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She Flash-Married To His Rival by Harber Venus

Chapter 4
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Chapter 4 When Linden and Juliet arrived at Moira's ward, Barclay had just exited the room.

Linden followed Barclay and left.

The hospital expected many visitors, and the elevator was crowded with people.

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It was not until they returned to the car that Linden asked Barclay, "Mr. Covington, did you and Ms. Jimenez have a deal?" Barclay, resting with his eyes closed, reopened them when he heard Linden ask. His index finger tapped the leather of the seat." guess so," he answered.

"So what should i prepare?" Linden asked, thinking Moira was frank.

Then, he heard Barclay saying from the back seat, “A house for my married life.” Linden felt that, most likely, he had misheard. Subconsciously, he turned back and looked at Barclay. "Mr. Covington, did you just say a house for your married life?" He was only thirty years old, too young to be deat "Yes," Barclay answered with a single word and went back to his nap, his left hand gesturing for the diver to dive.

The car slowly started, and Linden withdrew his sight and pinched his hand. Ouch! So, he was not in a dream.

He wondered what Moira had said to Barclay that made him suddenly prepare for married life. He naturally knew the house was not for Moira and Alfie, like a wedding gift. Barclay would simply ask him to transfer a hto Moira if it were the case Linden was confused all the way.

Meanwhile, Juliet was also surprised by Barclay's appearance.

Barclay was the president of the Sega Group. He took over the company five years ago, even if Aiken could not get an appointment with him. A big shot like him showed up in Moira's ward. That was weird.

But she looked at Moira, who was lying in the bed, and thought she was out of her mind. Moira had met Barclay no more than three times. There couldn't be anything going on between them.

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Juliet gathered her thoughts and asked, "Moira, what was Barclay doing here?" "It turned out he was the one who hitlast night, and he cto talk about compensation," Moira answered. This made sense. Juliet continued asking. “So what did you ask for? You know he's insanely rich, right?" Moira was about to answer when she saw a figure rushing to the door, "Moiral" Alfie called out.

Juliet stood up and shooed him out before Maira could say anything. "Get out, you scumbag! There's no need to play Romeo now." Alfie didn't say anything, just looked at Moira. He knew Moirs would make him stay.

But he was wrong this time. Moira didn't say a word when Juliet pushed him out of the dog."

Aiken saw him outside and slapped him in the face angrily. "How dare you cto my daughter's ward after what you did to her? Get out of my face, you Little shit!" 00:37 Chapter 4

Alfie stood at the door, looking in through the glass, and could see Moira also om also looking at him. Her eyes were and longer full of love for him.

Instead, they beccold and emotionless.

Alfie frowned. He knew Mola was furious this time. Moira looked away after a glance.