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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60

Chapter 60.

Nelly’s POV.

When I finally woke up, the sun was setting outside the window, and | could see the stars beginning to twinkle in

the sky. | sat up, stretching my arms, which ached from being in the sposition for so long.

| let out a big yawn, my mouth feeling dry and my body sluggish. | looked around the room, but there was no

sign of Kex. Where had he gone? And why hadn’t he wokenup? | was starting to feel a little worried.

| heard a soft knock on the door, and | jumped, startled. | opened the door to see a maid standing there, holding

a bouquet of flowers and a bag.

“What's this?” | asked, confused.

“It’s from Alpha,” the maid said, a small smile on her face. She handedthe items, and | took them, closing

the door behind me. | turned back to the bouquet, curiosity. piqued. What did it mean? And what was in the bag?

| peered into the bag, curious to see what was inside. | pulled out a red gown, a pair of black shoes, and a silver

earring. | was intrigued, wondering what was going on. Then | noticed a note at the bottom of the bag. | picked it

up, my hands trembling slightly. | unfolded the paper and read the message.



“Get ready,” it said. “The driver will pick you up soon.” | felt flush, wondering what Kex had in store for me. | was

both excited and nervous at the stime.

| raced into the bathroom, my heart pounding in my chest. | quickly undressed and stepped into the shower,

letting the hot water wash over me. | washed

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my hair, scrubbing the grof the past few days away.

| didn’t want to take too long, but | wanted to look and feel my best. | dried off and wrapped a towel around my

body, heading back to the bedroom. | didn’t have an opportunity to spare, so | moved quickly.

I slipped into the red gown, feeling the silkiness of the fabric against my skin. The dress had one-shoulder

sleeves that split down to my knees, revealing just a hint of skin.

| applied light makeup, letting my natural beauty shine through. A red lipstick added a touch of glamour, and | let

my hair fall loose around my shoulders, save for two strands. | twisted into small buns. | put on the silver

earrings, admiring my reflection in the mirror. | felt elegant and confident.

Chapter 60

| slipped into a pair of black heels and picked up a small black purse. | spritzed myself with a light perfume,

savoring the delicate scent. | turned to look at myself in the mirror, and | couldn't help but smile. | felt beautiful,

confident, and ready to face the world.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. | opened it to find a guard standing there.

“The driver is here,” he said. | nodded and closed the door behind me, following him down the hall. | couldn't

help but wonder where we were going.

The guard opened the door to a waiting car, and | climbed inside. As we began to drive, | saw the estate

disappearing in the rearview mirror. | realized | had forgotten to tell Aisha where | was going. | hoped she

wouldn't worry too much.

| looked out the window, watching the dark, starry sky race past. | could feel the cool night air rushing through

the open window, a welccontrast to the warmth of the car's interior.

The car cto a stop, and the driver got out and opened the door for me. | stepped. out into the night air,

feeling the cool breeze on my skin.

“Room 306,” the driver said, smiling.

| nodded, feeling a bit nervous. | made my way inside the hotel, heading for the front desk.

“I have an invitation for room 306,” | said to the receptionist.

She looked atfor a moment, then smiled and gavesdirection. “Enjoy your stay,” she said, and |

nodded, my heart racing.

I made my way to the elevator, my heels clicking against the marble floor. My heart was racing as | stepped

inside, and | clutched my purse tightly. | pressed the button for the third floor, and the elevator began to move. |

felt the elevator rise, my stomach doing flip-flops as | imagined what would happen when | reached my

destination. The elevator stopped, and the doors opened.

| took a deep breath and stepped out into the hallway. | could feel my heart pounding in my chest as | knocked

on the door.

“Cin,” a deep voice said. | took a deep breath and turned the doorknob, pushing the door open. | couldn't

see anything inside the room, but | could hear someone moving around. My heart was racing, my palms sweaty.

“Kex,” | said, my voice barely above a whisper. But there was no response.” Kex!” | said his nagain, louder

this time, and still, there was no answer. | turned around, my heart pounding in my chest. | gasped as | hit

something hard, and then | heard a voice,


Chapter 60

“Nelly, it’s just me,” Kex said, his voice soft and reassuring.

1 opened my eyes, and the lights were on, revealing a scene that took my breath away. The room was lit with

dozens of flickering candles, and the bed was decorated with flowers.

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| looked down, and Kex was standing there, a single flower in his hand, a smile on his face. He was dressed in a

suit that fit him perfectly, and he looked even more handsthan | remembered.

“Happy birthday, Nelly,” he said, his voice full of warmth and affection..


breath caught in my throat, and | felt my heart swell with happiness. How could | have forgotten? | thought, my

mind racing. How could | have forgotten that today was my birthday? | looked at Kex, my mouth open in


| couldn’t find the words to express how | was feeling. | felt a lump in my |

throat, and my eyes were starting to water. | reached out my hand, my palm flat against his chest, feeling his

strong heartbeat beneath my fingertips. | looked up at him, my eyes meeting his. He was looking atwith

such intensity, such love and devotion, that | felt my heart swell with emotion..

“Thank you.” | said, feeling tears of joy pricking at my eyes.

He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it gently. “You deserve this, darling,” he said. softly.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and ledto a chair, where | sat down.

“How did you find out today was my birthday?” | asked, my voice still a bit shaky.

He pulled up a chair next toand sat down, leaning close to me. “I have my ways,” he said, a smile playing on

his lips.

| couldn’t help but laugh. He always knew how to makefeel special, and | loved him. for it. | wondered how

his mate couldn't see this side of him.....


