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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 55
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"What!?" After hearing what the girl said on the other end of the phone, Zhou Tian's body shook a few times and he almost fainted.

Although Zhou Ling was not his biological sister, he loved her more than his own sister! Hearing that Zhou Ling was seriously injured, Zhou Tian felt a great pain in his heart and his anger was ignited in an instant.

"Brother Zhou, hurry up. Zhou Ling is not in a good condition now." The girl on the other end of the phone said again.

"I'll be right there!" After hanging up the phone, he drove to Beichuan City Bone Hospital.

Although it was only a BYD, Zhou Tian drove the car like a supercar. It flew like electricity and arrived at the hospital in less than ten minutes.

Zhou Tian was both worried and angry.

He was worried that he still did not know how his younger sister was and how badly she had been injured.

What made him angry was who was so cruel and merciless? His sister was so gentle and kind and always stayed away from others.

How could he be so ruthless? After inquiring all the way, Zhou Tian finally found the operating room of Zhou Ling.

The operation was going on. Outside the operating room, two young girls were waiting anxiously. One of the short-haired girls was quietly wiping her tears with a worried face.

Seeing Zhou Tian coming in a hurry, the short-haired girl greeted him. "Are you Zhou Ling's brother?" Zhou Tian nodded. "It's me. What happened to my sister?" The short-haired girl wiped her tears and said to Zhou Tian, "Brother Zhou, when we were walking on the street with Zhou Ling, three men and two women suddenly rushed out. One of them was holding an iron rod and broke Zhou Ling's leg..." Speaking of this, the short-haired girl cried again.

Another pretty girl took over the conversation and said to Zhou Tian, "Brother Zhou, that man is too cruel. After Zhou Ling fell to the ground, he also kicked Zhou Ling's face several times!" Zhou Tian clenched his fists as his heart bled. He could no longer suppress his anger! For so many years, he had always doted on his sister and called him a cuckold.

He did not expect that his younger sister would suffer such a disaster today! If that person was right in front of him, Zhou Tian would definitely kill him without hesitation! "What does the man look like? Does he have any characteristics?" Zhou Tian asked the pretty girl.

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The beautiful girl recalled and said to Zhou Tian, "The man is dressed quite well. It's obvious that he's from a wealthy family. Right, he's wearing a golden earrings on his right ear!" Golden earring? Zhou Tian gritted his teeth. All of a sudden, he thought of Wang Zibo.

"This bastard only wears a gold earrings. Did he do it?" "What do the two girls look like?" In order to further confirm it, Zhou Tian pressed on.

The short-haired girl thought for a moment and said first, "One of the girls is very beautiful and seems to be the girlfriend of that guy wearing earrings. The other girl is good looking, anyway, they are very young, only in their twenties." Zhou Tian's eyes were full of murderous intent. He was sure that these people were Wang Zibo and Li Panpan.

He recalled that he broke Wang Zibo's nose last night. It must be Wang Zibo's revenge on his sister Zhou Ling! "Bastard, you can do whatever you want to me. If you hurt my sister, I'll make you regret coming to this world!" Zhou Tian swore to himself. Without saying a word, he stood guard in front of the operating room.

More than half an hour later, Zhou Ling was pushed out by the medical staff.

"Doctor, how is she?" Zhou Tian asked the doctor in charge anxiously.

The attending doctor took off his mask. "Are you the family of the injured?" Zhou Tian nodded.

"The wounded is fine now." Zhou Tian breathed a sigh of relief and entered Zhou Ling's ward with Zhou Ling's two classmates.

Zhou Ling was lying on the hospital bed, her face pale. She had just taken the effect of the anesthetic, but she was still in pain.

When she saw Zhou Tian at a glance, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

"Brother." Looking at his sister's swollen face and leg plastered with plaster, Zhou Tian's heart was almost broken.

"Take care of yourself. | will avenge for you." Zhou Tian gently stroked his sister's hair.

Zhou Ling shook her head gently. "Brother, | don't need you to avenge me. | don't want anything to happen to you." Zhou Tian forced a smile and looked at his sensible sister. He said softly, "Don't worry. I'll be fine." After that, he got up and left the hospital.

