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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56

Chapter 56.

Nelly’s POV.

| was sitting on the edge of my bed when the door to my room opened. | turned to see Kex standing there, a tray

of food in his hands. | smiled, but then I felt a twinge of guilt.

“You don’t have to treatdifferently,” | said, my voice quiet.

He set the tray down on the bedside table and walked over to me.

“And who says I'm treating you differently?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. | looked up at him, unsure of what to


| said nothing, my eyes fixed on my drawing, as | tried to hide my emotions. Kex ccloser, and | could feel his

presence, his warmth radiating from him.

“This is beautiful,” he said, his voice low.

| swallowed hard, Kex hand found mine, and he gave it a gentle squeeze. | felt my eyes fill with tears, but |

blinked them away, determined not to cry.

| sat there, frozen, my eyes fixed on the drawing of my brother and me. | felt Kex’s presence behind me, his

warmth radiating from him.

“Do you want to hang this up?” he asked, and | nodded.

“I want to be able to see him every day,” | said, my voice breaking.

“That's fine,” he said, squeezing my hand tighter. “I'll hang it up for you.”

| felt a wave of gratitude wash over me, and | turned to him, giving him a small smile. “Thank you,” | said, the

words barely a whisper.

Kex stood up and walked over to the portrait. He picked it up carefully, then climbed on a chair, hanging it on the

wall above my bed. | watched him, a single tear sliding down my check.

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He climbed back down from the chair, then walked over to me. He wiped the tear from my cheek, then leaned

down, his lips brushing my forehead in a soft kiss. Then he pulledinto his arms, and | sank into his embrace,

letting the emotions wash over

1. me.

| cried, letting out all the emotions | had been holding in for so long. After a few minutes, | started to feel a

bit calmer, and | pulled away from his embrace. Kex helped.sit on the bed, then passeda cup of

water. | drank it, grateful for the cool,


Chapter 56


refreshing liquid. He looked at me, his eyes full of concern.

“Are you sure you want to keep the portrait?” he asked.

I nodded. “I will be fine,” | said, though | wasn’t sure if | was convincing him or myself.

“Fine,” he said, givinga small smile.

| cleared my throat, trying to get my voice to work again. “How did my brother end up. here?” | asked, my

voice barely above a whisper.

Alpha Kex took a deep breath, and | could see him choosing his words carefully.

“After the war, your brother was brought here as a captive,” he said. “I was lonely, and whenever | was

bored, | would notice that he would do silly things to try to cheerup. Over time, we becfriends, and |

made him my beta. He was my backbone, the only person whoever showedlove and kindness.”

| nodded, my eyes stinging with tears. | didn’t know how to feel. Should | be angry with him, or not?

“I don’t know whether to be angry at you or not,” | said, my voice breaking. | looked at Kex, searching his

face for an answer. But his expression was unreadable, and | couldn't tell what he was thinking.

“I had vowed to deal with the person who had separated my family from me,” 1 continued, my voice barely a

whisper. “But now | don’t even know what to do.” Kex's brow furrowed.

He stood up, and reached into his pocket, pulling out a dagger. He held it out to me, and I took it, my hand

shaking. | looked at him, my heart racing.

“What's this?” | asked, my voice barely audible.

“Slit my arms,” he said, his voice calm.

“What?” | said, shocked.

“I don’t want you to feel remorseful,” he said. “I was part of those people who fought the war, and you had

vowed to take revenge. So do it now.”

| looked down at the dagger in my hand, then back at him. Without thinking, | threw the dagger away.

“What's the meaning of all this?” | asked, my voice raw. “Why are you doing this?”

“I was part of the warriors that fought the war, and | should be punished,” he said, his

voice intense.



Chapter 56

“Yes, | had made a vow! But knowing my brother had lived a good and honorable life here, knowing how

much he values you, | am sorry | can’t do this.” | said, as | felt a swell of emotion inside me.

He kept silent. | could feel my heart beating in my chest, and my palms were sweating.

“To me, | will always feel you have donea favor,” he said, his voice steady. “And | hate that.”

| was silent for a moment, and then | spoke, “Fine. You want to pay for your sins, right?” | asked.

He hesitated, then nodded. “Yes,” he said, his voice barely audible.

“Then I'll tell you how,” | said. He looked at me, and | saw something like hope in his


My eyes blazed with fury as | spoke. “You will helpfind the person who killed my brother,” | said, my

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voice ringing with conviction. “Whoever it is whether it’s your

mate or Harry or

anyone else

you will letslit their throat.”

Kex looked at me, his expression unreadable. He seemed to be calculating the cost of what | was asking for.

Finally, he held out his hand.

“A deal,” he said. | looked down at his hand, then back at him. | reached out and shook. his hand. “Deal,” |

said, my voice barely audible.

| sat back down, my mind a jumble of thoughts and emotions. | felt consumed by a mix of hatred, fear, and

anger. The person who killed my brother should be watching their back because | would slit their throat and

cut out their eyes if that’s what it took. | could feel my body trembling, my breath coming in short, shallow

gasps. | knew what | had to do, and I was terrified.

Suddenly, | felt a hand on mine. | looked up, and it was Kex. He was sitting beside me, his eyes full of


“It will be fine,” he said, his voice calm and steady.

I nodded, unable to find my voice. Kex picked up the tray of food and handed it to me.

“Eat,” he said. “Your food is getting cold.” | took the tray and began to eat, my appetite. returning in small

bites. | could feel my body calming down, my breathing slowing, my heartbeat steadying.

As | ate, | felt Kex’s gaze on me. It was intense, but | didn’t look up. | couldn’t bring myself to meet his eyes, |

just kept shoving the food into my mouth, my mind too preoccupied to focus on anything else.

Chapter 56

But then Alpha Kex spoke, and his words madechoke on my


