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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 43
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Qian Xiao Fei had a faint smile on his face. He waved his phone, waiting for Zhou Tian's reply.

Looking at the trouble-making Qian Xiaofei, Zhou Tian could not help but snort coldly.

This scum had challenged the bottom line of Zhou Tian tand tagain. His ability to court death was extremely strong.

"Qian Xiaofei, do you know how to write the word 'death'?" Zhou Tian looked at Qian Xiaofei and asked.

Qian Xiaofei glared at him. "So you disagree?" "I agree with your uncle." "Damn it!" Qian Xiaofei was furious and kicked at Zhou Tian's belly.

With a bang, Zhou Tian's belly was in pain and he bent over to cover his stomach.

Qian Xiaofei was about to continue, but at this moment, the door of the warehouse was knocked down with a loud bang.

"Oh my god..." Qian Xiaofei was the closest to the gate. Seeing that he was about to be hit, he was so scared that he screamed and quickly dodged.

The people in the warehouse were all shocked. They looked at the door of the warehouse and saw that the front cover of a Bentley had been rolled up and was smoking.

Long Kun was full of murderous intent. He opened the door of the Bentley and rushed in with an iron bar in his hand.

Then, seven or eight Audi cars followed closely. More than 20 people rushed down from the cars, each holding a weapon. They also rushed into the warehouse and surrounded all the people present! Oh my god...

Qian Xiaofei swallowed. He was no stranger to this situation. The last the was in his uncle Qian Jin's company, he had been abused like a dog.

Qian Mingluo was also surprised. Although he was doing well in Harbin, he was not in his own territory at the moment. Here was Beichuan City! Only Sun Jing stood there as steady as Mount Tai. The fat man seemed to have nothing to fear.

Zhou Tian had expected Long Kun to arrive so quickly.

Qian Xiaofei's kick earlier was quite heavy, causing Zhou Tian to feel a faint pain in his abdomen.

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Seeing Zhou Tian covering his stomach, Long Kun was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Mr. Zhou was beaten? "Mr. Zhou, I'm not late, am I?" Long Kun rushed in front of Zhou Tian and shouted loudly.

Zhou Tian looked at Long Kun and said, "Not bad. You cjust in time." Long Kun gritted his teeth, looked around, and shouted, "Which reckless guy beat Mr. Zhou?" Seeing Long Kun's murderous look, Qian Mingluo's men did not dare to provoke him.

Even the most ferocious Thunder Cannon did not dare to make a sound at this time.

Qian Xiaofei panicked at this time. How could he, a local of Beichuan, not know how powerful Long Kun was? At this time, Long Kun also saw that Qian Xiaofei was the most nervous. He took the iron stick and cto Qian Xiaofei. "Did you kick Mr. Zhou?" "Master Long Si, I, I..." Pa pa pa pa pa...

Before Qian Xiaofei could finish his stutter, Long Kun slapped him a dozen times in succession, making Qian Xiaofei feel dizzy.

Then, she looked at Qian Xiaofei. His face was swollen like a big pumpkin, and blood flowed down his nostrils and corners of his mouth.

Qian Xiaofei cried gloomily. "Fuck, my face has just beca little swollen. Now it's better, the swelling is even more exaggerated than before!" "These two days are the days of being beaten?" "Zhou Tian, I'm not done with you..." "Speak, are you dumb?" Long Kun was so angry that he pointed at Qian Xiaofei's nose and asked.

Qian Xiaofei looked at Long Kun in a daze. He was scared by Long Kun's domineering manner and stood there like a fool, unable to say a word.

"Master Long Si, save me..." At this moment, Xiao San, who was held up in the corner, said weakly.

Long Kun finally saw Xiao San. Seeing that his subordinate was beaten half to death, Long Kun was completely furious.

"Anyone here can be counted as one. Break all the dog legs for me!" Long Kun shouted to his subordinates.

"Yes, Master Long Si!" More than 20 men agreed in unison and were ready to attack with their weapons.

Qian Mingluo was not arrogant anymore. He did not expect Long Kun to be so fierce! Zhou Tian just looked at all this coldly. He was not surprised at all. He clearly knew what Long Kun had up his sleeve.

"Master Long Si, you are quite awe-inspiring!" Sun Jing, who had been silent for a long time, spoke at this time.

Long Kun had been worried about Zhou Tian, so he did not notice Sun Jingjing.

Seeing this fat man, Long Kun was shocked.

He knew Sun Jing, who was also a famous big shot in the province and had met with each other.

"Sun Jing, it turns out to be you who made trouble in my territory?" Long Kun looked coldly at Sun Jingjing.

Sun Jing)ing smiled ferociously, walked over, and said, "Long Kun, my brother's father has been broken by you. If | don't avenge him, how can | take him within the future?" Long Kun sneered and said, "So, you're here to make trouble for me?" "You can say that! Long Kun, don't think that you are powerful in Beichuan City,so that people in the underworld would think highly of you! Others are afraid of you, but | didn't take you seriously!" Sun Jing glared at Long Kun with his big round eyes.

