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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74

Chapter 74.

Kex’s POV.

| fought the rogue king, sweat dripping into my eyes as | swung my sword. Out of the corner of my eye, | saw

Nelly running towards us, her eyes locked on the king.

| knew she was trying to help, but she was putting herself in danger. | gritted my teeth, and raised my sword and

stabbed the Rouge King.

But then | heard a loud, guttural growl. | turned, and my heart stopped. Emily had. fired an arrow, and it was

hurtling towards Nelly. Tseemed to slow down as | watched the arrow fly, and then Nelly fell on the floor,

transforming to her human form.

| dropped my sword as | ran towards Nelly, my feet pounding against the ground, my heart beating in my chest. |

reached her just as she crumpled to the ground, blood pouring from a wound in her side. | knelt beside her, my

hands shaking as | cupped her face.

“Nelly, open your eyes,” | said, my voice breaking. She struggled to lift her eyelids, her gaze cloudy and


“I... I'm sorry,” she whispered, and then her eyes closed.

“I'm not angry, Nelly. Just please, open your eyes,” | pleaded, my hands trembling.

Nelly gavea faint smile, a single tear rolling down her cheek. Then she closed her eyes again, and | felt my

heart sink. With a growl, | turned to see the rogue king escaping into the forest.

“Chase them!” | roared to my men, my voice filled with rage.

| scooped Nelly up in my arms and ran back to the palace, my feet pounding against the ground. | could hear the

men behind me, their weapons drawn and ready for battle.

| raced down the stone stairs to the basement, | knocked at the door abruptly. Aisha opened the door, her eyes

wide when she saw Nelly in my arms, her dress soaked in blood.

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“What happened?” she asked, her voice filled with panic. But | had no tto answer.

“Find the pack doctor now!” | barked, and she ran off without another word.

I laid Nelly down on the bed, my hands shaking as | checked her pulse. Her breathing


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Chapter 74

was shallow, and her skin was cold to the touch.

“Bringa bowl of water,” | said to the maid who stood close by, her eyes wide with fear.

She bowed her head and ran off, returning a few moments later with a bowl of water. | took it from her trembling

hands and began to wash Nelly’s wound.

“Nelly, please wake up,” | pleaded, my voice cracking.

She stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering, but she did not open her eyes. | felt a surge panic as | felt our mate

bond weaken, a dull ache spreading through my chest.

The door burst open with a crash, and Aisha entered the room, the pack doctor at her heels. | felt a wave of relief

wash overas | stepped aside to let the doctor work. | paced back and forth, my heart hammering in my

chest, while Aisha stood in the corner, tears streaming down her face.


The doctor worked quickly, his eyes intent as he cleaned and bandaged Nelly’s wound. | held my breath, hoping

and praying that he would be able to save her.

| turned around, my head still reeling, and almost bumped into Aisha.

“Sorry,” she said, her voice shaking. | nodded, unable to find the words to respond.

“How did this happen?” she asked, her eyes wide with fear.

“Emily fired an arrow,” | said, my voice heavy with anger. Aisha gasped, her hand flying. to her mouth.

“What?” she exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief. | nodded, the rage insidebuilding to a fever pitch.

“What about Harry?” Aisha asked, her voice cracking with emotion. | hesitated, not wanting to think about what

might have happened to him.

“He's chasing after the rogue king,” | said, my voice thick with worry.

Aisha let out a shaky sigh, her shoulders slumping with relief. At that moment, | heard the door open and turned

to see the doctor emerge, his face grim.

“Is she...” | asked, my voice trailing off.

“She's in a critical condition,” the doctor said, his voice grave. “The arrow was coated with a poison, and it

spread through her body. She's fighting for her life.”

Aisha gasped, her face turning pale. | struggled to maintain a straight face, but my voice betrayed me, trembling

with emotion.

Chapter 74

“Are you saying she’s going to die?” | asked, my heart in my throat.

The doctor met my gaze, his expression grim. “Only twill tell,” he said softly.

As soon as the doctor said those words, my wolf howled with anguish, the pain shooting through my chest. |

wrapped my arms around myself, my body shaking with the force of my grief.

“Are you okay, Alpha?” | heard Aisha’s voice, soft and worried.

forced myself to nod, but I couldn't bring myself to look at her. | could feel her gaze on me, filled with concern,

but | couldn’t bear to meet her eyes. | closed my eyes, trying to block out the pain and fear that threatened to

overwhelm me.

“Alpha, are you okay?” | heard Aisha’s voice once more, this teven softer and more

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| mustered a nod, but it felt like a lie. | felt her tug at my arm, pullingtowards the bed. | sank on the edge,

my body aching with exhaustion. Aisha handeda cup of water, and | gulped it down, the cold liquid soothing

my parched throat. | opened my eyes to find Aisha kneeling before me, her eyes full of worry.

“I don’t think | can survive without her,” | said, my voice wavering-

Aisha reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder, her touch light and gentle.

“She won't leave us,” she whispered, but her eyes betrayed her doubt.

| looked away, unable to bear the sight of her fear. A silence fell between us, heavy and oppressive. | felt the

mate bond weakened.

A sudden crash joltedfrom my reverie, the door swinging open. Harry burst into the room, his clothes stained

with blood. Aisha rushed to him, her arms wrapping around his neck, her lips pressing to his head and neck.

| watched them, a lump forming in my throat. This was how | had imagined our reunion after the war was over,

but it seemed Nelly had other plans for me. | swallowed the bitter taste of betrayal, my heart heavy in my chest.

Harry's hands found their way to Aisha’s waist, and he pulled her close and walked towards me.

“How is she?” he asked, his voice thick with worry.

“I don’t know if she’ll survive,” | replied, my voice breaking. “The poison has spread through her body.”

| closed my eyes, unable to bear the sight of Nelly. | could feel Harry's hand on my

Chapter 74

shoulder, and I relaxed into his touch.

“It'll be fine,” he said, his voice soft and reassuring.

| opened my eyes, hoping against hope that he was right. “What about the war?” | asked. “What's the result?”

“Am sorry

but they escaped,” he said.