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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64

Chapter 64.

Nelly’s POV.

We pulled up to the house, and | rolled my eyes as he got out of the car and opened the door for me. So, now he

had tfor me, did he? He offered his hand to helpout, and | reluctantly took it.

“Thank you, mister good guy,” | said, a layer of sarcasm in my voice..

He said nothing, just walkedto the front door. The guards bowed their heads as we passed, and | gritted my

teeth, wishing they wouldn't act so subservient. We went inside, the tension between us thick and


The door swung open, and a cascade of colorful flowers rained down on me. | gasped and squeezed my eyes

shut, a small smile playing on my lips. | opened them again, and saw a group of people standing before me,

grinning from ear to ear.

“Happy birthday!” they yelled, and | put my hand over my mouth, a rush of happiness. flooding my senses. |

turned to Kex, who was smiling at me, his eyes soft and warm.

“Did you have anything to do with this?” | asked, my voice filled with wonder.

He nodded. “I would rather not be selfish by celebrating your birthday alone with you. | know how much you love

Aisha, and | knew she would want to celebrate with you. So | decided to do this.”

Aisha stood there, a bouquet of flowers in her hand, a smile on her face.

“Happy birthday, my love,” she said, and | felt my heart swell with joy. I had never felt so loved, so wanted, as |

did at that moment.

| collected the flowers, holding them close to my chest.

“What would | do without you?” | asked, my voice trembling. Tears pricked my eyes, and | felt a lump in my

throat. Aisha pulledinto a tight hug, her arms strong and comforting.

“Don’t cry,” she said, her voice soft and reassuring.

| let out a self-deprecating laugh. “I'm such a baby, stupid me,” | said, brushing away my

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Aisha tugged on my arm, leadingto the dining room table. There, a massive cake sat, the words “Happy

Birthday, Nelly” written in gold icing. Twenty-four candles


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Chapter 64

flickered atop the cake, and the room was filled with the scent of vanilla and sugar.

“Make a wish!” they all yelled, their faces aglow with excitement.

| closed my eyes, my mind racing with all the things | wanted to wish for. But at that moment, all | wanted was

for this moment to last forever.

| closed my eyes, concentrating hard on my wish.

“Moon Goddess,” | began, “please, don’t let Kex’s mate accept him. | know it’s selfish of

but I don’t know if | can share him with someone else.”


| knew it was a ridiculous request, but | couldn’t help but hope. Then, | took a deep. breath, and blew out the

candles. Everyone clapped and cheered as | sliced the cake, my heart filled with a mix of emotions. Joy, guilt,

and fear all warred within me.

| took a piece of the cake and held it up to Kex’s mouth. He bit into it, a smile playing on his lips. | felt a rush of

affection for him, and | couldn't help but lean in and kiss his forehead.

“Aww,” Aisha cooed, her eyes shining with delight. She leaned into Harry's chest, his arms wrapped around her. |

rolled my eyes, but couldn’t suppress the smile that crept onto my face.

| took another slice of cake and fed it to Aisha, who took it graciously. “Thank you,” she said, her mouth full of


| watched as the scene played out before me, everyone enjoying the cake and each. other's company. It was a

perfect moment, one that | wished would never end.

| poured myself a glass of wine and took a seat, trying to shake off the strange feeling that had cover me.

Aisha cand sat beside me, resting her head on my


“Thank you,” she said, her voice soft and sincere.

“For what?” | asked, slightly confused.

“For making Kex so soft and lovable,” she said with a laugh. “Who would have ever thought that the ruthless

Alpha Kex could smile and make this whole arrangement work?”

| couldn’t help but chuckle at her words, shaking my head.

“He’s doing it for his mate,” | said, my heart aching at the thought of him loving someone else.

“How do you know that?” Aisha asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.


Chapter 64

“Because he’s trying to please her, so she'll accept him. He knows she’s stuck with her boyfriend, but he’s

hoping he can change her mind.”

Aisha’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “Wait... Are you... jealous?” she asked, a teasing- smile playing on her


“I'm not,” | said, trying to hide my face behind my hands. Aisha let out a delighted laugh.

“I know you too well, Nelly. The last t| noticed that look on your face was when Astel was with Shantel,” she


“Aisha, stop,” | groaned. “I'm not jealous. Besides, why would | be jealous of someone | don’t even know?”

“Oh, con, you can’t fool me. | can see it all over your face. Besides, you know that’s not how jealousy

works,” she said, still grinning.

“Whatever,” | mumbled, trying to play it cool. “Besides, when we were alone he was busy chatting with her,” |

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added. But Aisha just laughed.

“Kex was chatting with me, not her. And he was only chatting withto make sure the cake was ready and

everything was set before you both returned.”

i blushed, feeling like a fool for jumping to conclusions.

“Oh...” | mumbled, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

| looked away, not wanting to meet Aisha’s knowing gaze. She placed a hand on my shoulder, her touch


“It's okay, Nelly. It's easy to let our minds run away with us occasionally. Don’t beat yourself.”

I nodded, knowing that she couldn't possibly understand the jumble of emotions | was feeling. How could |

explain that | was feeling possessive, jealous, and crazy all at the stime?

And on top of it all, I had to pretend that | was happy that Kex was trying to please his mate through me. It was

too much. | poured myself another glass of wine and took a long sip, the liquid burning my throat. My mind was

spinning, and | felt like | was about to lose my grip on reality.

“Nellllly,” I heard Aisha call my name, and | jumped, startled out of my thoughts.

“What's wrong?” she asked, a concerned look on her face.

“Nothing,” | said quickly, but I could tell she wasn’t convinced.


Chapter 64

“Are you sure?” she pressed. | nodded, not wanting to talk about it. “What happened?” | asked, gently prodding

her for an answer.

“I was telling you something and you just... zoned out,” she said, a worried expression o her face. | felt a wave of

guilt wash over me.

“I'm sorry,” | said, my voice barely above a whisper.

She nodded, her brows furrowed in concern. “It’s okay,” she said, but | could tell she wa still worried.

“Astel, was here,” she said, her voice ringing through my ears. My heart stopped.