Long Kun was about to explode. In the whole province, no one dared to disrespect him except the big boss of the provincial capital, Master Kefo.

"This Sun Jing are courting death!" Moreover, Mr. Zhou is still here. If | don't teach him a lesson, don't you think I'm incompetent? When Long Kun thought of this, he didn't talk nonsense with Sun Jingjing. Instead, he swung the iron stick at Sun Jing's head and was about to smash it down.

Unexpectedly, Sun JingSun JingJing seemed to have been prepared. At this time, he shouted, "Long Si! If you dare to touch me, your wife and child will die!" This...

Long Kun lowered his iron bar and looked at Sun JingJing in shock.

Sun Jing smiled sinisterly, took out his mobile phone, and played a small video.

In the video, Long Kun's wife and son were held by two of Sun Jing's men. Obviously, they had been under house arrest.

" Sun Jing, you're courting death!" Long Kun roared angrily, but his voice was obviously trembling.

"Hahaha, LongSi, are you panicking?" Sun Jing was very proud of himself. This guy was at the slevel as Long Kun, so he had no reason to be afraid of Long Kun.

Besides, he had already caught Long Kun's wife and children in advance, so he was even more sure to win.

Long Kun stopped talking and looked at Zhou Tian helplessly. "Mr. Zhou, I've tried my best..." Zhou Tian smiled and patted Long Kun on the shoulder. "I know." Qian Xiaofei was originally very depressed after being beaten, but seeing the situation turn around, he was suddenly overjoyed.

"So what if you know Long Kun? You are so awesnow!" Qian Xiaofei cover and pointed at Zhou Tian's nose, scolding him.

Zhou Tian frowned and was about to speak when Qian Mingluo cover.

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"Haha, Zhou Tian, you have nothing to say this time, don't you? Long Kun can't protect you. I'll cripple you first, and then get your wife and sister-in-law in bed, and make you a peerless green-haired tortoise!" Qian Mingluo laughed, ridiculing Zhou Tian angrily.

Zhou Tian had no expression on his face. He knew that Long Kun could not control these people.

It seemed that Old Kefo was the only one who could make these sons of bitches behave themselves.

"Old Kefo, cto the warehouse of the fourth industrial park, No.3." Zhou Tian put through the phone of Master Kefo and said in a low voice.

On the other end of the line, Master Kefo was surprised and delighted. The young master of the Zhou family had taken the initiative to call him! If this news got out, it would be enough to be bragged in the provincial capital for a lifetime.

"Young Master Zhou, what happened?" Master Kefo asked Zhou Tian excitedly.

"The King of Hell is not here. Little devil is jumping off a beam." After that, Zhou Tian hung up the phone.

"Hehe, you called for help again? Okay, okay, I'll give you a chance. Let's see what else you can call for." Qian Mingluo sneered.

Qian Xiaofei also laughed and said sarcastically, "Zhou Tian, is it useful to make a last-minute effort? Even Long Kun can't protect you. Do you still dream that someone can help you?" "Childe Qian, I don't have the tto waste with you. Now I'll let you have a taste of being smashed." As Qian Xiaofei spoke, he snatched an iron rod from one of Qian Mingluo's hatchets and was about to smash it into Zhou Tian's crotch.

"Don't attack first!" Sun Jing rushed over in horror and grabbed Qian Xiaofei's hand in one swift motion.

"Master Sun, what are you doing?" Qian Xiaofei looked at Sun JingJing in confusion.

Sun Jing ignored Qian Xiaofei and asked Zhou Tian nervously, "You, the Old Kefo you just mentioned, who is he?" "I'm afraid of scaring you to pee if | tell you." Zhou Tian said coldly.

Sun Jing)ing gritted his teeth, but he still held his temper and said, "Tellquickly, the Oldo Kef you are talking about, is Kefo from the provincial capital..." Zhou Tian ignored him and couldn't be bothered to say another word.

Tpassed by slowly. Sun Jing)ing was scared out. He stood there like a retard.

Qian Xiaofei couldn't hold it in anymore. He proudly coughed twice at this time. "Ahem, Master Sun, are you really afraid of that Old Kefo? Even if he is from the provincial capital, there is one more J8?" "I'll teach Zhou Tian a lesson first. I've had enough of this bitch for a long time!" Qian Xiaofei cursed as he walked towards Zhou Tian.

At this moment, Kefo , the provincial capital's boss, arrived in a rush. Surrounded by Pang Yunzhu and a few bodyguards, he hurried into the warehouse.

The words of Qian Xiaofei earlier had all been overheard by Master Kefo .

"lI don't know if Old Kefo doesn't want the J8, but you must be missing a J8!" Master Kefo's loud voice sounded and immediately cup behind Qian Xiaofei. He grabbed Qian Xiaofei's hair and fired an electric cannon at Qian Xiaofei's swollen face!