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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 63
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Hearing Chen Ting's words, Zhang Peng couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, Sister Ting, | almost forgot that Brother-in-law is not an ordinary person. | am really scared now." Zhang Peng looked at Zhou Tian with a grin.

Li Ruoxue couldn't bear to listen anymore. If she stayed here any longer, she would die of anger.

"Let's go home!" Li Ruoxue pulled Zhou Tian and was about to go out.

Zhou Tian also felt that there was no need to stay here. There was no need to argue with these shameless people.

Everything would be settled tomorrow morning.

Nodding, Zhou Tian went out with Li Ruoxue.

"Mom, why are you still here?" When they reached the door, Li Ruoxue called Zhang Shuyun.

Zhang Shuyun was not someone to be trifled with. She couldn't just let it go like that.

"You can go back first. | have to ask for an explanation tonight!" Zhang Shuyun shouted at Li Ruoxue.

Li Ruoxue shook her head helplessly. She also knew what kind of person her mother was. Now that her mother was so angry that she couldn't be pulled back.

"Let's go." Li Ruoxue whispered to Zhou Tian and then went downstairs.

When they arrived downstairs, Zhou Tian found a place where there was no one and called Liu Yue'er.

Since Old Miao was recuperating in the hospital, Zhou Tian did not have the heart to torment him.

"Young Master, do you have any orders?" Liu Yue'er's sweet and charming voice sounded.

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"Cancel Zhang Peng's position as the general manager of Huanyu International. He is not allowed to step into the company in the future!" Zhou Tian ordered.

On the other end of the line, Liu Yue'er was shocked, but she did not dare to ask more and agreed.

Zhou Tian hung up the phone, returned to the car, and got in the car with Li Ruoxue.

Before he started the car, Zhou Tian found that Li Ruoxue cried sadly.

Zhou Tian gently held her jade-like hands and said softly, "You will go to work as usual tomorrow, and you will be the general manager of Yuanda ." Hearing this, Li Ruoxue trembled and raised her face to look at Zhou TianZhou Tian.

She did not know if she should believe in Zhou Tian.

If what Zhou Tian said was true, then she would not have to lose face so much. After all, she was a woman who valued her reputation.

"Zhou Tian, why are you so confident?" Li Ruoxue stared at Zhou TianZhou Tian.

Looking at her beautiful face, Zhou Tian's heart was full of excitement. His wife was really beautiful.

And at this moment, her eyes were so gentle and moving.

"Do you believe me?" Zhou Tian smiled and asked Li Ruoxue.

Li Ruoxue hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Everyone doesn't believe you, but | am willing to believe it, but..." "But what?" "I just hope that you can be a real man in the future. | don't want you to be laughed at again. | hope that my husband is a man of indomitable spirit!" Li Ruoxue gently bit her lip. When she said these words, she was already crying.

Zhou Tian's heart was deeply touched.

Over the past three years, Li Ruoxue had suffered countless ridicules because of him.

Because of his poor family background and his llegs, how much the outside world looked down on him? While he was insulted, Li Ruoxue might feel even worse in her heart.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tian's heart was full of a thousand twists and turns. He felt guilty to Li Ruoxue, but more distressed.

Gently wiping away the tears on her face, Zhou Tian's chest was full of tenderness, and he suddenly held her tender body tightly in his arms! "ART Li Ruoxue called out softly. The movement of Zhou Tian was so sudden that she didn't take precautions at all.

After struggling a few times, Li Ruoxue did not resist again. She rested her head on Zhou Tian's shoulder and cried even louder.

Zhou Tian lightly patted her back and said, "I promise you that everything will change from now on." "Really?" Li Ruoxue looked up at Zhou TianZhou Tian. She couldn't believe it, but she was also looking forward to it.

"Really." Zhou Tian said softly.

A look of relief appeared on Li Ruoxue's face. In any case, it was a happy thing that Zhou Tian was willing to change himself.

The relationship between the two had never been better than now. Even Li Ruoxue herself did not expect such a day would come.

"Open the door! Open the door!" At this time, Zhang Shuyun slapped on the window and urged Zhou Tian to open the car door.

"Open the door. Mom is finally out." Li Ruoxue heaved a sigh of relief. She was really worried that her mother would fight with those so-called relatives inside.

Zhou Tian opened the door and Zhang Shuyun sat in the back seat angrily.

"What kind of relatives are they? I'm so pissed off!" Zhang Shuyun was so angry that she sat in the back to vent her anger.

