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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69

Chapter 69.

Kex’s POV.

Bloodied and shaking, | made my way to my room. As | opened the door, | was greeted by a scene.

Nelly was pacing the room, her eyes wide with panic. She started towards me, but | held up my hands in a

gesture of surrender. She stopped, her breathing quick and shallow. The silence was deafening, punctuated only

by the sound of her ragged breathing,

| turned and walked away from the room, making my way to the bathroom. | pulled my shirt over my head and

let it fall to the floor, watching as the water poured over me, washing the blood and sweat from my skin.

As | stood under the spray, | caught a whiff of Nelly’s scent. It was intoxicating, and it made my wolf stir. | closed

my eyes, trying to block out the feeling, but it was no use. | could feel my wolf pressing at the edges of my

consciousness, begging to be set free. | pushed him down, fighting for control.

With my towel wrapped around my waist, | stepped out of the bathroom, I noticed Nelly was still sitting on the

bed. My wolf perked up at the sight of her, eager for her



| tried to ignore the feeling, focusing instead on my clothes. | opened the wardrobe, rifling through the contents,

searching for something to wear.

“Kex,” Nelly said, her voice soft and pleading.

| felt a surge of desire course through me, my wolf pushing to be set free. Whenever | kill a soul, my wolf

becomes more aggressive, and right now, it’s urgingto find my


My hands were shaking as | rummaged through the wardrobe, unable to focus on the task at hand. My wolf was

in control, demanding to be released.

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| turned to face Nelly, my body trembling. “Please, can you leave the room?” | pleaded, my voice barely a

whisper. Nelly’s eyes locked onto mine, filled with confusion and


“Why?” she asked, her voice soft but firm.

| closed willing the trembling to stop, but it was no use. | took a deep breath,

my eyes,

gathering my courage.


10:51 Thu, 22 Feb & GG

Chapter 69

“Let’s talk later,” | said, my voice breaking. “Please, Nelly, go

She folded her arms, her expression stubborn and unyielding. “I'm not leaving until you tellwhat happened

in the other room with that man,” she said, her voice resolute.

“Fuck!” | cursed under my breath, my shoulders slumping in defeat. | knew there was no way she would leave,

not until she had her answers.

| couldn't take it anymore. | reached out and grabbed Nelly’s arm, pulling her close to me. Our lips met in a

heated, desperate kiss. | poured all of my fear and anger into the kiss, my body shaking with emotion.

Nelly’s lips were soft and pliant against mine, and | could feel her body tensing under my touch. | knew | was

being too rough, but | couldn’t stop myself. My wolf wants his mate now, and | can’t help it.

| reached around her back and fumbled with the clasp of her bra, my fingers trembling with anticipation. The

clasp cloose, and the bra fell away, exposing her breast to

1. me.

She gasped as | leaned down and placed my lips against her soft skin, my tongue gently caressing her.

“Kex,” she whispered, her voice heavy with desire.

| felt her hands on my neck, her fingers digging into my skin. She pulledcloser, her body trembling against

mine. | could feel her need, matching my own, and it drove my wolf wild.

My hands gripped her waist, lifting her effortlessly. Her legs wrapped around my waist, and our lips never parted.

| carried her to the bed, laying her down gently. She pulleddown on top of her, her legs still wrapped around

me. | felt her hands in my hair, tugging slightly.

Our lips met again and again, each kiss more passionate than the last. Her body moved against mine, her breath

hot against my skin.

| broke away from the kiss and moved to her neck, | began to suck it slowly. She let out a moan, and my wolf

howled inside me, begging for release.

He wanted to mark her, to claim her as ours. But I held back, knowing this was moving too fast. Not when she

doesn’t know we are mated.

I looked into her eyes, searching for any sign that this was too much. All | saw was desire and need, her eyés

dark with lust. | knelt between her legs, my hands on her thighs. | kissed her thighs.


10:51 Thu, 22 Feb G G

Chapter 69


| spread her legs apart, and pulled her pants. My tongue moves ever so slowly towards her center.

“Ahhhhuugghhahhhh,” She let out a low moan, her breath catching in her throat. | could feel the heat of her

body, her scent filling my senses.

I knew | was close to losing control, but I couldn't stop. | needed to feel her, to be with her.

| began to suck her dry, | could feel her body tense as | continued my ministrations, her breath coming in ragged


| began to move my fingers inside her, carefully exploring her body. She let out a cry of pleasure, followed by a

gasp of pain. | took her left book

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in my hands and began to

squeeze it hard, her eyes rolled backwards followed with a moan.

| began to move my fingers faster, watching her face for any sign of discomfort. But she only moaned louder, her

eyes fluttering closed. | slipped another finger inside her, feeling her tense around me.

Her hands clutched at the pillow, her body arching towards me. | could feel her breath coming in quick gasps,

her body trembling beneath me. | moved my t

fingers faster, matching the rhythm of her breath. She let out a low moan, her back arching off the bed.

Her breathing was ragged, her body trembling with need. “I'm going to...” she began, but the words trailed off in

a moan.

| could feel her body tense around me, her breath catching in her throat. | stopped, looking down at her face.

| let go of my towel wrapped around my waist, my cock sprang up, |

as she nodded, biting her lip. | leaned down and kissed her gently, my hands running through.

her hair.

| began to move inside of her slowly and deliberately. When my cock had touched her pussy, she jerked, and |

shoved inside of her completely. | could feel her body relax. under me, her breath evening out.

| began to thrust to her faster. Her moans grew louder, filling the room with their sound. | could feel my body

responding to her, a heat building inside me. My canines. were itching, aching to mark her.

But | held back, focusing on her instead. | moved my hands to her waist, holding her close as | thrust into her.

Her skin was slick with sweat, her body trembling. | could feel her nails digging into my back, her breath coming

in short gasps.


10:51 Thu, 22 Febu G G

Chapter 69

“Don’t stop,” she begged, her voice urgent. “Please don’t stop.”

| looked down at her, and my eyes were drawn to her neck. The itching in my canines becmore intense.

| knew I had two choices: | could either mark her and claim her as my mate, or | could stop and walk away.