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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 72
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Li Ruoxue was working in the company. After receiving a call from Guo Liang, she couldn't help worrying.

She was too clear about her sister's capacity to drink. She must have drunk too much.

"I see. Take good care of her forfirst. I'll be right there." Li Ruoxue said on the phone.

Guo Liang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that everything went so smoothly.

"Don't worry, Sister Ruoxue. I'll take good care of her, but you have to csoon." "I know." Li Ruoxue hung up in a hurry.

"Childe Wang, my girlfriend's sister said she would cnow, hehe." Guo Liang looked at Wang Bin with a flattering face, waiting for the Young Master of the provincial capital to praise him.

Sure enough, Wang Bin was very satisfied with it.

Ever since he saw Li Ruoxue last night, Wang Bin's heart had been itching. He felt that Li Ruoxue was much more beautiful than Li Ruoshi.

Most importantly, Li Ruoxue was much more mature and had a husband. This kind of woman was the most interesting.

"Good performance. When it's done, I'll give you another 50,000 yuan, a total of 250,000 yuan for benefits." Wang Bin waved his hand and said to Guo Liang.

Guo Liang suddenly becexcited. He had always been short of money. Two hundred hundred thousand yuan was an astronomical figure for him.

"Thank you, Childe Wang! Thank you, Childe Wang!" Guo Liang kept nodding and expressing his gratitude, as if he was a slave.

The fat man beside Wang Bin and his other companion all snorted. They really despised Guo Liang.

Guo Liang didn't care about that. Anyway, it was good enough that he got more than 200,000 yuan. He didn't care about the rest.

Wang Bin was already drooling at Li Ruoshi. He looked at Li Ruoshi, who was lying on the sofa unconscious, and was about to take action.

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"Childe Wang, this is Beichuan City. Will it be troublesto do this?" The fat man reminded Wang Bin.

After all, this was not a provincial capital. Wang Bin was rampant in the provincial capital, but it was not necessarily in Beichuan City.

"Haha, don't forget that my uncle is staying in the provincial capital. With him, why should | be afraid?" Wang Bin smiled proudly and asked the fat man.

Hearing this, the fat man was relieved. "Hahaha, | almost forgot. Don't worry about it!" As he said this, the fat man was already looking forward to it. He was waiting for Wang Bin to finish playing and he would have a try.

Wang Bin couldn't wait any longer. It was exciting to think about it in front of Li Ruoshi's boyfriend.

"Boy, you're going to be a tortoise soon. What do you think? Haha!" Wang Bin looked at Guo Liang with a faint smile and began to touch Li Ruoshi.

Guo Liang couldn't help feeling aggrieved, but thinking about the 250,000 yuan, he thought it was still worth it.

"Childe Wang, you're having fun. I'll guide the door for you." Guo Liang smiled humbly and was about to go to the door to guard.

"Fuck, don't you understand what I'm saying? I'm telling you not to blink and look at us!" Wang Bin shouted.

Guo Liang was so scared that he quickly turned around and looked at him. This guy was not happy.

"Little girl, you are really beautiful!" Wang Bin drooled and dragged Li Ruoshi down.

Li Ruoshi felt a little sober after being dragged by him.

"Ah, what are you doing!" Li Ruoshi jumped off the sofa in fear and turned to look at Wang Bin, who had a bad intention.

"Damn it, why is the effect of this medicine so bad?" Wang Bin was so angry that he wanted to rush at Li Ruoshi again.

"Don't chere! If you chere again, I'll call my brother-in-law!" Li Ruoshi warned Wang Bin. She now remembered Zhou Tian.

Last night, Zhou Tian pinched Wang Bin's neck and even blinded his eyes. This rare aggressiveness left a deep impression on Li Ruoshi.

Therefore, she now used Zhou Tian to scare Wang Bin, hoping that Wang Bin would withdraw from the dilemma.

Unexpectedly, it was better not to mention Zhou Tian. Wang Bin beccrazier when she mentioned Zhou Tian.

"How dare you threatenwith that guy called Zhou Tian? I'm looking for him!" Wang Bin cursed and rushed to Li Ruoshi. He raised his hand and slapped her in the face.

With a slap, Li Ruoshi was even dizzier.

But she was still clear-headed. She knew that she had been tricked by Guo Liang today. If she didn't run away now, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Therefore, Li Ruoshi ran away and rushed to the door of the private room. She opened the door and ran to the corridor.

"Still trying to run?" Wang Bin glared. Could a cooked duck fly away? He chased after Li Ruoshi out of the room and grabbed her hair.