"Mom, there's no need to be angry with them. Let's go hfirst." Li Ruoxue hurriedly persuaded.

"Go home? Zhang Peng said he would make us give up tonight." Zhang Shuyun shook her head in anger.

"To make us give up?" Li Ruoxue also widened her eyes.

"Yes, didn't Zhou Tian just say that Zhang Peng couldn't even get into Huanyu International tomorrow, but Zhang Peng insisted on taking us to verify it now. This little bastard, why does he becsuch a bad guy?" Zhang Shuyun gritted her teeth hard.

Li Ruoxue shook her head helplessly. She thought that Zhang Peng would soon slap Zhou Tianin the face when he was about to change his attitude and stop being humiliated.

Zhang Peng was now the general manager of Huanyu International Company. How could he not even enter the company? "Zhou Tian, drive hquickly. We won't play with Zhang Peng." Li Ruoxue persuaded Zhou Tian. She really did not want Zhou Tian to lose face in front of others.

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Zhou Tian knew what Li Ruoxue was thinking. At this time, he smiled faintly and pointed to the front of the car. "It's too late. Look." Hearing this, Li Ruoxue looked at the front of the car. Zhang Peng and Chen Ting cout talking and laughing. Chen Ting's parents and Zhang Tao followed them out.

"Brother-in-law, I'll give you a chance to prove yourself tonight. Con, Huanyu International." Zhang Peng looked at Zhou Tian in the car contemptuously and sneered.

"That's right, Zhou Tian. | can't wait to see the bustle tonight. Let's see how little brother Peng can't get into Huanyu, haha!" Chen Ting twisted her hips and cto the front of the car, playfully looking at Zhou Tian and saying.

"As you wish." Zhou Tian smiled faintly. Then, with a beautiful shake of its tail, the car rushed out.

"Everybody, get in the car! Old Chen, drive faster. Catch up with this good-for-nothing. Don't get on him and slip away." Zhang Shuxiang urged Chen Jianghe.

Chen Jianghe got in the car with a group of people. He really listened to his wife and drove fast behind Zhou Tian.

20 minutes later, both cars arrived at Huanyu International.

Zhang Peng was the first to get out of the car. He was very happy in his heart. He felt really good to be the general manager of Huanyu International these days.

Even Miao Pengju and Liu Yue'er were extremely polite to him, so who else in the company didn't bow him? "Con, brother-in-law. I'll show you how to get into the company." Zhang Peng proudly provoked Zhou Tian and then strode to the door of the office building.

Chen Ting followed them while swaying her hips. She waved at Zhou Tian from tto tand said with a smile, "Hurry up and keep up with Brother Peng. Otherwise, you will never be able to get into such a big company in your life." Zhang Shuxiang and Chen Jianghe walked with Zhang Tao, and the three of them were also laughing secretly, waiting for Zhou Tian to be slapped in the face.

Zhang Shuyun glared at Zhou Tian. "If you drop the deal again this time, you'd better hang yourself to death with a crooked tree." Zhou Tian ignored Zhang Shuyun. Holding Li Ruoxue's hand, he followed behind these people.

"Let go of her hand and fumble around blindly?" Zhang Shuyun slapped Zhou Tian's hand away and stopped him from holding Li Ruoxue's hand.

Zhou Tian was really speechless about this mother-in-law. "Is your daughter my wife? Can't | touch her?" Li Ruoxue didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She blinked at Zhou Tian and signaled him not to be so delicate in front of her mother.

Zhang Peng proudly walked in front of the crowd and arrived at the gate.

What surprised him was that the six security guards inside saw him coming. They immediately picked up batons and ran out from inside. They mixed into a row and stood in front of the door.

"Wow, brother Peng is so awesome. So many subordinates cout to welcus as soon as we arrived at the door!" Chen Ting sighed with envy, but she felt even prouder in her heart.

She looked back at Zhou Tian and thought, "You're such a faker. Brother Peng has such a high status in the company. How dare you say that he can't even get through the company door?" Zhang Tao was greatly satisfied with his vanity. He never dreamed that his son could be what he was today.

"Big sister, did you see that? The big company is really different. The security guards all know the rules so well." Zhang Tao and Zhang Shuxiang flaunted their relationship proudly.

Zhang Shuxiang nodded repeatedly and said flatteringly, "Yes, yes, Zhang Peng has really won honor for our Zhang family."