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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70

Chapter 70.

Nelly’s POV.

My body was thrumming with anticipation, my breath quickening as | neared my peak. But then | felt him pull

away, and my pleasure was cut off. | opened my eyes, surprised. and confused. He was gone, the room empty

except for me.

| sat up, my body still tingling with unfulfilled desire. | looked around, searching for an explanation. But there was

nothing, just the ghost of his touch lingering on my skin.

| let out a frustrated groan, burying my face in my hands. What had | done wrong? I'd thought everything was

going so well. | tried to think back, to pinpoint the moment when things had started to go wrong.

Yet | cup empty, my mind a jumble of emotions and confusion. | felt a wave of self-doubt wash over me, my

heart sinking. | stood up, my legs wobbly, and made my way to the bathroom. | needed to collect myself, to try

to make sense of what had just happened.

The hot water ran over my body, steam filling the air. But nothing could wash away the scent of him, his unique

fragrance filling my senses. | tried to push it from my mind, to focus on something, anything else.

But it was no use. The scent of him lingered, tantalizing and seductive. | closed my eyes, trying to block it out.

But it was like he was there with me, his touch lingering on my skin. | fought back a moan, willing myself to calm


My breath cout quickly as | gradually took my hands to my boobs, and started. playing with my hard

nipples. | gulped as tension built around me. My other hand moved slowly to my quivering clit.

“Fuck.” | muttered as | moved in a circular motion. | started gasping fast as | was about to hit my spot, | stopped

and slid my finger inside my pussy and started moving slowly, still playing with my nipples.

“Ahh, Oh my, fucks.” | moaned loud as | started moving fast, at this point | didn’t care if anybody can hear me.

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“Shit.” | cursed out as | reached my climax. | brought my fingers out and licked my juice.

I sank into the cold water, feeling it wash away the heat of the moment. My eyes closed, | let the water soothe

my skin and clear my mind. | focused on my breathing, counting my breaths in and out.

10:51 Thu, 22 Feb GG

Chapter 70


| let the negative thoughts and emotions drain from my body, my breath becoming calmer and calmer. | rested

my head against the side of the tub.

My eyes fluttered open, and | found

beneathsoft and inviting. | sat in bed. It was cozy and warm, the sheets

my head spinning, trying to make sense of what

happened, the last t| remembered | was in the bathtub.

Then | heard it. A voice, deep and rich, filled with concern.

“Are you alright?” it asked. | turned to see who was speaking, my heart jumping into my throat.

It was Kex, sitting on the edge of the bed, his dark eyes searching mine. | felt my eyes blaze with fury, the

memories of the night before flooding back. | snapped at him, my voice filled with anger.

“Get out!” | demanded, my heart pounding.

He looked at me, his eyes wide with surprise. “This is my room,” he said, in a soft voice.

It was then | began to observe the surroundings of the room and realized it was truly his room.

“I'm sorry,” he said, his voice soft and apologetic. “I didn’t mean to-" He broke off, as if he couldn't find the


| began to stand up when he rushed to my side, blocking my view as he held my hands.

“Please just letexplain,” he pleaded.

| glared at him, my body tense and alert. | would rather not hear his explanation, | just wanted him to leave.

“Let go of me,” | said, my voice low and threatening.

“Just listen to me,” he said, his voice pleading. But | couldnt bring myself to listen.

| wanted to get away from him, from the memories of the night before.

“Let go of me,” | repeated, my voice firm.

He hesitated for a moment, then finally released his grip. | was surprised but decided to compose myself. |

walked past him, my body shaking with anger. | just wanted to get out of that room, away from him and the

emotions that were threatening to overwhelm

1. me.


Chapter 70

I slammed the door behind me, the sound echoing through the room. I was furious, but

| couldn’t deny the sadness that was mixed in with my anger. | had expected him to

fight for me, to try to make things right. But he had just letgo.

| scoffed, turning away from the door. I tried to push down the hurt | felt, the disappointment.

I moved to the bathroom, trying to find speace in the familiar surroundings. | ran the water in the sink,

splashing my face with the cool liquid. | took a deep breath, trying to calm myself as | stepped out.

| walked down the stairs, feeling the tension in my body slowly starting to ease. | went to the dining table, the

smell of freshly baked bread filling the air. Aisha was there, sitting alone, as the maid served her.

She looked up as | approached, a smile spreading across her face. | couldn't help but smile back. | sat down

beside her, leaning against her. Kex walked in then, the guards, and maids bowing as he entered. | rolled my

eyes, wishing he would just go away.

I ignored him, his eyes fixed on me. | averted my gaze, pretending to be interested in my food. Aisha whispered

to me, her voice low and concerned.

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you two fighting?” she asked.

| shook my head, forcing a smile. But she wasn’t convinced, her eyes filled with worry. | turned back to my food..

A sudden crash broke the silence of the room, the sound of shattering glass ringing in my ears. | covered my

ears, my heart racing. The floor beneathtrembled, the vibrations making my body tense. | felt a wave of

panic rising within me, my breathing quickening. Then the stones began to fly, pelting the surrounding walls. Kex

moved quickly, pullingto my feet.

“We have to get you out of here!” he shouted, his voice barely audible above the noise. | nodded, my legs


A stone flew through the air, hittingsquare in the nose. | let out a cry of pain, feeling the warm blood drip

down my face.

“Shit!” Kex let out a curse, pullingback under the table with him. | pressed my hand. to my nose, trying to

stem the flow of blood. It was warm and sticky, and | could feel. my vision growing blurry. | tried to take deep

breaths, my heart racing.

Suddenly, the chaos stopped. The silence was deafening, a stark contrast to the sounds. of violence just

moments before. | held my breath, waiting for something else to happen. Then, the door opened, and Harry

walked in.

10:51 Thu, 22 Feb u GG-

Chapter 70

His face was pale, he passed a sheet of paper to Kex, the words written in what looked like blood.

“Watch your back,” the note said, the words bold and stark.


