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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 46
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"Hahaha, I'm laughing my head off." Chen Ting couldn't hold back her laughter. Her mouth was almost at the back of her head. She really despised Zhou Tian to the extreme.

Zhang Shuxiang was also amused. Although she had been suppressing her anger, she couldn't hold back her laughter after hearing Zhang Shuyun's words.

Chen Jianghe snorted. If it weren't for the sake of his relatives, he would really beat up Zhou Tian.

"Hee hee, brother-in-law, it seems that | have to flatter you in the future. Master Zhou in the capital is my brother-in-law. My God, if | tell others, won't my friends be scared to death?" Li Ruoshi laughed and patted Zhou Tian's shoulder, joking.

Li Ruoxue kept shaking her head. She was really disappointed with Zhou Tian.

"All right, | have nothing to say to you! Last tyou were crazy. | thought there was something wrong with your pressure. But now | find that you are very sober. You are lying." Li Ruxue looked at Zhou Tian and felt very tired.

"Ruoxue, I..." Zhou Tian wanted to tell Li Ruoxue that he was indeed Childe Zhou in the capital! But at this time, Zhang Shuyun was about to wave her hand again, so Zhou Tian held back the second half of his words.

"Mom, something happened to Ruoshi just now. | didn't ask for leave and went out. | have to go back to the company. I'll go first." Li Ruoyun said goodbye to Zhang Shuyun and went out.

She was really depressed now. Her relationship with Zhou Tian had warmed up recently, but she didn't expect Zhou Tian to be so hypocritical and talk nonsense.

It was so embarrassing in front of Chen Ting's family! "Haha, Shuyun, congratulations. Your son-in-law has such a powerful background that he can scare people to death." Zhang Shuxiang satirized.

Zhang Shuyun was so angry that her stomach hurt. She felt ashamed.

"Well, elder sister, don't make fun of me. Don't you know Zhou Tian's family? His father Zhou Fuzhu is a good-for-nothing. He has a poor sister who went to college and can't even afford the tuition fees." Zhang Shuyun said to Zhang Shuxiang.

Just then, Chen Ting's phone rang.

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Chen Ting picked up the phone with a surprised look on her face.

"Hee hee, Second Aunt, one of my friends is downstairs. | asked him to cup and let you have a look." Chen Ting asked Zhang Shuyun with a smile.

Zhang Shuyun nodded. "Since he's your friend, let him cup." Chen Ting chuckled and opened the door.

After a while, a young man in a suit cin.

The young man was dressed in a very generous and decent manner. His hair was even brighter, and he was carrying a lot of precious gifts in his hand.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Wang Zibo, Chen Ting's good friend." Wang Zibo smiled as soon as he cin. He was very confident and generous.

Zhou Tian was shocked to see that it was Wang Zibo.

What is this guy doing here? Wang Zibo also saw Zhou Tian and gave him a provocative smile.

Hehe! You're a good-for-nothing. | must get the project! Wang Zibo thought to himself, quite proud of himself.

"Childe Wang, letintroduce you to my second aunt. Jinxiu Villa belongs to her family." Chen Ting quickly introduced Wang Zibo.

"Nice to meet you, aunt. It's our first meeting. Please accept these gifts." Wang Zibo gave the gift to Zhang Shuyun with a smile on his face.

Zhang Shuyun was overjoyed when she saw that.

Among the gifts brought by Wang Zibo, there was actually a wild ginseng that had existed for hundreds of years. If it was real, it would be worth at least 100,000 yuan.

"Childe Wang, you're too polite. Please take a seat." Zhang Shuyun smiled and greeted Wang Zibo enthusiastically.

Chen Ting was quite happy in her heart because Wang Zibo cto her yesterday and promised not to take back the million yuan he gave her before. As long as she helped him to know Zhang Shuyun. It would be enough.

Everyone in Beichuan City knew that Young Master Zhou in the capital city helped to build Jinxiu Villa for free. Wang Zibo concluded that Zhang Shuyun must have met Young Master Zhou! The water park was owned by Young Master Zhou. If Zhang Shuyun was willing to say something, Young Master Zhou would definitely give the project to the Wang family. At that time, Miao Pengju's words would not count! Wang Zibo was quite scheming.

In order to get the million yuan, Chen Ting was naturally willing to contribute to Wang Zibo. This time, she cto Zhang Shuyun's house, on the one hand, she wanted to blZhou Tian to vent her anger, and on the other hand, she wanted to help Wang Zibo get the back door.

"Second Aunt, Young Master Wang has already agreed. As long as you tell Young Master Zhou to hand over part of the project of the water park project to the Wang family, Young Master Wang will give you a million yuan as compensation." Chen Ting directly threw out her trump card.

As expected, Zhang Shuyun was tempted.

In the past few years, she had been living a hard life. Moreover, Jinxiu Villa had not been open for sale yet. She really liked this one million! But Zhang Shuyun didn't even know where Master Zhou was! How could she help Wang Zibo? "Hehe. Little Ting, | also wanted to speak up for Young Master Wang. But | really don't know where Young Master Zhou is and | can't get in touch with him," Zhang Shuyun said awkwardly.

