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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 75
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This sentence undoubtedly sentenced Wang Bin to death.

Hearing Zhou Tian's words, Wang Bin was so scared that he fell to the ground.

Originally, he cto play in Beichuan City with two friends. After meeting Li Ruoxue and Li Ruoshi, he suddenly had a bad idea.

But he never dreamed that he would get into such big trouble. He couldn't bear the consequences at all.

"No, no, Master Zhou, you can't do this...." Wang Bin collapsed on the ground powerlessly, and he was so scared that he broke out in cold sweat.

Zhou Tian didn't even look at this scum. His wife was beaten. If he didn't teach this scum a lesson that he would never forget for the rest of his life, Zhou Tian wouldn't be able to explain to him.

"Master Zhou, can you spare him this tfor the sake of me..." Mr. Kefo wiped away his cold sweat and begged for a chance.

After all, Wang Bin was his biological nephew. If two fingers were broken, not only would he lose face, but he would also be unable to explain to Wang Bin's mother after returning to the provincial capital.

"Old Ke, | can't give you face. Do you want to cut it or do you wantto?" Hearing Zhou Tian's cold voice, Master Kefo's heart sank.

"It seems that there is no possibility of turning the tables." Mr. Kefo scolded Wang Bin in his heart. "This arrogant thing is your own fault!" "Letdo it, Master Zhou." Mr. Kefo whispered to Zhou Tian.

Zhou Tian ignored him. He looked at Brother Cannon and said to him, "Take my wife and sister-in-law to another room." "Yes, Mr. Zhou!" Brother Cannon quickly agreed and made a gesture of "please" to Li Ruoxue and Li Ruoshi.

Li Ruoxue did not want to leave Zhou Tian for a moment, because she was still very nervous. Now she only felt safe when she was around Zhou Tian.

Looking at Li Ruoxue's frightened expression, Zhou Tian smiled faintly at her. "Go to other private rooms first. I'll take you hafter | finish my work." "Ah, okay." Li Ruoxue agreed and took Li Ruoshi out with Brother Cannon.

The reason why Zhou Tian asked them to go out was that he didn't want them to see blood.

Zhou Tian shot a cold glance at Mr. Kefo and did not say a word.

Mr. Kefo knew what Zhou Tian meant. He gritted his teeth and said to the next man, "Cut off two of Wang Bin's fingers!" "Mr. Kefo, the left hand or the right hand?" A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Jim-headed man, and he asked Mr. Kefo.

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As long as Mr. Kefo said a word, the man would immediately chop off Wang Bin's fingers.

All of those, who worked for Mr. Kefo, were cruel and merciless.

Mr. Kefo looked at Zhou Tian and wondered which hand did Zhou Tian want to cut.

"Right hand." Zhou Tian said.

"Cut off the right hand!" Mr. Kefo shouted at the jackal.

"Yes sir!" The jackal took out a sharp knife, stepped on Wang Bin's back, and then pressed Wang Bin's right hand.

"Please spare my life! Master Zhou, please spare me! | won't do it again!" Wang Bin was so scared that he shouted. He had never seen such a scene before. He was so scared that he peed.

Pu! "Uh-huh!" As the man raised his knife and fell down, Wang Bin howled miserably and passed out completely because of the pain.

This scene scared Wang Bin's two companions badly.

The fat man's nose was broken. At this time, he could not feel the pain, because he was frightened.

Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop! The fat man and Wang Bin's other companion knelt at the feet of Zhou Tian almost at the stime, begging for mercy.

Zhou Tian was furious. He could not let these two accomplices off easily! "Break their legs." Zhou Tian got up and walked out of the room, leaving a sentence without looking back.

Master Kefo quickly agreed and ordered his subordinates to do as he had ordered.

The screams in the private room made Guo Liang, who was slapping himself, faint with fear.

After Zhou Tian left the private room, he found Li Ruoxue and Li Ruoshi and took them out of the Tang Dynasty KTV.

Along the way, Li Ruoxue didn't say a word. She was still shocked.

Li Ruoshi was even more so. She felt that she could not recognize this brother-in-law now that she had seen him all the time.

Zhou Tian drove all the way home.

This home, which he had stayed for more than three years, was no longer his home. He just sent Li Ruoxue and Li Ruoshi back.

