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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45

Chapter 45.

Nelly’s POV.

| whipped the scarf from my eyes, only to see Aisha standing in the doorway, an apple in her hand. She was

staring at me, her eyes wide with astonishment. | returned my gaze to the drawing, still frozen in shock..

“That'’s...that’s my brother,” | stammered, my voice hoarse.

Aisha took a bite of her apple, her face a mask of confusion. “Didn't you want to draw your brother?” Aisha

asked, her voice full of curiosity.

I shook my head, | tore the drawing, picked the scarf and covered my eyes. | began to sketch again, my hand

moving of its accord. | had no idea what | was drawing, but | let

hand lead the way.


| felt a hand on my shoulder, and | jumped, my scarf flying open. Aisha was standing behind me, her eyes full of


“Are you

okay?” she asked, her voice full of worry

| remained silent, not sure how to answer Aisha’s question. My eyes darted between the pictures | had drawn

and her, my thoughts racing.

“Wait for me.” | finally said, my voice barely a whisper.

She nodded, and | stood up, my legs shaking. | turned and left the room, making my way down the hall. My heart

pounded in my chest as | approached Alpha Kex'’s door. | hesitated, my hand hovering over the doorknob. Then,

taking a deep breath, | knocked at the door, hoping he was not inside.

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| knocked again, my knuckles rapping lightly against the door. There was no response. | turned the doorknob and

pushed open the door, a sense of relief washing overas | realized the room was empty.

| let out a breath | hadn't realized | was holding, my heart settling back into a normal rhythm. | knew | didn’t

have much time. | needed to find what | was looking for and get out before Alpha Kex returned.

| crept to the bathroom door, my hand trembling as | reached for the knob. | turned it slowly, pushing open the

door with bated breath. The bathroom was empty, just as | hoped. I let out a sigh, my body relaxing.

| scanned the dressing table, lifting items and putting them back down with a sigh. The


Chapter 45

album wasn't there. | checked the wardrobe, but it was empty. Frustration welled up inside me. | paced the room,

running my fingers through my hair in agitation.

Where was the picture album? | had to find it, but it seemed to have vanished into thin- air. | sat on the edge of

the bed, gnawing on my fingernails. | closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down. But as | did, | noticed


| was about to reach out for it when | heard the doorknob turn. | froze, my heart stopping in my chest. | watched

as the door opened, panic rising within me. | scrambled under the bed, trying to make myself as small as

possible. | heard the click of heels on the floor, the sound growing louder as whoever it was approached the bed.

“Kex!” a female voice called out. | recognized it as Emily’s. | held my breath, terrified of being found.

Emily's heels cto a stop right above my hands, and | bit down hard on my lip to keep from crying out in

pain. | could feel the indentations of her shoes on my skin, my hands aching from the pressure.

I held my breath, afraid she would notice. After what felt like an eternity, she turned and walked away. | waited a

few minutes, not daring to move. When | was sure she was gone, | slowly crawled out from under the bed. My

hands were bruised and throbbing. but | was just grateful to be free.

| was about to get to my feet when | spotted something under the bed. It was the missing picture album! |

reached for it, my hands shaking with excitement. | opened it, flipping through the pages until | found the one |

was looking for.

It was a picture of Alpha Kex and his beta, standing side by side. | stared at the photo,

heart racing. | removed the pictures from the album and stood up, my legs trembling.


| tucked the picture safely into the waistband of my trousers, my hands shaking with nerves. | ran my fingers

through my hair, trying to make myself presentable. My reflection in the mirror stared back at me, but | looked

away, not wanting to meet my gaze. | turned away from the mirror, taking a deep breath.

My wolf spoke to me, “Nelly, be calm,” she said. | nodded, trying to calm my racing heart. | schooled my

features, trying to keep my face neutral.

As | opened the door, | stumbled into someone. | looked up to see Emily, her expression hardening as she looked

at me. | forced a smile and attempted to walk her, but she grabbed my arm, pullingback.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded, her tone icy. | turned to face her, my patience wearing thin.


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Chapter 45

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“I don’t have tfor this,” | said, my voice firm. “I have something important to do.”

She glared at me, her eyes blazing. “You think you're so important, don’t you?” she said, her words dripping with


“I am not relevant,” | replied, my voice shaking slightly. “Can you please letgo?” | tried to step around her,

but she blocked my path.

| could feel my anger rising, my frustration bubbling over. “I need you to leavealone,” | said, raising my

voice. “This is not the tfor this.”

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She stood her ground, refusing to move. “You think you can orderaround?” she snapped. “I'm not going to

just step aside for you.”

I glared at her, my hands clenched into fists.

| was about to push past her when | heard a voice, cold and hard.

“What is going on here?” Alpha Kex demanded. | looked up, my heart pounding in my


Emily quickly responded before | could say a word. “I think Nelly is up to something,” she said, a sly smile

playing on her lips. “I saw her coming out of your room.”

| felt the blood drain from my face, my heart sinking. Alpha Kex'’s gaze flicked from Emily to me, and | struggled

to find my voice.

“Tellwhat's going on,” Alpha Kex said, his voice demanding an explanation.

| opened my mouth to speak, but no words cout. Emily cut in before | could find my voice.

“Well, Nelly? Or has the cat got your tongue?” she said, her words mocking.

“I forgot my hairpin in your room,” | blurted out, hoping he would believe me.

“You can go,” he said, and | let out a breath | hadn't realized I'd been holding.

| hurried out the door, but | heard Emily's voice behind me. “You just let her go.” | turned to see them entering

his room.

Aisha stood up as | entered the room, her eyes narrowed. “You took your time,” she said, her voice etched with

worries. | handed her the picture, my hands shaking. She took it fromand studied it.

“This looks like the older version of your brother,” she said, her voice tinged with disbelief.