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Chapter 574
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Brodie had already understood his mother's intentions. She was playing dumb, aiming to return to Brodie's side. He gently caressed his mother's head with his large hand and asked softly, "Mom, did you remember something?" Katherine was sobbing uncontrollably, trying hard to suppress her emotions. Then she said, "Brodie, lan, and Greta are my children. They are your biological brother and sister." This news made Brodie's eyes red. Just as Clara had guessed, his mother was indeed the real Leonora.

While wiping Katherine's tears, he comforted her, "Mom, the situation is dire now. The servant could wake up at any moment. Let's make it brief. What exactly happened back then?" Katherine sniffled a few times, then she said, "Teo, Connor, and I were all college friends. Back at school, Connor had a crush on me, but I was already in love with your dad. I rejected his pursuit, so he has harbored resentment ever since, thinking I rejected him because of his disability." "Later, I married Teo, and we had Greta, lan, and then you. Our family was very happy, eagerly awaiting your arrival.

"But when I went to the beauty salon, I somehow passed out. When I woke up, Connor was there.

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"He forcedto be with him. When I refused, he poured boiling water on my face. He also showedvideos, all about the fake Leonora's situation in the Hayes family.

"When I saw my hand identity being taken over by someone else, I nearly broke down. I was disfigured then, and my vocal cords were damaged. Even if I managed to escape and find Teo, telling him I was the real Leonora, he wouldn't have believed me.

"They lockedup, starved me, but for the sake of the child in my womb, I persevered. Once, when the person watchingfell asleep, I sneaked out.

"After coming back, I was taken to that warehouse. They wanted to burnalive. The Hayes Hayet butler, Robert, did it, because I discovered he embezzled the Hayes family's money. The fake Leonora also knew this, making him work for her.

"I was saved by a beggar. After escaping, I completely lost my memory, only knowing I had a child in my womb. SeaR*ch the Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

"Just like that, I lived a life of homelessness, barely managing to give birth to you." Hearing this, Brodie was already in tears. He had thought about the harm his mother had suffered, but never imagined it to be so tragic.

She lost her husband, lost her son, lost her daughter, and lost her identity. She watched as others took everything from her, yet she was powerless to retaliate.

How desperate she must have been at that time. If not for the kid in her womb, she probably wouldn't have survived.

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Brodie held Katherine in his arms, gently caressing her head, and whispered comfortingly, "Mom, it's great that you've regained your memory. Now we can join forces to deal with Connor." "My sister is detained by the authorities, and my brother has gone to save her, Now I control the company, but actually, it's all my

brother's. We are just putting on a show for him, aiming to destroy his Devil's Claw organization."

Katherine sniffled a few times. Her tearful eyes gazed at Brodie. "Ism Clara's child really gone? Is Casey truly in a coma, and did she and your brother really separate?" She asked a series of questions, all of which she had been longing to know the answers to.

Brodie sighed "My brother and her

divorce is real. Mr. Casey being in a coma is also true. It's just that the m child is still alive being raised by Elle.

One of her twins died, so no one will discover the truth. It's just that Clara doesn't know about these."