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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66

Nelly’s POV.

| turned to look at Aisha, our eyes meeting. Her gaze was intense, almost piercing, and | found myself struggling

to maintain eye contact.


“I... 1 don’t know,” | stammered, my voice quavering.

“You need to decide whether you will accept him or not, so that when you see him, you can stand your ground,”

she said, her voice firm.

| nodded, but my mind was a jumble of conflicting emotions. | looked up at the ceiling, my hands clasped tightly

together in my lap, as if | could somehow will myself to calm down.

“I don’t think I'll ever see Astel again,” | said, my voice barely a whisper.

Aisha chuckled, her voice light and teasing. “You never can tell. He cby today, but you weren't around, you

never can tell when he will cagain,” she said.

| nodded, even though she couldn’t see me. | closed my eyes tightly, trying to block out. the world around me. |

felt overwhelmed, my thoughts a jumbled mess. | took a deep. breath, trying to calm my racing heart.

We both sat up, frozen in place, as we heard a knock at the door.

“I'll get it,” Aisha said, her voice steady.

| nodded, not trusting myself to speak. Aisha stood up, glancing through the peephole before opening the door. |

heard a familiar voice on the other side.

“Harry,” Aisha said, her tone surprised.

“Why did

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you both leave the party?” he asked, his voice full of concern.

“Nelly wasn't feeling well, so | brought her to rest,” Aisha replied.

Harry nodded, his gaze shifting to me. He walked over and wrapped his arms around Aisha’s waist, pulling her


“How are you feeling?” he asked, his voice gentle.

“I'm... I'm okay,” | said, mustering up a smile that felt as fake as it looked. He gavea doubtful look, but

didn’t push it.

“I'll want to steal your friend away from you for a while,” he said, a playful grin on hist face. I rolled my eyes, but



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Chapter 66

“Thank you,” he said, and gavea wink before heading out the door with Aisha. | watched them leave, as he

leaned to whisper something in her ears, making her giggle.

“Stop oppressing me!” | called after them.

The door shut behind them, and | was left alone with my thoughts, trying to make sense of the jumble of

emotions inside me. | wondered if my inability to move on from Astel was because | truly loved him, or if it was

the pain and embarrassment he had causedthat was holdingback. | didn’t know the answer, and the

uncertainty was gnawing at me. | sighed, feeling helpless and lost.

| clutched my pillow tightly, the memories of that awful day playing out in my mind. like a movie.

“I reject you, Nelly,” Astel’s voice rang in my cars, the hurt, and humiliation still fresh, even after all this time.

“You are not what | want,” he had said, his voice cold and uncaring. “You are not worthy of being my mate. |

choose Shantel, your cousin, as my mate instead.”

Those words had felt like a knife to my heart, and | could still feel the pain of that

ment. | felt the tears well up in my eyes, spilling down my cheeks like a waterfall.

| curled up on the bed, bringing my knees to my chest as | tried to process the feelings that were swirling inside

me. My wolf winced in pain.

The way he had always looked at Shantel with such care and affection, and the way he had always looked at me

with such coldness and hatred. My heart ached at the thought of why | was never good enough for him, or for


Why had the Moon Goddess not givena second chance? Had | done something wrong, something to anger

her and make her curseto a loveless life?

| bit my lip, trying to hold back the scream that was building in my chest. | wanted to let it out, to release the

pain and anger, but | couldn’t bring myself to do it.

A part ofwished | had died with my family, that | had been in the front of the war that fateful day. If | had

died, | wouldn't have to feel this pain, this emptiness, this feeling of worthlessness. | would be at peace, with no

more worries or fears.

But | was still here, still alive, still suffering. | felt the tears rolling down my cheeks, hot and salty, and | sniffed,

trying to stop the flood of emotions. But it was no use, and | could feel myself slipping into despair.

As | lay there, wallowing in my despair, | heard a movement at the door. | quickly wiped away my tears, not

wanting anyone to seein such a state. | kept my eyes. closed as the footsteps approached.


Chapter 66

The scent of the man who entered the room made my heart skip a beat. It was Kex. He leaned over me, kissing

my forehead and rubbing my hair gently..

“Nelly,” he whispered, his voice soft and comforting. | opened my eyes, and saw the concern in his face. He knelt

beside me, taking my hands in his own. “How are you doing?” he asked, his voice gentle and soothing.

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| managed a weak smile, my voice deserting me. “I'm fine,” | whispered, though | knew he could see through the


“I'm sorry | didn’t cto check on you earlier. | was caught up with something,” he said, his face apologetic. |

nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

He pulled up a chair and sat across from me, taking my hands in his once more.

“Harry said Astel was here,” he said, his eyes

searching mine. | nodded, a lump forming in my throat. “Do you still want him?” He asked, holding my gaze, and

| shifted my eyes.

“Why do you ask?” | managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. He took a deep breath, his face full of


“If you still want him, | would try to let him cback and hear what he has to say,” he said, sadness lacing his


| removed my hands from his, taking a deep breath. “I don’t know if I can answer that question,” | said, feeling


“You want him, Nelly,” he said, his voice tinged with hurt. “You're just in denial.”

| looked at him, confused. Why should he be hurt by my feelings for another man, when he had a mate of his


“I don’t want him,” | said, trying to reassure him. “I'm over him.”

He let out a harsh and guttural sound, shaking his head. “Nelly, believewhen | say you still want him. You

crave him. You haven't moved on.”

| stared at him, shocked by his words. “Kex,” | said, my voice filled with confusion. “Why are you so sure of that?

And why do you seem so... pained?” | asked, concerned creeping into my voice.

He sighed, his expression darkening.