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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44

Chapter 44.

Nelly’s POV.

| opened my eyes, the bright morning sun streaming in through the window. | tried to move, but | was pinned

down by a heavy weight on my chest. | looked down, my eyes meeting the familiar face of Alpha Kex.|

remembered the previous night, the moments we had shared. My cheeks began to glow.

| reached out, gently brushing the strand of hair from his face. He looked peaceful in sleep, a sight | rarely got to

see. | studied his features, the strong jawline, the long eyelashes, the full lips.

| traced the contours of his face with my fingertips, my heart beating faster with each touch. | felt something

stirring within me, a longing to be closer to him.

With a swift motion he pinnedto the bed, his eyes burning with desire. | gasped, my heart pounding in my


“I thought you were asleep,” | stammered, my breath coming in short gasps.

He smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “You wokeup,” he said, his voice low and husky.

He leaned in close, his lips a breath away from mine. “I'm glad you did,” he whispered, his breath warm against

my skin. | felt my body respond, my senses coming alive.

| couldn't take my eyes off his lips, wanting nothing more than to feel them against mine. | reached for the front

of his shirt, pulling him closer to me. But just as our lips were about to touch, the door burst open, and | saw

Emily standing there, her eyes wide

with shock.

| turned, mortified, to see her staring at us, her mouth agape and her face a picture of disgust. | felt a thrill of

satisfaction, knowing that she was jealous.

Alpha Kex jumped off the bed, his anger evident. “How many times have | told you to knock before entering my

room?” he yelled, his voice filled with rage.

Emily turned to face him, her eyes brimming with tears. But | knew her tears were nothing more than crocodile

tears, a way to gain sympathy.

| watched as she sniffled and wiped her eyes, her performance worthy of an Oscar. But

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| was not fooled. | knew her true intentions, her jealousy burning bright.

Alpha Kex, ever the chivalrous one, immediately softened at her tears. “What



Chapter 44

happened?” he asked, his tone gentle and concerned.

“My eyes hurt, so | thought | could get help from you,” she sobbed, her voice thick with


But | could see right through her act, and | let out a hiss of derision. She turned to me, her eyes narrowing in

anger. | ignored her, instead focusing on putting on my nightgown.

| walked to the door, swaying my hips. | was about to open it when | heard Alpha Kex’s. voice.

“Nelly,” he called out, and | turned to face him. “Get ready for breakfast,” he said, his voice stern. | nodded,

closing the door behind me.

As | closed the door, | heard Emily's voice, her words meant forto hear. “She hates me,” she mumbled.

| wanted nothing more than to stay and listen to their conversation, to hear what they had to say about me. But |

knew that it would be a waste of my time. | turned away, heading back to my room. | needed to get ready for the

day ahead, to put this whole situation behind me.

As | entered my room, | felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. The soreness in my legs was a constant

reminder of the events of the previous night. | changed out of my clothes, discarding them in a heap on the floor.

| pulled on my bathrobe and padded barefoot to the bathroom. | turned on the shower, feeling the spray of water

against my skin as | stepped in. The heat of the water felt. soothing.

As | closed my eyes, the image of the picture | had seen the night before flashed through my mind. It was as if |

could see it behind my eyelids, burned into my retinas. | tried to push it away, but it kept coming back, taunting

me. | forced my eyes open, my heart pounding in my chest.

What was the connection betweenand that picture? Why did it feel so familiar, so hauntingly familiar? I tried

to make sense of it, but it was like a puzzle with missing. pieces. | felt like | was missing something crucial,

something that would make everything make sense.

There was a knock at the door, and | called out, “Who's there?”

“Alpha Kex demands your presence at the dining table,” cthe voice from the other side,

| sighed, knowing | had no choice but to comply. “Okay,” | replied, turning off the

Chapter 44

shower and stepping out of the water.

| dried myself off, my mind racing with questions. Why did | feel so connected to that picture? What did it all


| stood in front of my wardrobe, surveying my options. After a moment, | settled on a black mini dress. | slipped it

on, smoothing the fabric over my curves. | tied my hair up in a simple ponytail, then turned and left the room.

| entered the dining room, my heart pounding in my chest. As | glanced around the room, my eyes met with

those of Emily. Her eyes blazed with fury, her hands clenched into fists. | suppressed a laugh, trying to appear

calm and collected.

| sat down at the table, taking a seat beside Aisha. But Alpha Kex spoke up, askingto sit beside him instead. |

complied, taking the seat next to him and feeling his gaze upon me. | could feel the tension in the room, like a

rubber band stretched to its breaking point.

The room was silent as the food was served, each of us taking our first tentative bites. Finally, Emily spoke up,

her voice cool and even.

“Kex, when are you going to introduce your mate to us?” she asked, her gaze fixed on

1. me.

| could feel the smirk on her face, the satisfaction in her tone. She thought she hadon the ropes, but she was

wrong. | held my head high, refusing to give her the satisfaction of a reaction.

“Very soon,” Alpha Kex replied, his voice confident and sure.

“I had the impression that | was the only one eager to meet your mate,” | quipped, taking a bite of my food. “But

it seems that Emily is even more curious than | am.” | smiled mischievously, my eyes meeting Emily and then |

drifted to Alpha Kex’s.

He looked amused, a small smile tugging at his lips.

“Kex, did you tell her?” Emily said, hee voice etched with disgust.

Before he could speak | interrupted. “What makes you think he would keep such a thing. from me?” | asked, my

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tone light.“Well, he can’t hide something like that from me,” | said. “It's just not possible.” Emily scoffed.

“You are acting like you have known Kex longer than me,” she snapped, her eyes flashing.

“It's not about how long you've known someone, it's about how well you know them,” | said, the words falling

from my lips before | could stop them. “You might think you


Chapter 44

know everything about Alpha Kex, but you don’t. You're not as close to him as you think you are.”

Her grip on her fork tightened, her hands turning red. “Careful baby girl, you might get hurt,” | said, taunting her.

| saw the flash of anger in her eyes, the fury boiling beneath the surface. “Don’t call‘baby girl,” she hissed,

her voice low and dangerous.

Alpha Kex slammed his fist on the table, the sound echoing throughout the room.

“That's Enough!” he bellowed, his voice booming. “I won't have you two squabbling like children. If you can’t

behave, you can leave.”

| sat back in my chair, my heart racing.

“Sorry,” | mumbled, my eyes downcast. | could feel the heat of Emily’s gaze on me, but I refused to meet her


“I'm sorry too,” she muttered, her voice grudging.

| left the table, my appetite lost. | could feel the eyes of everyone in the room onas | made my way out. |

walked to my room, my feet moving on autopilot.

| sat down at my desk, grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil. | covered my eyes with a scarf, letting my mind


The image of a face swam into view, someone who looked familiar, someone who looked like Alpha Kex beta. |

began to sketch the face, my hand moving with a life of its


| felt a presence behind me, but | didn’t bother to remove the scarf on my face as | kept on sketching.

“That's your brother!” | heard the voice said.