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Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60
This made her look down at her paws and feet, and indeed, her fur was silver. She glanced up at him with confused eyes. “I don’t
The last time she transformed into her wolf, there was no single trace of silver on her fur; she had become a complete white–
furred wolf. Ona felt so ashamed that she couldn’t even stay in her wolf form for more than a minute. It was a testament to the
power she lost, and she mourned it once again. She hadn’t considered shifting to regain strength since then, and when Julian
asked her to shift with him, she felt ashamed and would have said no if he hadn’t come to the settlement.)
Seeing him there confirmed he loved her regardless of her ability, and that gave her the confidence she needed to say yes.
Seeing this now left her in an ocean of confusion.
He took her hand in his. “We were wrong; the incident didn’t take away your healing powers. It can only take away what you
have, not what you are. Fiona, Ona, you are a healer; it’s in your blood, and it will never go away.”
His words registered in her mind, and she tried to accept them as the truth.
The next few hours into the shift, Ona did her best to accept this new truth and also enjoy the shift as much as the rest did. It was
a hard thing to do. She had a lot to unwrap and consider. She had begun modelling herself to adjust to a life where she no longer
had her healing powers; knowing they never left and now were at their apex worried her.
“Take over the leadership,” Jules told Rock, who did so without asking a question.
Confusion dawned on Ona as soon as Jules took hold of her hand and led her away from the team. “What are you doing?”
“Taking you away so you can shift with me.” He answered the obvious.
She wanted to ask more questions, but she pressed her l*ps together and maintained silence. He took the lead, and she
followed. He showed so much -strength and speed that it made her feel like a baby. The difference between them
was massive, yet he considered her cute in all her attempts.
She won.

He had poked her nose, wanting her to chase him and promising to k*ss and make up for it if she caught him. She knew her

speed was no match for him, but a
11:48 Mon, 8 Jan A
Chapter 60
chance to be k*ssed by him was one she couldn’t pass up. So she did. She chased him, and though he slowed down a few times
to let her catch up, he picked up the pace once she got close.
The end of the shift came before she knew it, and a part of her didn’t want it to end. She wanted to remain like this with him
forever. That was asking for too much, but that was what she wanted.
They shifted into their human forms and reached for clothes hanging around on the ropes in the field.
She noticed Julian’s eyes on her even as she tried to get dressed. She turned around, but he quickly looked away and pretended
not to be looking, which made her laugh and shake her head.
She wanted to tell him she was his and there was nothing to look away from, but more than that, she wanted him to k*ss her.
Yes, she never caught him during the shift, but it didn’t matter; she knew he wanted to k*ss her. It was all over him.
She dressed up in the big polo she saw and a pair of shorts and turned around to find Julian in a green, furry sweater and black
trousers. He tied his long black hair into a messy bun, and the sweater’s colour complemented his green eyes. He looked so fine
in her eyes.

This man knew how to make anything gorgeous.
“Why did you take me away from the rest of the pack?” She asked and raised a brow at him.
“You are barely with us, and I could feel it. I figured if I took you away and focused your mind on other things, you would enjoy
the rest of the shift, and 1 guess it worked.” He replied with a smile that she found charming.
She nodded and confessed, “You were right; there was something on my mind, and your intervention worked.”
If he hadn’t done what he did, she would have spent the rest of the shift thinking. about everything.
“Do you want to share what was on your mind?”
She went back to a few hours ago and what had taken her into that state to begin with.

Chapter 60
The problem was that she didn’t know where to start. It would have been so much. easier if she was marked by him; that way,
she wouldn’t have to explain because he would just read her mind and know what she was thinking.
“Everything I have discovered tonight would be a start. I thought I had lost it because I was no longer silver. No, I saw I lost it,
and now I’m seeing I didn’t. It’s still so much to process.” She rambled off.
“Take your time; it’s not going to go away from the look of it, and oh, how beautiful you look as silver.” He gushed.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Her cheeks warmed, and under her feet, she grew sweaty. “Thank you,” she said, genuinely appreciating his compliment. “As
much as it makes me beautiful, it means I can heal you.” She beamed at him and took his hand in hers.
She tried to concentrate and channel her powers so she could feel the warmth, the same one she felt when the boy with the
plague took her hand yesterday, but she felt nothing.
She tried again and again, and after the third time, she let go and looked up with confused eyes. “I do not understand; I am a
complete silver wolf now; I should be able to heal you.” She mumbled the last part to herself, and she sounded so disappointed.
“It’s fine,” he told her with a smile, and she couldn’t believe he took that line with her. Nothing about not still being able to heal
him while being a healer was fine.
“No, it’s not.”
He took her face in his large hand, his smile not dimming. “It’s fine; look at me.”
She didn’t want to, but as soft as his voice was, it had a command to it that made her do as he said.
“It’s fine; it changes nothing, not who you are, how I feel about you, or how you feel about me.
He leaned in and took her l*ps between his for a soft k*ss. She k*ssed back immediately and wanted him to make her his, not
caring where they were.
They, however, pulled away from the k*ss when they heard footsteps approaching them. They turned to face them, and they
found Alpha Jax and his team, who Julian sent on the mission to find Vivian.
Julian’s expression changed into a diplomatic one, and it almost felt like a different
Chapter 60
He was indeed the Lycan king.
“So, you have any news?” He asked and raised a brow.
Alpha Jax nodded. “We have found Vivian, my king; she is now in the council

court’s dungeon.” He replied.