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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 48
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Zhang Yali becmore and more excited as she spoke. In her opinion, Zhou Tian was just a good-for-nothing. What kind of ability could a man live off a woman have? "What's wrong? Are you still not convinced? Look at how cowardly you are. How dare you chere and question me!" Zhang Yali pointed at Zhou Tian and laughed arrogantly. "I beat up your wife. What can you do to me? | told you that I'm addicted to beating her and I'm going to slap her face every day. If you don't get out of here, I'll slap you too!" The employees of Yuanda Company, who were watching, saw the situation and began to discuss in a low voice.

"Ruoxue's husband is really a coward. He can stand being scolded like that." "Yes, yes, it seems that the man who marries into the family is not promising and has no courage at all." "Ah, Zhang Yali is too bullying. Ruoxue is so pitiful..." Several female employees whispered to each other, but they didn't dare to speak loudly, because they were afraid that Zhang Yali would hear them.

Seeing Zhang Yali's arrogance, Zhou Tian could no longer suppress his anger.

How could she still be so arrogant after beating up his own wife? If he did not teach the bitch a lesson today, his wife would be bullied to death by her in the future.

Zhou Tian's anger surged when he thought of that. He rushed to Zhang Yali's face and slapped her four times! In a fit of rage, the four slaps were really heavy. Zhang Yali was slapped so hard that she cried out and took a few steps back, covering her face with her hands.

She did not expect Zhou Tian to dare to hit her. She scolded, "As a man, you hit a woman. Do you know how shameful it is?" "What's wrong with women? Women like you deserve a spanking!" Zhou Tian shouted and rushed to Zhang Yali's underbelly.

"Oh my god!" Zhang Yali screamed in pain and sat down in the flowerbed.

All the people present were shocked. Who would have thought that the famous "little pepper" Zhang Yali in the company would be beaten up like this? At first, Li Ruoxue was very touched, because her man finally bectough once! She also knew that the reason why Zhou Tian was so angry was that he was worried about her, so she was even more moved.

"Zhou Tian, forget it. Don't make a big deal out of it." Li Ruoxue grabbed Zhou Tian worriedly and advised him to stop.

After hitting Zhang Yali, Zhou Tian's anger subsided a little. At this time, he also calmed down a lot.

No matter what, the other party was also a woman, so Zhou Tian did not intend to kill her.

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Unexpectedly, Zhang Yali stood up, pointed at Zhou Tian, and scolded, "Fuck you, Zhou Tian. How dare you hitlike this? Wait and see. If | don't find someone to kill you today, | won't be Zhang Yali!" Zhou Tian was still angry. How could Zhou Tian spoil this woman since she was so energetic? "I'll teach you a lesson!" Zhou Tian rushed up and slapped Zhang Yali to the ground.


Zhang Yali opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, with a tooth in it.

"Wu wu, just you wait..." Zhang Yali took out her mobile phone in tears and made a phone call. "Brother Pao, con. My teeth have been knocked out. If you don't come, you won't be able to see me!" "I'm at the company. Con, take more people with you." After complaining tearfully, Zhang Yali hung up the phone and stood up, staring at Zhou Tian.

Although she was gnashing her teeth in hatred, Zhang Yali did not dare to scold Zhou Tian anymore.

Feng Shan, who was watching from the side, was so anxious that he broke out in a cold sweat.

He could not afford to offend either side of the conflict. Li Ruoxue was the one whom Miao Pengju pointed out and asked him to take care of. As for Zhang Yali, the "Brother Pao" she had recently known was a tough character, and Feng Shan did not dare to provoke him.

"Ruoxue's husband, hurry up and run away with your wife. You'll be screwed when Brother Pao arrives later..." Feng Shan nervously approached Zhou Tian and urged him to run.

A few others wanted to persuade him, but when they saw Zhang Yali, they did not dare to cover.

"Feng Shan, if you dare to let them go, | will take the blfor you when Brother Pao comes!" Zhang Yali pointed at Feng Shan angrily.

Feng Shan was furious. After all, he was Zhang Yali's boss, but how could there be such a coward boss in the world? He was pointed at by his staff and was scolded by her.

"Okay, okay, okay, it's none of my business, okay? Anyway, it's none of my business." Feng Shan found himself a way out and hid to the side.

At this time, Li Ruoxue was really anxious. She was most clear about what ability Zhou Tian had.

If that Brother Pao really clater, wouldn't Zhou Tian be beaten to death? "Chwith me. Be good." Li Ruoxue grabbed Zhou Tian's hand and was about to take him away.

"Li Ruoxue, you can run away now but you can't run away forever! If you dare to run away now, | will ruin your face tomorrow!" Zhang Yali shouted again, threatening Li Ruoxue.

