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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62

Chapter 62.

Nelly’s POV.

“I think I've found the person who killed your brother,” he repeated, his voice quiet and intense.

1 felt

my mouth go dry, my

mind racing. Could it be true? Had he really found the person who had taken my brother from me? | looked up at

Kex, searching his face for any sign of doubt. But all | saw was confidence, conviction. | threw my arms around.

him, my body shaking with emotion.

“Thank you,” | said, my voice cracking. “Thank you for everything.”

“I'm not 100% sure,” he said, “but | think we're getting closer to the truth.” | took a deep. breath, trying to calm

my racing heart. “It's progress,” he continued, “no matter how small it may seem.”

I nodded, my eyes stinging with tears. “Thank you,” | said again, unable to find any other words.

“I'm doing this because your brother was my friend,” he said, his voice gentle. “I want justice for him, just like

you do.”

| sat there, speechless, not knowing what to say.

“You don’t have to do anything,” he said, his voice comforting. “Just know that I'm here.


you, no matter what.”

| felt a lump in my throat, my eyes brimming with tears.

“Hey don’t cry, you will makefeel bad,” He said, drawingcloser.

“I'm not crying,” | said, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. “Just emotional. That's all.” He reached out

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and took my hand in his.

“It's okay,” he said, his thumb gently caressing my skin.

| looked up at him, my heart’swelling with gratitude. | wondered how his mate could look at him and not see this

side of him, the man who cared so deeply for the people he loved. The man who was willing to go to any lengths

to protect the ones he cared about.

The man who hid behind a facade of toughness, but who was really gentle and kind. underneath. | looked into his

eyes and saw and more.

all of this

“You're an incredible person, Kex,” | said, my voice barely above a whisper.



Chapter 62

Without thinking. | leaned forward and kissed him. | felt a jolt of electricity run. throughas our lips met, and

for a moment, | forgot everything else. Then | pulled away, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

“I'm so sorry,” | said, my heart racing. But he didn’t say a word.

Instead, he drewcloser, his arms around my waist. | looked into his eyes, and | saw something there that

made my breath catch in my throat. And then, without warning. he kissedagain. | felt myself melt into him,

returning his kiss with equal passion.

A tiny voice in the back of my mind remindedthat he already had a mate, but | quickly pushed that thought

away. | was lost at the moment, lost in the feel of his lips. against mine, lost in the way his body pressed against


| felt myself surrendering to the kiss, letting him take the lead, | sighed and moaned into his mouth, letting him

know how much | was enjoying this. His hands tightened. around my waist, pullingeven closer.

1 scrambled with the buttons of his shirt, and eventually, | had the shirt out of the way, exposing his broad

bronzed chest.

He pulled off his suit from me, unzipping my gown slowly, as his hands touched my bare skin 1 felt a jolt of

electricity and | shiver. In no time, my gown was off me, exposing my black with a touch of pink bra.

He laydown in the king-size bed, and slowly laiddown on the bed, following simultaneously, and kissed

| felt his hands moving towards me, lifting me. As our lips met again, | felt a battle for dominance begin, both of

us pushing against the other, until my lips becweak and trembled. He began to tease and probe gently

around my lips and past them, makinggasp in surprise.

He turnedslowly so that | was on my back; his long, powerful leg Insinuating itself between my legs. |

stiffened as | felt his big, muscular body spread over me, pushingdown into the mattress.

He left my

mouth for a few minutes and was kissing my neck, “Fuccccccccccck!” | let out a tiny cry, my eyes shut.

He unfastened the hook of my bra in record time, tossed it aside and his mouth located my breast in no time;

peppering it with kisses. He moved to my sensitive nipple, playing with the right one and sucking the left now,

He was biting, chewing and sucking. “Uhhggggg.” | moaned out loud as | squeezed the bedsheet. | was on cloud


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Chapter 62

He slowly slid off my pants, and | was fully naked now. Slowly he worked his way with his hand in between my

thighs and slid a finger inside me, then he added another one, makingpress my eyes tighter.

He began to trail his fingers inside my body slowly, each touch sending shockwaves of pleasure through me. |

was helpless to resist, my body shivering and trembling under

his touch.

| felt like | was no longer controlling myself, as if | was simply a passenger in my own body. | could feel his breath

on my body, It was intoxicating, and | couldn’t help but give in to the sensations. | was lost in a haze of desire,

and | knew | would never be the sagain.

My body was on fire, it was burning with unbridled desires. | moaned even louder as he increased his pace. | felt

savage and wild, enjoying every stroke, every thrust.

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Suddenly, he stopped, and | raised my eyebrows, he pulled his trousers down and beneath his boxers | could see

his dick hard, and my nipples hardened.

He spread my legs apart, wider than before. He pushed his hard dick inside my tight pussy and | gasped. It was

painful at first, then it becpleasurable.

He began to thrust inside of me, making my moans louder, | could swear if someone was in the next room they

could hear my moans. He puts his thumb inside my mouth and | suck on it.

He was thrustingslowly, as if he was trying to be careful with me. “Please,” | moaned. out loud.

“Please what baby,” he asked in a seductive tune.

“Please, Kex,” | said, my voice quivering.

And then he began to thrust fast, my nails were in hair as | tried to hold myself. | put one of his hands on my

neck, slightly choking me, while his other hand was playing with my nipples.

He began to slow down.

“Please don’t stop, | cry out loud, the climax starting to build up. He knows I'm about to reach it and becomes

even more aggressive, which makescum in his dick.

He pulls out of me, his hands slapping my ass.

“You drivecrazy,” he whispered in my ears, his breath hot.

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Chapter 62




