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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47

Chapter 47.

Emily's POV.

The early morning sun poured in through the window, shining directly into my eyes. | let out a groan, pulling the

covers over my head, trying to block out the light. But it was no use, the sun was relentless, and | was too tired

to fight it. With a sigh of irritation, | threw the covers off and sat up, rubbing my eyes.

| stood up, my body protesting every movement. | dragged myself to the bathroom, the floor cold beneath my

bare feet. | splashed water on my face, the coolness wakingup a little. | packed my hair into a messy bun,

holding it in place with a hair tie. | grabbed my nightgown and slipped it over my head, and as | stepped out of

the room, I froze.

| could hear moaning coming from Nelly’s room. | crept closer, trying to make out what was happening. The door

was slightly ajar, and | peered through the crack, my heart racing.

There they were, Alpha Kex and Nelly, entangled together on the bed. | felt a surge of anger, and before | knew

what | was doing, | kicked over the flower vase on the side table. It shattered on the floor, the sound of breaking

glass stopping them in their tracks. | turned and fled, my heart racing, my mind reeling.

| entered Alpha Kex’s room, my heart still pounding. | began pacing, my thoughts racing. What did Nelly have

that | didn’t? | was his beta sister, the sister of his heart, but he'd chosen her instead. She was nothing but a

Rejected girl, cast out by her pack, while | had everything, a man could want.

The door burst open, and Kex strode into the room. | rushed to his side, my arms. outstretched, ready to

embrace him. But before | could reach him, he pushedaway, putting a few feet of distance between us. |

tried to move closer, but he held up his hand, stoppingin my tracks.

“Stop, Emily,” he said, his voice firm. “I don’t want this.” | felt my heart sink, my hands falling to my sides. | felt

lost, adrift, unsure of what to do next.

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“Am | not good enough for you?” | asked, my voice breaking.

He looked up at me, his eyes full of sorrow. “It’s not about that, Emily,” he said. “I'm just so tired. | don’t have

the energy for this.”

| felt my anger turn to anguish, a sinking feeling settling in my chest. “So you're just going to throwaway?

Like | don’t matter?” | said, my voice trembling.

Chapter 47

“You know that’s not what I'm saying,” he replied, but | was already too hurt to listen.

“Am | not beautiful?” | asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

He looked at me, his gaze gentle, but firm. “You are beautiful,” he said, his voice soft but sincere. “Every man

would want you.”

But his words didn’t soothe my pain. “No, it doesn’t seem so,” | replied, my voice. breaking. “No one has ever

looked atthe way you look at Nelly.”

He sighed, and | saw a hint of regret in his eyes. “You're not just anyone, Emily. You're my beta sister. | can’t look

at you that way.”

“That's it?” | said, my voice shaking with frustration. “You keep saying I'm your beta sister, but we're not related.

Just say you don’t like me. You don’t have to sugarcoat it.”

But he shook his head, a pained expression on his face. “You're making a big deal out of nothing,” he said. “We

both know that’s not it. I've always seen you as my sister, and | can’t change that.”

But | was too angry to hear him out. “I’m not your sister,” | said, my voice rising in volume. “I will never be your

sister.” | could see the hurt in his eyes, but | was too caught up in my feelings to care.

He looked at me, his eyes wide with shock. “What's gotten into you, Emily?” he asked, his voice trembling. “Did

someone say something bad to you?” | rolled my eyes, my anger boiling over.

“I don’t need someone to say something bad toto know how I feel,” | said. “And we both know that we're not

siblings. I've never seen you as my brother.”

He sighed, his shoulders slumping. “I know, but | have a mate, Emily,” he said. | scoffed, my patience gone.

“And yet, you keep fucking Nelly behind her back,” | snapped. “You call her your friend, but she’s nothing more

than your whore. So savethe

crap about your mate.”

“How dare you call Nelly a whore!” he roared, his

eyes flashing with anger.


“Yes, that's what she is. She’s a whore, bed warmer, a man snatcher and.......,"” but | was cut olf.

“Stop it! Whether you like it or not, she’s important to me, and | won't tolerate you insulting her.”

My heart was racing, my blood pounding in my ears. | was shocked by his reaction, and



Chapter 47

| couldn’t hide my tears.

“I've never seen you speak tolike this,” | said, my voice shaking. “But today you're yelling atbecause of


He sighed, his anger dissipating as he saw my tears. “I'm sorry,” he said, his voice softer now. “You're the one

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makingangry!” he exclaimed, his voice growing louder but soft. “You're makingtalk like this, you're

pushingto my limits,” he continued, his chest heaving.


“I'm sorry,” | whispered, tears streaming down my face. “I just don’t know what to do. | my brother so much, and

| feel so alone. | just want someone to be there for me.” He reached out to touch my arm, but | recoiled.

“Emily,” he said, his voice trembling. But | held up my hand, cutting him off.

“It's fine, I'm fine,” | said, though | knew | wasn’t. “Maybe | was just trying to keep up my late brother's wish that

| didn’t realize | was hurting you.”

He looked at me, his expression a mix of confusion and hurt. “What do you mean?” he asked, his voice soft.

“What was your brother's wish?”

| hesitated, unsure if | should tell him the truth. But | knew | had to. “He wanted us to be together,” | said, my

voice barely a whisper.

His eyes widened, his mouth agape, as if he couldn’t believe what | had just said. | forced a smile, but it felt


“You don’t have to fulfill that wish,” | said, my voice barely audible.

Then | turned and walked to the door, closing it softly behind me. | could hear him. calling my name, but | kept

walking, not looking back.

When | was far from him, | leaned against the wall, my head spinning. | couldn’t believe | had just told him that.

| took a deep breath, steadying myself as | reached for the doorknob. I turned it slowly,

pushing the door open and stepping inside. But as | looked around, | froze, staring hard.

at my room.