd my hands on his chest. | know but | am..worried who will get hurt to n that happen and what we might lose.” He smirked a cocky smirk, his finger playing with my girls. “I don’t lose,” He leaned down tok*ssinga son tits tithefollowed many more k*sses that grew on their warmth. His I*p: tracking down my face to my n*eck his hands snoppingmy hips that madelet out a small and broathy moan.

This brought him out and he stepped away fommons.we githered ourselves.

“I'm sorry.” “You know I'm not, we are getting there slowly,bousurele, grabbed his hand again and we went into our hom lunch before we separated to do our duties for thbelzay.

Tonight Maric and her husband Jacob were presenting the babbydolthe pack so we had a large dinner planned.

to “Luna?” Ella sidled up toas we were icing the cake for new puents.

him 2/5 “Yes, | smiled at her as | was piping.

“Is | know I'm not allowed to ask but. Is my brother safe motithchadd acerrible dream last night and I just- He's safe,” | stopped what | was doing. “I can’t tell you anything eleisblut can tell you he’s safe,” | didn’t like keeping this from her but no one could know until Brian and dilitianna were hsafe.

EElla go check the pigs they cannot over cook,” Elizabeth inserted herselfbesteenus.

Does no one understand the meaning of stealth mussion: | have question: Waantoprotect my pack but | ask noching. She huffed.

TEbocgh she knew there was a mission she didn’t know what it was or everyoneonatid newshe wanted to know khoewbbe knew her duty to not ask.

Thank you Elizabeth | know it’s hard to be patient during a tlike this,” It was handdainot tell them what was going on and ask if | was doing the right thing: EBabethwas a very logi person and had a deep sense of duty to the pack | wanted her opinion more than anyoneis’s.

Stillitis nnsyldury no shoulder this.

Oceased inddished the deserts and the rest of dinner we headed out to the pavilion for the edebiutition of ar pupp “If anything happeendomly wifeA voice cabove the others.

Steven need lizard ohhot thisis not for the ears of everyone and you endanger her by speaking alodont mate growled.

Chapter 42 “Ichinose, boite this, h harmed the wake cell waiting for.

Talpba: Shreen, Gromovel biomento much childan bohaten vomit your wit so much wediscurs des over the phone made sure the sysk, howder than ineNDERKING PRTIN GLUPONZEN geiled in Sheen white bbingback.

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Casinon e di think bliver bereits it use chest Theresa semasa desenfall.”* pwelling vidhaty thrower Geron, wait and Leon look beyond ummoved with bum elhem and the tbundle in the new muthen, They bowed their beads beiber us and wide, tok in my s and the adorable soit babe melled | I handed him to Gtusnon und the sarchit 1 had with small lite par un ha trang habe be will no doubt be a graad wont Xinhua child in bar tand | now wanted hits children. The big, large thank you alpha,”there light with the endowing lose all a child.

um” Grannoon handed the huby hack et to the parents.

Jacob est babe wouldn't be so bad menal wall went up betweenand Graysom. Seeting; that child, a deeming chilled hurd deur squibed my beut.

endust help like we were te about sou may go down the dark path and shin speed the the welcoming a pri maming Forum would call what he knew. “The way the injured that will there wasdoubt that it put and Brian hadto get the information we tried to know | wouldn't breathe with the thought someone wamed a tha from when we were going to the the happiest wea (anakart breathe | turned away and pretended to have a coughing biti. | tilted my bheadi tum amdi karpet, the tears, an Chapter 44 eyes.

“Annette?” Grayson cup to me. “Are you alright?” “I just took to sharp of a breath | um just got a tickle in my throat from it,” | kept my face from him as | spoke.

| kept myself through our dinner or at least | hope | did my heart unable to shake the freeze of terror. | held Graysons hand without thinking my b*dy instinctively looking to his for comfort.

We headed to our hat the end of the night.

“I don’t think I've ever told you how much | enjoy your cooking,” he complimented me, no doubt feeling my b*dy so tense.

“Will you sleep withtonight?” | blurted it out without thinking the idea he was bout to get.

“What?!” He almost jumped out of his skin with shock and excitement.

“I m-mean sleep, be asleep sleeping next toin the bed in my room by my side but asleep. Sleeping,” | cleared it up for him, my face heated by the idea of what | had just implied my words jumbling themselves up shyly.

“Oh yes of course. Annette, are you still worried?” He pulledcloser to him again as we walked into our home.

“Yes | know | need to try and relax that’s why I'd like to just lay in your arms tonight, “Sounds perfect,” he smiled toheading upstairs.

| know | wanted to be in his arms all night safely and hopefully peacefully.

| did my best to look at ease when | walked out of my closet in my nightgown and saw him shirtless in our bed.

My bed but also our bed.

“You sleep shirtless?” | blushed, halting my steps.

“Do you wantto put a shirt on?” “No,” | walked over and laid down. | don’t think he expectedto say that so quickly and unfazed. | had been waiting since we met to lay in his arms.

And even though our lives practically depended on the news we got in the morning | slept the best | had in my whole life.

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