Zhou Tian said to Li Ruoxue gently, "Withhere, you don't have to be afraid of anything." "Ah..." Li Ruoxue opened her mouth and looked at the calm expression on Zhou Tian's face. She couldn't believe what she saw.

He was so calm and confident that he could give people a strong sense of security. Was this still the Zhou Tian in her impression? A few minutes later, all of a sudden, a van drove fast and stopped in front of the company.

The car door was pulled open, and seven or eight men rushed out of the car with crutches in their hands! The man in the lead was a bald man in his 30s or 40s. His forehead was bright and he was dressed in a flowery shirt with a fierce look on his face.

"Yali, who dares to hit you? Didn't you tell him my name?" Brother Pao cto Zhang Yali with three steps and looked very dignified.

Seeing that Brother Pao had arrived, Zhang Yali threw herself into Brother Pao's arms.

"Brother Pao, I've told him your name, but that fool said that Brother Pao is a dog basket? Brother Pao, you have to make a decision for me." Hearing Zhang Yali's words, Brother Pao was furious! "Damn it! How dare you calla dog? Where is that fool?" Brother Bao swore angrily.

Feng Shan hid in a corner, not daring to even let out a breath. He knew how savage Brother Pao was.

Li Ruoxue's colleagues did not dare to say a word. They all knew that Zhou Tian was going to be in trouble. Why didn't Brother Pao tear him apart? "Brother Pao, it's him who hit me!" Zhang Yali pulled Brother Pao to Zhou Tian, pointed at him, and said, "Bitch, kneel down and kowtow ten times, and then slap yourself a hundred times! Otherwise, I'll destroy you!" Zhou Tian ignored Zhang Yali, whose mouth was full of blood, and looked at the man in front of him.

The bald man looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

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Strangely, since Brother Pao saw Zhou Tian's appearance clearly, his eyes had been opened even wider than a bull's eyes! "What are you looking at? Do you know me?" Zhou Tian asked grumpily.

Brother Pao was sweating. He recognized him. Wasn't this Mr. Zhou? Beichuan City was not a small city, but it was not too big. This brother Pao was Long Kun's subordinate and was a key member of Long Kun's company.

When Long Kun took his men to help Zhou Tian, this Brother Pao also followed, so he knew very well how noble Mr. Zhou's status was! Even Long Kun and Master Kefo, who had high statuses, had to bow and talk to Mr. Zhou when they saw him. How terrifying was Mr. Zhou's identity? Brother Pao was not a fool, so he naturally understood the reason behind it.

"Mr, Mr. Zhou, it's you..." Brother Pao immediately gave in, and he no longer had the momentum to fight and kill.

What was going on? None of the people present were not surprised, and they were all stunned by the performance of Brother Pao.

Zhang Yali was not as arrogant as before. She was dumbfounded. "When did such a loser like Zhou Tian becMr. Zhou?" "Brother Pao, what's wrong with you? Beat him." Zhang Yali played with Brother Pao.

Brother Pao glared at Zhang Yali and thought, "What a bitch! Aren't you looking for trouble? Why do you have to mess with Mr.

Zhou? Don't you wantto die?" When Zhang Yali saw that Brother Pao was so mean to her, she immediately cried and punched him in the chest. "Boo-hoo, how dare you be so fierce to me? | won't sleep with you anymore." Being annoyed, Brother Pao threw Zhang Yali off and cup to Zhou Tian.

He smiled obsequiously at Zhou Tian and said, "Mr. Zhou, she is immature. Please forgive her, hehe." "Is it you who is teaching her, or | am teaching her for you? Or should | teach you too?" With a gloomy face, Zhou Tian asked the Brother Pao in front of him coldly.

Seeing this, Brother Pao thought it would be bad if he didn't give Mr. Zhou an explanation today.

"Zhang Yali, chere and kneel down before Mr. Zhou!" Brother Pao turned around and said to Zhang Yali.

Zhang Yali rolled her eyes in anger. She pointed at Brother Pao and shouted, "He's your father! Why do you listen to him so much?" Brother Pao was so angry that he almost hit the wall. He also liked Zhang Yali. After all, this girl was tall and white. The most important thing was that she would serve a man in bed.

But she had provoked Mr. Zhou. This was too terrible! "Yes, he is indeed my father! Hurry up and kneel down!" Brother Pao was so anxious that he almost went crazy.

Zhang Yali tugged at the cuff of her white shirt. "You're afraid of this good-for-nothing, but I'm not! See how | slapped him!" Zhang Yali walked towards Zhou Tian as she scolded him. She took a few steps closer to him and raised her hand to slap him in the face.