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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 78
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What was going on? Everyone present was stunned and looked at Qi Guozhong in disbelief.

It was hard to imagine that such a big dean would praise Zhou Tian so much.

Zhang Shuyun stared blankly at Qi Guozhong and then at Zhou Tian. She wondered if she had seen wrongly.

Li Ruoxue was also confused. Although she also knew that Zhou Tian seemed to have changed recently, she didn't expect that he would have such a great face. Even Director Qi took the initiative to cand greet him. It seemed that he was very respectful.

"Hello, Dean Qi." Zhou Tian smiled at Qi Guozhong as a greeting.

Qi Guozhong felt flattered and nodded with a smile. "Hello, Mr. Zhou, why are you here? Are you here to see Mr. Miao?" Everyone was even more shocked. Qi Guozhong was so old, but they called Zhou Tian respectfully. What was going on? Those who were mocking him just now all shut their mouths.

If it weren't for their thick skin, they would have blushed.

"My grandfather has been hospitalized of cerebral hemorrhage. | want to ask Professor Sun Jingmin to treat him personally, but Professor Sun is very difficult to invite." Zhou Tian did not make a detour with Qi Guozhong, which directly explained his intention.

After all, Zhang Qingtian was still in danger. The sooner the operation was done, the better.

"Oh! That's easy, Mr. Zhou. I'll call Professor Sun Jingmin now. Even if he can't get up, I'll let him cover!" Qi Guozhong was very sure. At this time, he took out his mobile phone and went to make a phone call.

"Really?" Chen Ting's eyes widened as she stared straight at Zhou Tian.

She couldn't figure out how Zhou Tian could be so capable. Just a casual sentence from him made Qi Guozhong obey as if he had received an imperial edict! "Shuxiang, | didn't expect this trash to be... Zhou Tian is quite capable..." Chen Jianghe whispered to Zhang Shuxiang.

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Zhang Shuxiang also shut up. No matter how much prejudice she had against Zhou Tian in the past, now Zhou Tian was really eye- opening.

Zhang Peng stopped talking. Although he was not convinced, he had nothing to say at this moment.

Qian Xiaofei was so angry that he almost jumped up. He shamelessly begged Qi Guozhong for a long time, but Qi Guozhong didn't give him face at all! However, as soon as Zhou Tian said that, Qi Guozhong immediately called Professor Sun to help him. It was a slap in Qian Xiaofei's face.

Qian Xiaofei's face was red and his neck was thick. He wanted to argue with Qi Guozhong, but he did not have the courage.

In less than two minutes, Qi Guozhong cback with a sunny face.

"Mr. Zhou, Professor Sun Jingmin is indeed in poor health, but he said that he would giveface and insist on the operation for your grandfather." Qi Guozhong said to Zhou Tian.

"That's great! That's great!" Zhang Shuyun was so excited that she cheered for him. Professor Sun was the main surgeon, so he must be able to cure his disease.

Zhang Shuxiang and Zhang Tao were both very excited, but they didn't show it, and they were too embarrassed to dig up more trouble.

"Thank you, Dean Qi." Zhou Tian said politely to Qi Guozhong.

Qi Guozhong was very happy. He guessed that the background of Zhou Tian must be unfathomable. It was an honor to be able to make friends with such a person.

"Mr. Zhou, you're welcome. Professor Sun will be here soon. I'll arrange the operating room for your grandfather right now." Qi Guozhong said with a sincere smile.

Seeing Zhou Tian's face, Zhang Peng was upset.

He couldn't help snorting, "Humph, he was lucky enough to do such a small thing. Look at how happy he is." Hearing Zhang Peng's words, Chen Ting was excited. She curled her lips and sneered, "Brother Peng, you're right. He has only done such a small thing these years. He has to show off!" Zhou Tian frowned. Chen Ting and Zhang Peng had been ridiculing him all the time. He had ignored them just now, but they were getting worse and worse! "In your eyes, my grandfather's illness is just a small matter?" Zhou Tian looked at Chen Ting and Zhang Peng coldly and questioned them.

"Don't waste your time. We didn't say that grandpa's illness was a small matter." Zhang Peng explained in a hurry.

"That's right. When did | say that my grandfather's illness is a small matter? Trash is trash, and it has the ability to spray people's blood." Chen Ting rolled her eyes and said in a weird tone.

