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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 73
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"Childe Wang, Childe Wang, let's have a good talk..." Brother Cannon didn't dare to offend Mr. Kefo. This is Mr. Kefo's nephew. How can he afford to offend him? However, Li Ruoxue was Zhou Tian's wife, and Brother Cannon did not dare to leave her being bullied, so he was in a dilemma.

"Fuck off! How dare you punch me! I'll deal with you when I'm done!" Wang Bin slapped Brother Cannonn, and then dragged Li Ruoxue into the private room.

"Brother Cannon, give my husband a call. Hurry up!" Li Ruoxue was so anxious that she was about to cry. She shouted at Brother Cannon.

"All right, all right!" Brother Cannon nodded quickly and then called Zhou Tian.

"Fuck, it's as if your husband can do it!" Wang Bin curled his lips in disdain. This guy was anxious that he captured Li Ruoxue and Li Ruoshi as soon as possible.

After dragging Li Ruoxue into the private room, Wang Bin said to Guo Liang, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and take off your girlfriend’s clothes!" "Ah? Okay, Childe Wang..." Guo Liang nodded like a grandson and was about to take action.

"Guo Liang, you, you..." Li Ruoxue was so angry that her face turned pale and she could not say a word.

At this time, Brother Cannon did not dare to leave. After calling Zhou Tian to inform him of the emergency, he rushed into the private room with his men.

"How dare you waste my there?" Wang Bin's eyes were cold, and he stared at Brother Cannon.

"Childe Wang, before Mr. Zhou arrives, | won't allow you to touch them!" Brother Cannon said to Wang Bin in a dilemma.

"Fuck you! How dare you disrespect my uncle?" Wang Bin was very angry and punched the Brother Cannon twice.

At this time, Brother Cannon also threw caution to the wind. He knew that Zhou Tian would definitely cas soon as possible, so he could only buy tat this time.

It was a great contribution for him to keep Zhou Tian’s wife and sister-in-law safe.

"I can't care that much! Anyway, you can't touch them before Mr. Zhou arrives!" As he spoke, he led his men to protect Li Ruoxue and Li Ruoshi behind him.

"Damn it!" Wang Bin didn't have choice. After all, he was in their territory, so he couldn't force them.

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"Okay, okay, I'll wait for that guy surnamed Zhou to cand let him see how his wife was fooled by me!" Wang Bin said arrogantly.

The two sides were in a stalemate. Every second was a torture for Li Ruoxue and Li Ruoshi.

More than ten minutes later, a loud bang cfrom the door of the private room, followed by a man.

"Zhou Tian!" "Brother-in-law..." Li Ruoxue and Li Ruoshi shouted almost at the stime. At this time, Li Ruoshi was already crying so hard that she felt dizzy.

Li Ruoxue was filled with mixed feelings. Now that she had seen Zhou Tian, all the grievances she had suffered surged up, making her extremely sad.

Zhou Tian chere as fast as he could. After receiving the call from Brother Cannon, Zhou Tian was really anxious.

He looked at his beloved wife and found that her face was swollen and her hair was in a mess! Zhou Tian's fury attacked his heart as he clenched his fists so tightly that they creaked! "Who did it?" Zhou Tian's cold voice was extremely cold.

Li Ruoxue pointed at Wang Bin and cried.

Seeing Li Ruoxue like this, Zhou Tian could no longer suppress his anger.

He knew that his wife was a strong woman. If she had not been too wronged and sad, she would not have cried in front of so many people.

Pa! A bottle of beer hit Wang Bin's head hard, and the beer foam splashed everywhere. Looking at Wang Bin again, his head was instantly opened, and his head was covered with blood! "Uh-huh!" Wang Bin screamed, covered his head, and fell to the ground.

The broken glass had scratched his face twice.

Zhou Tian did not stop. He grabbed Wang Bin's hair and picked him up like a dead dog.

Pa! Another bottle of wine fell down, and Wang Bin cried out in pain and passed out.


Wang Bin fell heavily on the ground of the private room, like a dead person.

This, this, this...

All the people present were shocked! Even Li Ruoxue forgot to cry at this time.

Li Ruoxue stared blankly at Zhou Tian, who was like a tiger going down the mountain. She was so shocked that she could not say a word.

Li Ruoshi also widened her beautiful eyes and stared at Zhou Tian in a daze. She really couldn't imagine that he was still the useless brother-in-law. Just now, he was too domineering! Guo Liang was so scared that he shrank his neck like a big turtle.