"Fuck you! Cback!" Wang Bin cursed and dragged Li Ruoshi into the private room.

"Stop! What are you doing?" At this moment, Li Ruoxue, who had rushed over in a hurry, saw this scene and shouted anxiously.

Fuck? Wang Bin was shocked at first, but soon his eyes becstraight.

Just as he was thinking about seeing Li Ruoxue soon, she arrived.

The key point was that this beauty was Zhou Tian’s woman. Last night, he was cleaned up by Zhou Tian. Wang Bin was about to get angry.

"Haha, who do | miss? Con, beautiful lady. If you want to save your sister, why don't we have a good chat in the private room?" Wang Bin smiled and waved to Li Ruoxue.

Li Ruoxue gritted her teeth. "Is there any law left?" At this time, she thought of Zhou Tian. After all, she knew that Zhou Tian had a good relationship with Long Kun, although she did not know why Zhou Tian could make friends with Long Kun.

In Beichuan City, the people on the road dared not to embarrass Long Kun, so Li Ruoxue thought that as long as Zhou Tian was there, they would be able to turn the situation around.

As soon as she took out her mobile phone to call Zhou Tian, Wang Bin pushed Li Ruoshi into the private room and quickly approached Li Ruoxue! "Do you still want to call the police?" Wang Bin grabbed Li Ruoxue's phone and threw it to the ground.

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"You!" Li Ruoxue was so angry that she raised her hand and slapped Wang Bin.

"How dare you beat me? If | don't conquer you completely today, | won't be surnamed Wang!" Wang Bin was angry. He would not show mercy to women. Suddenly, he grabbed Li Ruoxue's hair and slapped her four times! Due to the heavy hit, Li Ruoxue's face was swollen and blood flowed out of the corner of her mouth.

"If | don't beat you up, you won't behave yourself. Cin and servewell!" Wang Bin pulled Li Ruoxue's hair and dragged her into the private room.

"Help!" Li Ruoxue shouted for help. She knew that it was not good to enter a private room. If someone could help her in the corridor, there was still hope.

Wang Bin was also a little panicked. No matter how hard he struggled in the private room, it was okay. It was difficult to make such a big noise in the corridor.

That was why he used all his strength to drag Li Ruoxue into the private room. In the blink of an eye, more than ten strands of Li Ruoxue's hair had been torn off.

"Sir, what are you doing?" At this moment, the people who were watching the KTV arrived at the room. There were a total of five people. The leader was bald and had a fierce look on his face.

Wang Bin looked at the five people and didn't care about them.

Because in his opinion, he didn't have to worry about the people on the black road. His uncle would settle all the people in the province.

"It's none of your business. You'd better not meddle in other people's business." Wang Bin looked at the bald man and said impolitely.

The bald man looked at Wang Bin. He was very experienced. Wang Bin was not an ordinary person. His clothes were very expensive.

"Aren't you Brother Cannon? Savenow!" Li Ruoxue, who was in a panic, recognized the bald man at once. It turned out that the bald man was Zhang Yali's lover, Brother Cannon! That's right. This venue was watched by the bald Brother Cannon. Long Kun controlled the entertainment industry in Beichuan City, and his senior generals Xiao San and Brother Cannon all had their own territories.

Only then did Brother Cannon see that the woman who was bullied was Li Ruoxue! "Damn, isn't this Mr. Zhou's woman?" Brother Cannon only felt dizzy. He was in trouble now! In his own territory, he actually let Mr. Zhou's woman suffer such a beating. If Mr. Zhou blamed it, he would be in deep trouble! "Fuck, let go of her!" Brother Cannon was furious. He looked at Wang Bin's face like an electric cannon! "Ah!" Wang Bin was beaten so hard that his eyes turned blue. He let go of Li Ruoxue with a scream.

Seeing this, the fat man and another guy quickly rushed out of the room.

Seeing that Brother Cannon was about to take action, the fat man quickly stopped him. "Brother, do you know who he is?" "Who is he?" Brother Cannon glared at the fat man impatiently.

"He is Childe Wang of the provincial capital. You must have heard of his uncle." The fat man crossed his arms and looked arrogant.

"Who is his uncle?" asked Brother Cannon with a gloomy face.

"Mr. Kefo of the provincial capital! Don't tellyou haven't heard of it!" The fat man roared as if he were a tiger.

In an instant, Brother Cannon was like a deflated ball.

Seeing this situation, Wang Bin was also in high spirits. He pointed to Brother Cannon's nose and said, "Get out of here. I'm going to play with this pair of sisters today!"