Zhang Shuxiang also cover and looked at Zhou Tian. "All right, all right. Don't be so arrogant just because you have scredit. How can you talk to your sister Ting like this?" Chen Jianghe also snorted on the side. He also agreed with Zhang Shuxiang's words. He thought, "How can a good-for-nothing like you rebel? How dare you talk to my daughter in such a tone?" Zhou Tian knew that he had to teach these people a lesson. What kind of relatives were they? "Alright, I'm trash. Whoever can do this do it. I'm leaving now." After saying that, Zhou Tian turned around and left.

Zhang Shuxiang and Chen Ting were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect that Zhou Tian would have such a big reaction.

"Didn't we scold him before? Doesn't he have a temper?" If Zhou Tian really didn't care about it, could Director Qi help them? These people were a little flustered.

As expected, Director Qi's face fell instantly.

For the sake of Zhou Tian, Director Qi reluctantly asked Sun Jingmin to have an operation because Sun Jingmin was now difficult to walk. After an operation, it was hard to say whether he would die or not! Now that Zhou Tian didn't care about this matter, Qi Guozhong certainly didn't want Sun Jingmin to take such a big risk.

"Since Mr. Zhou doesn't care about it, I'll tell Professor Sun not to cover." As Qi Guozhong spoke, he was about to call Professor Sun.

His words scared everyone so much that they broke out in a sweat.

"No, no, no. Director Qi, please don't make a phone call. Zhou Tian is the grandson-in-law of the patient. He won't ignore it." Zhang Shuyun was so anxious that her forehead was covered with sweat. She hurried over to persuade Director Qi.

Zhang Shuxiang was also dumbfounded. She cwith Chen Jianghe to ask Director Qi not to make this phone call.

Chen Ting and Zhang Peng were no longer arrogant. They didn't dare to make fun of Zhang QingtiaN's life.

"Yes, Director Qi, Zhou Tian won't leave this alone. Please don't call." Chen Ting said anxiously.

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Everyone cover to say something good, but Qi GuozhongQi Guozhong was indifferent and unmoved.

Zhang Shuyun finally couldn't hold back her anger. She shouted at Zhang Shuxiang and the others, "It's your entire fault! You're talking nonsense. Aren't you kiddingwith my father's life?" Since Zhang Shuxiang and Zhang Tao had been honest, Chen Ting and Zhang Peng did not dare to say a word.

Seeing that Zhou Tian was about to leave the hospital, Zhang Shuxiang was also anxious. She quickly scolded Chen Ting and Zhang Peng, "You two bastards, why don't you go and ask Zhou Tian for help?" With this, Zhang Shuxiang kept winking at Chen Ting and Zhang Peng.

Chen Ting didn't want to save her face anymore. She ran over with her long legs and caught up with Zhou Tian.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, don't be angry with me. It was my entire fault. | was talking nonsense." Chen Ting squeezed out a smile and said something nice.

"Brother-in-law, don't be angry. It was my fault just now." Zhang Peng also smiled at Zhou Tian.

Zhou Tian looked at Chen Ting and Zhang Peng and smiled coldly.

In fact, he did not intend to leave. He just wanted to teach these people a lesson.

His grandfather, Zhang Qingtian, was a good person. How could Zhou Tian watch the old man die? "Now you know that the pot is made of iron?" Zhou Tian sneered and looked at Chen Ting and Zhang Peng.

"I know, | know. Brother-in-law, you are really amazing. Even Director Qi listens to you so much. | admire you, | admire you..." Chen Ting flattered him with a smile.

"Yes, brother-in-law, you are so awesome. | am trash, hehe." Zhang Peng's smile was uglier than crying. This guywas afraid of being punished, so he had to flatter him.

Zhou Tian knew that they were not sincere and did not take it seriously. He just snorted.

Zhang Shuxiang also trotted over and approached Zhou Tian. She smiled and said, "My dear nephew-in-law, | know you are generous. Your grandfather's illness is so serious. Don't be angry with your brother-in-law and sister Ting." Zhou Tian looked at Zhang Shuxiang coldly. Just now, Zhang Shuxiang was making sarcastic remarks, and now she was putting on a flattering look, which was disgusting.

"Haha, aunt, you're so against your will. Aren't you tired?" Zhou Tian sneered.

Zhang Shuxiang was so angry that she rolled her eyes. She cursed him in her heart.

You're a good-for-nothing. Let's see how I'll deal with you when this matter is over! However, she did not dare to lose her temper now that she was seeking Zhou Tian for help.

"lI am sincere. You can talk to Director Qi again, okay?" Zhang Shuxiang smiled gently.