As soon as he got out of the hospital gate, Zhou Tian called Xiao San.

"Xiao San, finda man named Wang Zibo within an hour." "Don't worry, Mr. Zhou. I'll let you see this boy in half an hour." Xiao San's relaxed voice cfrom the other end of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Tian waited in the car.

At the stime, Xiao San had already scattered his men to search for Wang Zibo all over the world! Wang Zibo was quite famous in Beichuan. Although his family was not as rich as that of Qian Xiaofei, many people knew him.

It was easy for a local villain like Xiao San to find Wang Zibo.

In less than 15 minutes, one of Master Xiao's hatchet men found out the news. Wang Zibo was in the Qian Governor KTV, with two followers and two girls.

More than a dozen black Audi A6L quickly arrived at the front door of Qian Xiang KTV. Xiao San, with the 30 or 40 people, directly broke in.

The staff of the KTV were sharp-eyed. They knew that this group of people was not here to spend money but to cause trouble! "Get Wang Zibo to cout!" As soon as Xiao San cin, he shouted.

"Brother, you'd better not make trouble here." Several security guards gathered around, and one of them warned Xiao San.

Pa! Xiao San knocked over the internal protector with a slap and did not talk nonsense with him at all.

Seeing that Xiao San was so fierce, the other internal security guards did not dare to do anything. Because there were too many people brought along by Xiao San, these internal security guards were only to wait and see.

"Hello, brother. | am the manager here. Is there anything | can do for you?" The manager of the KTV cover when he heard the news. In fact, this guy was a gangster named Manager, who was actually the leader of the gang.

"Which room is Wang Zibo in?" Xiao San's cold eyes fell on the manager.

Although the manager did not know Master Xiao, he could see that he could not afford to provoke the man in front of him.

"Big Brother, Young Master Wang is here, but you'd better not do it here. Take him out as you please..." The manager discussed with Xiao San.

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"Don't talk nonsense! Let him cout!" Xiao San was angry and promised Master Zhou for 30 minutes. How could he have tto waste? The manager quickly trotted to Wang Zibo's private room and went to find him.

At this time, Wang Zibo was quite complacent. Last night, his nose bone was broken by Zhou Tian. Today, he broke Zhou Ling's leg and vented his anger.

"Humph, you're so short-sighted. How dare you punch me? Now he must be crying with his sister in his arms, haha!" Wang Zibo drank beer and laughed proudly.

Li Panpanwas lying in Wang Zibo's arms, charming and charming.

"Childe Wang, you are so amazing. | love you so much." Li Panpan said as she put her arms around Wang Zibo's neck.

Zou Hui also said with a flattering smile, "Yes, that poor man, Zhou Tian, must be afraid now. Young Master Wang, you can go to him and ask him to tell President Miao and give you the project." Wang Zibo nodded proudly and said with a smile, "Damn it, do | still need to find him? He has to begnot to break his legs." "Hehe, Young Master Wang is right," Zou Hui flattered.

When the three of them were chatting, the door of the private room opened.

The manager cin with worry. Before he could say anything, Xiao San had already rushed in with his men.

Glancing at Wang Zibo and the others, Xiao San waved his hand and said, "Take away all the people present!" Before the three men and two women could react, their heads were covered with sacks and carried out.

In an abandoned factory in Beichuan City.

Xiao San waited here with his men.

Wang Zibo and the other two men and two women were kneeling on the ground in a row. They were scared out of their wits.

"Big brother, big brother, what's the matter? If you want money, just say it. | will definitely give it to you..." Wang Zibo shivered and asked Xiao San in front of him like a dog.

Xiao San ignored Wang Zibo and waited for the arrival of Zhou Tian.

Li Panpan and Zou Hui's faces turned pale as they knelt there. They knew that disaster was about to descend upon them, but they didn't know how to provoke these terrifying people.

Wang Zibo's two followers were also stunned, and they were so scared that they were sweating.

A few minutes later, a BYD car drove into the abandoned factory.

Then, Zhou Tian opened the door and got out of the car.