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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 59
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The quarrels outside grew louder and fiercer. Zhou Tian was worried that his sister would be frightened, so she said to Miao Pengju, "Old Miao, you rest for a while. I'll go out and take a look." "Okay, Young Master." Miao Pengju answered.

Zhou Tian strode out of the ward and went to Zhou Ling's ward.

After turning the corner of the corridor, they arrived at Zhou Ling's ward, which was very close.

Before they arrived at the door of the ward, Zhou Tian saw a gorgeously dressed young girl tearing an old man at the door of the ward.

She kept pushing and pouting. The girl's mouth was quite dirty. From tto time, she would scold the old man, saying that he was a shrew.

Zhou Tian didn't care about such a small dispute, but when he saw the old man, he was shocked and quickly walked over.

This old man was none other than Zhou Tian's adoptive father, Zhou Fuzhu.

At this time, Zhou Fuzhu was dressed in blue clothes, with a lunch box in his hand, looking helpless and panic.

"Miss, let go of me. My clothes are almost torn by you." Zhou Fuzhu timidly discussed with the girl in front of him.

The girl was wearing heavy makeup and fashionable clothes, but it was very fierce.

"Old man, | told you to get out, but you didn't get out. You only got to be happy when | beat you up, didn't you?" The fashionable woman grabbed Zhou Fuzhu's collar and scolded him.

There were a lot of patients’ families around, and spatients also cout to watch the scene. A group of people was talking about it.

Zhou Tian was still watching when he walked over and grabbed the woman's arm.

"Let go!" Zhou Tian shouted.

The fashionable woman's arm was hurt by Zhou Tian's grip, and she also released Zhou Fuzhu at this time.

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"Who the fuck are you? It's your turn to meddle in other people's business." The fashionable woman was so arrogant that she pointed at Zhou Tian's nose and scolded.

Zhou Tian couldn't help frowning. It seemed that this woman was really unreasonable.

"Dad, what's going on?" Zhou Tian ignored the fashionable women and asked Zhou Fuzhu.

Looking at the fashionable woman, Zhou Fuzhu sighed and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Little God, is it serious?" "It's all right. Dad, don't worry." Zhou Tian comforted him. He knew that his adoptive father only knew the news and cto visit Zhou Ling.

"Oh, it turns out to be the old man's son. No wonder he dressed so shabbily. He and his son are a pair of poor people." The fashionable woman looked mockingly at Zhou Tian and laughed.

Since good men don't fight with women, Zhou Tian didn't want to pay attention to this kind of guy. At this time, he said to Zhou Fuzhu, "Dad, let's go in." "Okay, okay, Xiao Tian." Zhou Fuzhu couldn't wait to stay away from this unreasonable woman. He nodded quickly and planned to go into the ward with Zhou Tian.

Unexpectedly, the fashionable woman blocked the door of the ward.

"Did | let you in?" The fashionable woman sneered and asked.

Zhou Fuzhu was very dull. He had been honest for a lifetime. When faced with such a situation, he could only endure it.

Zhou Tian's face darkened when he saw that the fashionable woman was not done.

"Your family runs the hospital?" "Haha, anyway, this old man is not allowed to enter the ward. I'm going to have dinner later. | feel sick when | see him so dirty." The fashionable woman said with a smile.

"Alas, forget it, Xiao Tian. I'll go in and see Lingling after this girl finishes her lunch." Zhou Fuzhu sighed and said to Zhou Tian.

"Get out of the way." Zhou Tian, who could swallow such anger, pulled the woman's arm and pulled her aside. Then he took Zhou Fuzhu into the ward.

The fashionable woman immediately flared up and walked in in her high heels.

"How dare you touch me? My clothes are worth thousands of yuan. Can you afford it if you break it?" The fashionable woman pointed at Zhou Tian and shouted.

Zhou Tian was annoyed by this woman. He looked at the fashionable woman and said, "Are you not done yet?" "So what? My mom will be transferred to this ward later. | can tell you that all of you should get out of here before my mom comes in. Otherwise, don't blme for being rude." The fashionable women were so arrogant that they were swearing.

At this time, a young doctor in a white coat cin from outside the door.

"Baby, what's the matter? Why are you quarreling?" A young doctor cover to ask the fashionable woman.

When the fashionable woman saw the male doctor cin, she beceven more furious.

"Dawei, when | was hungry and was about to eat something, this dirty old man came, and there is still a smell on him. He's stinky." The fashionable woman complained to Qin Dawei.

Hearing this, Qin Dawei immediately rolled his eyes.

