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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 74
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Although Wang Bin's expression was fierce, he didn't dare to say a word.

Mr. Kefo hadn't cyet, so he was looking for trouble by cursing Zhou Tian.

Zhou Tian was also a little tired. He accompanied Li Ruoxue to sit on the sofa and glanced at Brother Cannon. "Take your people to block the door. Don't let them run away." "Yes, yes, yes, | understand, Mr. Zhou!" Brother Cannon nodded repeatedly and led his four brothers to guard the door, in case Wang Bin and the others suddenly escaped.

Wang Bin was not convinced. "Can | escape? I'm still waiting to skin you alive!" The fat man covered his broken nose, and his heart was full of hatred. He was waiting for Mr. Kefo to cand tear Zhou Tian into pieces.

The young people outside the door were all shocked when they saw Brother Cannon being so respectful to Zhou Tian.

Who was Brother Cannon? He followed Long Kun and was on the slevel as Xiao San, a celebrity in the underworld.

Even Brother Cannon respected Mr. Zhou very much. Who was Mr. Zhou? Everyone looked at Zhou Tian and whispered to each other.

After asking Li Ruoshi about the incident, he finally figured out that Guo Liang had tricked Li Ruoshi here! "Guo Liang, chere." Zhou Tian propped his arms on his legs and glared at Guo Liang.

Guo Liang knew that things were not going well. The reason why things had beclike this was that he played a decisive role.

If he hadn't called to trick Li Ruoxue, she wouldn't have been beaten.

Trembling, Guo Liang cto Zhou Tian and knelt at his feet.

"Brother-in-law, I'm not a human being. I'm obsessed with money. Wang Bin promised250,000 yuan, let me..." Peng! Before Guo Liang could finish his words, Zhou Tian kicked him down.

"I deserve to die! I'm worse than a pig and a dog! Brother-in-law, please spare me..." Guo Liang scolded himself and slapped himself in the face, afraid that hou TianZ would not forgive him.

Zhou Tian did not hit him again. He pointed at his nose and said, "Il won't let you stop, so you keep whipping, understand?" "l understand, | understand..." Guo Liang cried and slapped himself in the face. He knelt down and fanned himself one after another.

Now it was very lively. Guo Liang beat rhythmically, and the slap was loud in the private room.

At this moment, the corridor was in chaos.

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The crowd quickly moved aside, only to see a short fat man in his 40s and 50s rush into the private room with a sexy woman.

Behind the couple, there were several bodyguards, all of whom looked fierce.

It was Mr. Kefo, from the provincial capital.

The woman next to him was none other than Qian Xiaofei's cousin, Pang Yunzhu.

In the past few days, Mr. Kefo didn't go back to the provincial capital. He took Pang Yunzhu to tour the mountains and play with water all day long. When he was free, he would go out to drink with Long Kun. His life was very comfortable.

After receiving a call from Wang Bin, Mr. Kefo was furious.

In the whole province, who would dare to not give him face? He even dared to beat his nephew. Who the hell was he? Did he want to die? Therefore, Mr. Kefo rushed to Tang Dynasty KTV as fast as he could.

Seeing that Mr. Kefo was coming, Wang Bin saw the savior and rushed to Mr. Kefo with a cry.

"Uncle, look at how | was beaten. | can't survive!" Wang Bin hugged Mr. Kefo's thigh and complained in tears.

Mr. Kefo almost couldn't recognize Wang Bin because at this time, Wang Bin's face was swollen like a pig's head. He didn't look like a child anymore! Fortunately, the voice could tell that it was him.

"Xiao Bin, who beat you like this? Don't cry. I'll help you!" Mr. Kefo was comforting Wang Bin.

Hearing this, Brother Cannon's heart beceven colder.

"It seems that Mr. Kefo is very fond of his nephew. Now Zhou Tian is in trouble!" Even if Mr. Kefo killed all the people in this room, Brother Cannon would not dare to stop him, because he did not have the courage.

Mr. Zhou, please count on yourself...

Brother Cannon muttered in his heart.

"Mr. Kefo, it's this guy who beat him!" The fat man cto Mr. Kefo and pointed at Zhou Tian.

Li Ruoxue looked at Mr. Kefo. Although she did not know this person, from the expression of Brother Cannon, she knew that Mr. Kefo must have a very high status on the road.

Otherwise, Brother Cannon would not be as afraid as a mouse when it saw a cat.

Thinking of this, Li Ruoxue's heart was hanging and she was sweating for Zhou Tian.

However, when she looked at Zhou Tian's face, she found that he was calm, as if he didn't take Mr. Kefo seriously at all.

