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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68

Chapter 68.

Kex’s POV.

As the door slammed shut behind Nelly, | felt a wave of relief wash over me. Finally, | was alone and could focus

on the task at hand. | turned back to the balding man, who was now visibly trembling.

“Are you ready to tell the truth?” | asked, my voice firm. He nodded slowly, swallowing hard. “Now tell me, do

you know the man in this picture?” | demanded, tapping my foot. impatiently.

His eyes darted around the room, as if searching for a way to escape. But there was not escape, not from me.

“Yes,” he whispered, his voice quivering with fear. “I know him. I've seen him around the pack.”

| leaned in closer, my breath hot on his face. “That's all you know?” | asked, my voice low and menacing.

“Yes, please, | swear!” he pleaded, his eyes wide with terror.

| grabbed him by the collar, pulling him to his feet. “You think I'm a fool?” | snarled, giving him a shove. He

stumbled backwards, falling hard to the floor. | stepped on his hands, feeling the bones crunch beneath my feet.

He howled in pain, tears streaming down his face. “That's all, | swear!” he sobbed.

I narrowed my eyes, trying to decide if | believed him. A part ofwanted to believe that he was telling the

truth, but my instincts toldotherwise. | needed additional information, and | needed it now.

“You have two choices,” | said, my voice cold and merciless. “You can telleverything. you know, or | can

make you suffer. The choice is yours.”

“I... I...know...nothing...please,” he said, his voice quivering.

| stepped away from him, | heard him groan as he struggled to sit up. He looked up at

me, his eyes

filled with fear and desperation. | ignored him, moving over to a chair and sitting down. | crossed my legs,

making sure to look as calm and composed as possible. Then, | addressed the guards in the room.

“Beat him,” | ordered, my voice cold and emotionless.

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Chapter 68

They immediately sprang into action, grabbing the man and dragging him to the center of the room. | watched

impassively as they began to rain blows down on him.

His clothes were torn, his body covered in bruises. His legs shook as he struggled to stay upright. | raised my

hand, and the guards ceased their assault.

“Do you want to speak now?” | asked, my voice soft and measured. He looked up at me, his eyes pleading.

“I wouldn't have had to bear so much pain if | knew the truth, Alpha,” he said, his voice hoarse and strained. “I

don’t know what happened.” | thought for a moment, then nodded.

“Very well.” | said. “I'll give you one chance to tellthe truth. But if you lic, I will make sure you regret this,” |

said in a firm voice. And he nodded, fear and relief mingling in his expression.

As | gestured for the guards to cforward, | could see the fear in the man’s eyes. He must have known what

was coming. As my guards approached him, he shivered, his eyes darting around the room. I leaned forward, my

voice barely above a whisper.

The guard nodded. He glanced around the room one last time, then hurried out of the door. | remained seated,

observing the bald man with a careful eye. | could feel the tension in the air, the silence pressing in on me.

| let out a low whistle, the sound cutting through the stillness. | tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for the guard

to come.

The door creaked open, and the guard dragged Emily inside the room. She was struggling, but the guard held

her fast. She looked around the room, her eyes wide with fear. As her gaze landed on me, she froze.

The man’s eyes were fixed on Emily, his face pale.

“Emily?” he said, his voice trembling. Emily, nodded.

“You know each other?” | asked, my voice carefully neutral. They both turned to me, their expressions


Emily shook her head, her eyes fixed on the floor. The bald man did the same, his expression unreadable. |

studied them both carefully. Finally, | spoke, my voice low and measured.

“Emily here thinks you were the one who fired the arrow.” The man’s eyes widened, his mouth opening in shock.

“What? No, that’s not-” he began, but I cut him off.

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Chapter 68

“Let her speak,” | said, gesturing to Emily.

The man fell silent, his expression shifting from shock to anger.

“Yes, he fired the arrow,” she said, her voice low and shaky.


“Wait, you said you didn’t know him,” | said, my gaze shifting between them. Emily looked down, a tear rolling

down her cheek.

“I'm sorry, Alpha. | was scared,” she said, her voice shaking.

“You're a traitor,” the man said, spittle flying from his mouth.

Before he could reach him, the guard struck him across the face. The man fell to the ground, a look of shock on

his face.

“Take her out of the room,” | said, my voice steady and commanding

The guard nodded, pulling Emily to her feet. As they left the room. | turned my attention back to the bald man,

my gaze cold and calculating

“I've given you so many chances,” | said, my voice low and dangerous. “But all you ve done is lie to me.” |

twisted the belt around my hands.

“It ends now.”

| lashed out, striking him hard across the face. He howled in pain, his hands clutching his face.

| struck him again and again, my anger boiling over. | grabbed a rope. wrapping it around his neck. He thrashed,

struggling against the bonds. | pulled the rope tight, his feet dangling in the air.

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He was choking, his face turning red. | could feel the anger taking over, my vision clouding with rage.

I imagined the pain my late Beta must have been in, how mercilessly he must have been killed. The thought

madeclench my fists, my hands shaking with rage. My breathing quickened, and my vision blurred.

| tried to fight against the anger, but it was taking over. The rope slipped from my hands, and the man fell to the


The guards rushed forward, but I held up a hand to stop them. | knelt beside the man. his chest still rising and

falling with each breath. | placed my head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

In a split second, without thinking, | reached for the sword on my guard's waist and



Chapter 68

drew it out. The cold steel felt heavy in my hand. | raised the blade above my head, and in one swift motion, |

brought it down, severing the man’s head from his body.

Blood gushed from the wound, pulling on the surrounding floor. | turned to my guards, my eyes wild and


“Send his head to his Alpha,” | commanded, my voice hoarse and shaking.

“That will cause trouble for the Alpha,” the guard said, his voice trembling.

“Do as | command!” | roared, my voice booming off the walls.