Seeing that things were not going well, the boy was ready to sneak out of the room.

Zhou Tian could not tolerate the sand in his eyes. At this time, he pulled Guo Liang back.

"Stay here! You're not allowed to go anywhere!" "Ah, okay, brother-in-law, | won't go..." Looking at Zhou Tian, whose eyes were red, Guo Liang was frightened. He did not dare to look down on Zhou Tian anymore.

The fat man and the other guy were stunned for a while before they finally reacted.

Fuck, Childe Wang was beaten up like this? How could this be? "You're called Zhou Tian, aren't you? Do you know who you hit?" The fat man had a big belly, pulled the tiger skin as a banner, and questioned him with his fingers.

The furious Zhou Tian did not allow the fat man to be so arrogant. He picked up a bottle and threw it at the fat man's nose! "Ah ah ah ah!" The fat man was hit so hard that his nose was broken. He covered his nose and stepped aside.

"And you!" Zhou Tian kicked over the remaining guy and broke his intestines. He covered his stomach and shouted.

In less than a minute, Zhou Tian had taken control of the situation and defeated all the people from the provincial cities.

"Zhou Tian, that's enough. They're from the provincial capital. It seems that they're not easy to mess with..." Li Ruoxue held Zhou Tian's arm and tried to persuade him.

Zhou Tian looked at Li Ruoxue. He was really distressed.

Zhou Tian was reluctant to move even a hair for his wife. How could she be beaten like this today? This had already touched the bottom line of Zhou Tian! "Take Ruoshi there for a while. I'll handle everything." Zhou Tian said to Li Ruoxue.

"Oh." Hearing Zhou Tian's confident and domineering words, Li Ruoxue nodded obediently and took Li Ruoshi to the sofa.

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"It hurts so much..." Wang Bin, who had fainted, cto his senses and stood up with his hands covering his head.

Looking at Zhou Tian in front of him, Wang Bin was so angry that he gnashed his teeth.

"Zhou Tian, you're dead. Childe Wang is the nephew of Mr. Kefo!" Seeing Wang Bin wake up, the fat man covered his broken nose and roared vaguely.

Although the sound of his nose was very strong, Zhou Tian could still hear it clearly.

Zhou Tian couldn't help snorting in his heart. He looked Wang Bin up and down and thought, "This guy is the nephew of Old Ke. No wonder he is so arrogant!" "Even if you are the nephew ofYama. | will beat you!" As Zhou Tian spoke, he pulled Wang Bin's hair, lowered his head, and kicked him in the face! Miserable howls resounded throughout the room.

Because the door of the private room was still open, Wang Bin's scream was heard, which soon attracted a lot of young men and women to watch.

"Wow, it's so violent!" "You're awesome. How dare you fight against Brother Cannon." "What the fuck! Brother Cannon is also here. Who is this man? How dare he hit someone in front of Brother Cannon?" The group of people in the corridor discussed in low voices. They all admired Zhou Tian and were extremely curious about him.

Seeing Zhou Tian abuse Wang Bin so crazily, Brother Cannon was so scared that his heart turned cold.

The problem was that Wang Bin was not an ordinary person. He was the nephew of Kefo the big shot in the provincial capital! Was this a random fight? If he couldn't do it properly, even Long Kun wouldn't be able to cover it up.

Brother Cannon was so anxious that he was sweating, but he didn't dare to stop him.

This violent kick lasted for more than a minute, and Wang Bin's voice was hoarse. No one dared to hit him even after he grew up.

Today, he was completely beaten! "Zhou Tian, you dare to hitlike this. You're dead, you're dead..." "Let's see who dies first!" Zhou Tian roared and kicked even harder.


Wang Bin finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground like a dead dog.

Only then did Zhou Tian stop. Looking at Wang Bin again, his face was blue and purple, and his head was swollen like a big watermelon! "Hey, uncle, I've been beaten badly. Con, or I'll be beaten to death. Wuwu, wuwu..." Childe Wang dialed Mr. Kefo's number and cried sadly.

"It's over! It's over!" Brother Cannon's heart was cold. Wang Bin called Mr. Kefo. This time, Zhou Tian was in great trouble! It was no wonder that Brother Cannon was so afraid, because he did not know the relationship between Zhou Tian and Mr. Kefo. He only knew that Long Kun had a good relationship with Zhou Tian.

After the call, Wang Bin got up from the ground and glared at Zhou Tian, waiting for his uncle to avenge him.