Mr. Kefo followed the direction of the fat man's finger, and at this moment, he saw Zhou Tian.

This! Mr. Kefo's legs went limp and he almost fell down.

He had seen so many things in his life. How many things had he not seen? But the only thing that could make him so nervous was Zhou Tian.

"Master... Master Zhou..." Just as Mr. Kefo was about to call young master Zhou, he swallowed his words and called him Master Zhou.

"Master Zhou?" Everyone here was shocked, instantly petrified.

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhou Tian. How powerful could he be to be called "master" by Mr. Kefo? On the contrary, Zhou Tian was dressed in ordinary clothes. At such a young age, he did not look like someone with any identity.

Brother Cannon and his men were even more shocked. They never thought that things would be reversed.

Mr. Zhou, aren't you too powerful? Even Mr. Kefo is like a grandson in front of you.

"He's awesome!" Brother Cannon sighed in his heart and admired Zhou Tian very much.

Uncle, are you okay? Wang Bin was also stunned. He looked at Mr. Kefo in a daze and asked.

Mr. Kefo did not even pay attention to Wang Bin. He bent over and walked toward Zhou Tian, as if he was bowing to him all the way. He was very modest.

"Master Zhou, did Wang Bin make you angry?" Mr. Kefo asked Zhou Tian tentatively.

At this moment, Zhou Tian was still angry. He looked at Mr. Kefo and said coldly, "Old Ke, you still have such a good nephew!" Looking at Zhou Tian's frosty face, Master Kefo's heart was beating fast. It seemed that he was in big trouble today.

"Master Zhou, what's going on?" Mr. Kefo asked with a smile.

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"My wife and sister-in-law were beaten by your nephew." Zhou Tian said.

"What!?" Mr. Kefo's face turned grey with fear. "This is too terrible. Childe Zhou's wife and sister-in-law have been beaten?" He looked at Li Ruoxue and Li Ruoshi's faces. Sure enough, their faces were swollen and there was a palm print.

Oh no, this the was in big trouble! Mr. Kefo stared at Wang Bin angrily. Now he just wanted to kick this scourge to death! "Uncle, what are you talking about with this poor guy? Teach him a lesson quickly!" Wang Bin was so depressed that he looked at Mr. Kefo in confusion.

"You idiot." Pang Yunzhu couldn't help but laugh in her heart. She thought to herself, "Wang Bin is too stupid. Doesn't he know how terrifying Zhou Tian is?" Wang Bin was stunned by Pang Yunzhu's words and asked in confusion, "What do you mean?" "lI mean this!" Mr. Kefo was so angry that he took off his big leather shoes. He just hit Wang Bin's swollen face a few times! This was not like a slap. Wang Bin's mouth was full of blood, and he screamed and spat out a few big teeth.

"Uncle, you..." "Damn it, you're making trouble for me!" Mr. Kefo was so angry that he shouted. He swung his leather shoes and beat Wang Bin into a pulp in a blink of an eye.

"Uncle, who is he?" Wang Bin pointed at Zhou Tian, who was sitting steadily on the sofa, with a crying voice. He completely doubted his life.

"He is your ancestor! Kneel down!" Mr. Kefo was so angry that he trembled. It was better to say that he was scared rather than angry.

Because he knew that Childe Zhou's wife had been beaten up. If he could not do it well, he would die. Childe Zhou's background was too horrible.

Wang Bin finally realized how much trouble he had caused. He looked at Zhou Tian blankly for a few seconds. Wang Bin understood that the man in front of him was extremely noble! Even his uncle, Mr. Kefo, was so scared that he lost his composure. How terrible was this Zhou Tian? "Ancestor Zhou, please spare me..." Like a stray dog, Wang Bin knelt down at the feet of Zhou Tian and kept kowtowing to him.

Sweat flooded on Wang Bin's body and his clothes were soaked.

Zhou Tian's face was gloomy, and he didn't say a word at this time! He already had several secondary thoughts of killing Wang Bin...

Seeing that Zhou Tian did not say a word, Wang Bin's heart was even more uncertain. Deep fear made him feel suffocated and desperate.

"Ancestor, say something. How can you deal with me..." Wang Bin was very sensible and muttered.

"Master Zhou, tellwhat you want to do with him." Mr. Kefo heaved a heavy sigh and asked Zhou Tian for instructions.

Zhou Tian looked at Mr. Kefo and said coldly, "Old Ke, I'll give you face today." Hearing this, Mr. Kefo was delighted.

Wang Bin finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he was his uncle, who still had face.

But as soon as he thought about it, he heard bad news.

Zhou Tian's cold voice came, "Cut off two of his fingers. And this matter is finished."