Chen Ting laughed. "Con, Second Aunt. Everyone knows that Young Master Zhou likes Ruoxue. Sooner or later, he will be your son-in-law. Can you still not get in touch with him?" "Yes, Second Aunt, don't be modest. Besides, even if you really can't get in touch with him, Miao Pengju will definitely be able to contact him. Why don't you find Miao Pengju and ask him to help you contact Young Master Zhou?" Wang Zibo gave Zhang Shuyun an idea.

Zhang Shuyun smiled when she heard that. "Okay then." Then, she glanced at Zhou Tian in the corner and said coldly, "Hey, don't you know Miao Pengju? Ask him out tonight. | want to treat Mr. Miao to dinner." Zhou Tian looked at this group of people studying Young Master Zhou and felt both angry and amused.

"Mom, it's useless for you to treat Mr. Miao to a meal. He can't possibly tell you where Young Master Zhou is." Zhou Tian shook his head and said.

Zhang Shuyun's eyes widened when she heard that. "How did you know that Mr. Miao wouldn't tell me? Hmph, Young Master Zhou likes Ruoxue and he's eager to curry favor with me. Mr. Miao must know about this. How dare he not listen to me?" Chen Ting also cover. She put her hands on her hips and said, "That's right. Do you really think that Miss Tang Xiaoniu is omnipotent? Do you think that Miao Pengju listens to Mr. Zhou or Tang Xiaoniu?" Zhang Shuyun felt more confident after hearing Chen Ting's words.

If she asked Miao Pengju out in the evening, she would definitely be able to find out where Young Master Zhou was. This was what she dreamed about.

"Young Master Zhou of the capital, if he becomes my son-in-law, my life will be a meteoric rise!" At the thought of this, Zhang Shuyun couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart.

"Can you say something? You are really something that doesn't cout of smoke and fire. If you can't do it, | can also ask Mr.

Miao out." Zhang Shuyun glared at Zhou Tian.

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Zhou Tian spread out his hands and said, "Just do it yourself. I'll pick up Ruoxue from work." After saying that, Zhou Tian did not want to stay at hfor a moment. "These ridiculous guys, let them have sweet dreams." Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, Wang Zibo chased after him and blocked Zhou Tian's way. "Haha, | say, you're a good-for- nothing, aren't you?" Zhou Tian looked at Wang Zibo and was speechless about this guy.

"A good dog doesn't block the way. Get out of the way." "That bitch Su Xinran must be blind to look for you to be her backer. Hehe! Just wait and see. After tonight, the project will still belong to my Wang Family. Don't you feel depressed? Hahaha..." Wang Zibo smiled proudly and looked at Zhou Tian angrily.

Zhou Tian also smiled and patted Wang Zibo on the shoulder. "Childe Wang, even if you have racked your brains, you can't get the object." "Haha, it's really funny. With your mother-in-law's help, Childe Zhou will personally hand over the project to me. Maybe he will givemore project!" Wang Zibo was very proud.

"Haha." Zhou Tian smiled and was too lazy to argue with Wang Zibo, so he bypassed him and went downstairs.

"Bah! Just wait to embarrass yourself in front of Su Xinran, you piece of trash!" Wang Zibo spat fiercely and went back to his room while cursing.

At this time, in Yuanda company.

Li Ruoxue had just entered the company when she met her immediate superior, Zhang Yali.

Li Ruoxue felt a little guilty when she saw Zhang Yali.

In order to save Li Ruoshi, she left the company without even asking for leave. Now she was really afraid that Zhang Yali would make trouble for her.

Zhang Yali walked over swaying her hips. When she saw that Li Ruoxue was back, she was very angry.

Last time, Miao Pengju had gone to the boss of Yuanda Company and severely criticized Zhang Yali, telling her not to make trouble for Li Ruoxue in the future, which made Zhang Yali very unhappy.

Since then, Zhang Yali didn't dare to make things difficult for Li Ruoxue.

But these two days were different. Zhang Yali was very arrogant now. She had caught a "big brother" and now even the boss Feng Shan did not dare to provoke her.

"Li Ruoxue, where have you been this afternoon?" Zhang Yali pointed at Li Ruoxue's nose and scolded.

Li Ruoxue was also a little surprised that Zhang Yali suddenly becso fierce again.

Several colleagues in the company just happened to pass by, so they all stood up and looked at what was going on here.

"Miss Zhang, something happened to my sister, so | didn't have tto ask for leave," Li Ruoxue explained.

"What's the matter with your sister? Is she having an abortion?" "Miss Zhang, how can you say that?" "What's wrong with you to say that? Haha, you bitch, why are you so arrogant these days? Are you still trying to pressure my boss?" As Zhang Yali spoke, she grabbed Li Ruoxue's hair and slapped her twice.