On the way, Li Ruoshi sat in the back seat and looked at Zhou Tian. After a while, she said, "Brother-in-law, thank you." Zhou Tian smiled and said, "Ruoshi, it's not easy to say that from your mouth." Li Ruoshi's face turned red. She remembered that she used to be so fierce to Zhou Tian and looked down on him. From tto time, she would feel a fever on her face if she didn’t look down upon him.

"Humph, do you think you can make fun ofjust because you saved me?" Li Ruoshi snorted and becangry again.

Zhou Tian didn't argue with her and concentrated on driving.

"Sister, don't treat your brother-in-law like this anymore. If your brother-in-law hadn't cto save us today, do you know the consequences?" Li Ruoxue said.

Li Ruoshi was speechless. She also knew that her sister was right.

"Now you can see who Guo Liang is. You are not allowed to contact him again!" Li Ruoxue warned Li Ruoshi angrily.

"I know, sister. | didn't expect Guo Liang to be such a shameless person!" Li Ruoshi said angrily.

Soon, Zhou Tian drove back to the door.

Before Li Ruoxue and the others got out of the car, Zhang Shuyun cback from outside.

Zhang Shuyun's eyes widened when she saw that Zhou Tian was driving back.

Zhang Shuyun quickly ran over and opened the door of the driver's seat. Then she grabbed Zhou Tian's clothes, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

Zhou Tian was really shocked. Why was Zhang Shuyun so mysterious? "How dare you cback? Humph!" Zhang Shuyun grabbed Zhou Tian's clothes and snorted coldly.

Zhou Tian looked at Zhang Shuyun and ignored her.

Seeing that Zhou Tian did not speak, Zhang Shuyun was even more excited. She snorted and said, "What's wrong? Did you do something wrong and dare not speak?" "What did | do wrong?" Zhou Tian glanced at Zhang Shuyun.

"Why don't you admit it? Get out of the car!" As Zhang Shuyun spoke, she pulled Zhou Tian out of the car.

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Zhou Tian had no choice but to get out of the car.

"Mom, what are you doing? Don't quarrel outside. It will be a joke." Li Ruoxue quickly got out of the car and tried to persuade her.

"Yes, Mom. Let's talk about it when we get home." Li Ruoshi also tried to persuade her.

Zhang Shuyun ignored them and shouted, "I don’t care whether it will be a joke! Since he entered our house, have we never been laughed at? Since he has shamelessly done that kind of thing, why should | be afraid of shame?" Li Ruoxue was so anxious that she stamped her feet. Zhang Shuyun's loud voice shocked the neighbors. Many people were lying in front of the window and watching the scene.

Zhou Tian frowned when he heard that. He could tell that Zhang Shuyun was implying something.

What shameless thing have | done? What does Zhang Shuyun mean? Zhou Tian was puzzled and helpless. Zhang Shuyun grabbed his clothes and he couldn't leave. Now he just wanted to give Zhang Shuyun two slaps.

"Zhang Shuyun, do you want to slanderagain?" Zhou Tian looked at Zhang Shuyun coldly and did not show any courtesy to her.

Zhang Shuyun was angry at first, but when she saw Zhou Tian still calling her by her nand didn't even call her Mom, she beceven angrier.

"Okay, okay, I'll let you pretend that you're fine! Chwith me, and I'll interrogate you!" Zhang Shuyun roared angrily and dragged him all the way into the corridor.

Zhou Tian really wanted to push Zhang Shuyun away, but when he saw Li Ruoxue biting her lips in a hurry, his heart softened.

Well, just listen to what Zhang Shuyun said. It's not too late to explain it clearly before leaving.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tian did not resist and followed Zhang Shuyun into the house.

Looking at the familiar things in the room, Zhou Tian sighed with emotion.

Anyway, he had lived here for more than three years, and he had always regarded this place as his home...

With a bang, Zhang Shuyun slammed the door shut.

Looking at Zhang Shuyun who rolled up her sleeves, Zhou Tian stood there and said coldly, "You don't have to be angry. Just say it." "Oh, it seems that you really have strong wings! Well, letask you, did you hook up with a rich woman outside?" Zhang Shuyun glared at Zhou Tian and put her hands on her hips, waiting for him to give her an answer.


Zhou Tian was greatly shocked. "What's going on here? Can Zhang Shuyun talk nonsense?" "What rich woman?" "How dare you quibble? Wang Rong saw with her own eyes that you drove out of Seaview Villa. | asked about the property. The most luxurious Seaview Villa was bought by a rich woman!" Zhang Shuyun pointed at Zhou Tian's nose and roared angrily, "Did you live in the villa with the rich woman last night?"