He looked at Zhou Tian and Zhou Fuzhu and felt very angry.

This was how things were these days. If ZHou Tian dressed well, Qin Dawei would not have had such a bad temper.

"What's wrong with you? Is the hospital a public place? Don't you change your clothes when you go out? Will it affect others if you cin with a whole smell?" Qin Dawei scolded Zhou Tian and Zhou Fuzhu.

Zhou Fuzhu didn't dare to say a word. He was born timid and was used to being scolded.

Zhou Tian looked at Qin Dawei speechlessly.

Based on the doctor's qualities, they all failed to match the sacred white tics he was wearing.

"His clothes are obviously new. Where does it smell like?" Zhou Tian's face darkened as he asked Qin Dawei.

Qin Dawei, who wanted to show off in front of his girlfriend, glared at him "Look at his tattered body. How can it be tasteless? You two are together, aren't you? Hurry up and change the ward. I'll arrange another ward for you. Don't stay here." With this, Qin Dawei looked at the casebook in front of Zhou Ling's bed and was ready to change the ward for Zhou Ling.

The fashionable woman was quite satisfied. She looked at Zhou Tian with a look of contempt.

Her boyfriend was a doctor here, and it was easy to get things done if there was someone else. Next, she would accompany her mother to stay in the hospital for a few days. She didn't want to see Zhou Fuzhu every day, in case she was disgusted.

"Enough, little girl. Move to the ward in the corner right now." Qin Dawei seemed to have the final say and informed Zhou Ling with a cold face.

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Zhou Ling knew that the ward in the corner didn't have good ventilation and lighting. It was the worst ward.

However, she could only listen to the doctor.

"Brother, pushover." Zhou Ling sighed softly. She didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

Zhou Tian looked at Zhou Ling and said softly, "You don't have to move. You just stay here. I'm here, so what they say doesn't count." "Huh?" Zhou Ling looked at Zhou Tian with her beautiful big eyes. She couldn't believe it.

Although his brother seemed to suddenly becrich, this was the hospital after all, and Qin Dawei was the doctor here. How could his brother be stubborn? "Xiaotian, let's move. We don't have the authority to do so." Zhou Fuzhu also persuaded Zhou Tian at this time.

"Hehe, he has the fucking authority." Zhou Tian smiled and glanced at Qin Dawei.

Hearing Zhou Tian's words, Qin Dawei suddenly becangry. "What are you talking about? Say it again!" "I said you have bullshit power. Do you hear me?" Zhou Tian looked coldly at Qin Dawei.

Qin Dawei was so angry that he wanted to hit him, but he was the doctor here after all. He didn't dare to hit Zhou Tian.

The fashionable woman becexcited. She pointed at Zhou Tian and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Do you want to move by yourselves or do you want us to help you?" "Get lost! Don't waste my time!" Qin Dawei also swore.

"Doctor Qin, what are you arguing about?" At this moment, a loud voice was heard.

Then, the director Qi Guozhongwalked into the ward with several professors and directors.

Originally, Qi Guozhong wanted to see if Miao Pengju had finished talking to Mr. Zhou. If he finished, he would be able to get close to Chairman Miao.

However, when they just passed by Zhou Ling's ward, they heard Qin Dawei's call, and Qi Guozhong cin with his men.

Qin Dawei was so scared that he shrank his neck like a turtle. He quickly smiled and bowed to Qi Guozhong, saying, "Director Qi, you are here." Qi Guozhong ignored Qin Dawei because he saw Zhou Tian at a glance.

"Oh, my God. Isn't this Mr. Zhou, the one who talked to Chairman Miao?" Qi Guozhong was shocked. He knew that although this Mr. Zhou looked very ordinary on the surface, his status was definitely very noble! At least, Qi Guozhong couldn't compete with Mr. Zhou, because Chairman Miao drove him out directly to talk with Mr. Zhou.

His own doctor had offended such a powerful man. What was going on? One mistake would cause a lot of trouble! The more Qi Guozhong thought about it, the angrier he became. He glared at Qin Dawei.

The fashionable woman didn't dare to show off. She was also good at judging people. Qi Guozhong was the absolute leader of her boyfriend. How dare she make trouble? Seeing that Qi Guozhong was angry, the fashionable women looked down on Zhou Tian even more. If it weren't for this guy, could he have angered his boyfriend's superiors? "What are you doing here? Get your sister out of here!" The fashionable woman pointed at Zhou Tian and scolded.

Qin Dawei, who was thinking like the fashionable woman, glared at Zhou Tian and said, "Get out of here! What are you dawdling for?"