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Mine – The Alpha's Possession by Kylie

Chapter 9
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CHAPTER 9 When we finally got back to my mom’s house she came running out of the house and hugged me the

second I got out of the car.

” Oh my god. What happened to you?” She asked looking me over. And that’s when I noticed that I was

covered in little cuts and bruises from running through the woods. I looked over at Alpha

Jackson who had gotten out of the car and was resting his arms on the roof of his car and I gave him a

wry smile.

” Oh. He did it.” I say point to Alpha Jackson as I started pretending to sob. And the Alpha’s eyes went

a little wider when I said that.

” What?” She asked shocked.

” I guess that was my punishment for running away. He totally beat the hell out of me. I thought he was

going to kill me.” I say pretending to cry. But I saw Alpha Jackson standing in the same spot that he

was before with his head hanging low just shaking it at the display that was unfolding in front of him.

” Really?” He asked lifting his head and raising his eyebrows at me.

” I swear mom. He was like an animal.” I sobbed.

” Taylor.” Alpha Jackson warned and I started laughing.

” Oh my god. I thought you were telling the truth.” Mom yelled slapping my arm.

” I know. And you should have seen the look on your face.” I say almost going purple from laughing.

” Why would you do that?” She scolded.

” Because it was fun and I couldn’t help myself. I knew you were scared shitless when he demanded

that I go with him.” I laughed out. And I saw Isaac standing on the veranda looking between me and

mom and the Alpha with his mouth opened slightly like he was afraid the Alpha was about to do

something to me.

” Yeah. And you took all night to get back here. What the hell happened?” She asked.

” Well, big bad Alpha over there doesn’t like to drive above the speed limit. It drove me insane. Pissed

me off completely. So, I jumped from the car and started running for it through the woods. Didn’t get

very far before the bastard caught me.” I say using that as the excuse as the why I was covered in cuts

and bruises.

” Taylor. Have some respect.” Mom scolded me.

” Discipline Taylor.” Alpha Jackson warned me before he got back in his car. So I turned to look at him

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with my arms out.

“I already told you. If I have to learn discipline then I am fucked.”

I shouted. And I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I saw him trying to hide a slight grin on his face as he

was driving away and my mom yanked me inside by my arm.

” why do you have to do that? Alpha Jackson will not tolerate that kind of crap.” Mom scolded me.

” He didn’t do anything to me then, did he?” I asked as I started walking up the stairs and I gave Isaac a

hug before I walked inside.

” Not yet. It doesn’t mean he won’t. He’s pretty patient at getting revenge.” Isaac says as they followed

me inside the house.

” Damn. Then after last night I really am fucked.” I say going to the kitchen and I started making a

coffee. It was good to actually be able to use a kitchen again.

Once I got my coffee ready I sat on the front veranda and I lit a smoke and my mom came out and

looked at me weird. She didn’t know that I smoked either and I wasn’t going to hide it from her.

” Don’t you give me crap for it. The Alpha already tried and I already told him to give it up. I’m not

quitting.” I say.

” The Alpha was on your case about it?” She asked.

” He didn’t like me lighting up in his car. But he was taking forever to get home.” I say exasperated.

” What did you two talk about?” She asked.

” A lot of the time was spent in silence. That’s when I was thinking that maybe he was thinking about a

suitable punishment for me. I don’t know. The whole car ride was just weird. You’ll have to ask him.” I

say shrugging my shoulders like I didn’t really care. After last night, he didn’t seem so scary to me.

” Well, at least now he knows what he’s up against with you back in the pack.” She says. And I smile at

that remark.

” I can’t wait to show him what I’m really made of.” I say smiling wickedly at her.

” Yes. You can.” She growled.

” Oh my god mom. Would you calm down. I can take care of myself. Besides, I don’t think he’s as scary

as everyone makes him out to be.” I say.

” He’s worse. You just haven’t had a chance to see it. I don’t know why he wasn’t screaming at you the

whole way here, he’s obviously got something planned for you though.” She says.

“Well, I’m still standing right now. So, enjoy it.” I say grinning like I just won some kind of competition or


” Alright then.” She says.

” I need to have a shower. I feel dirty and gross.” I say after finishing my cigarette.

“Your bags are on your bed.”‘ Mom says as I stand up from the chair.

I went up the stairs and down the hallway to my old room which is twice the size of the one that I had at

dad’s house. And it was the same as when I left it. It even smells the same. It felt great being back


So, I opened my bags and I found my toiletries and some clothes and I went across the hall to the

bathroom and I had a shower and washed my hair and I got dressed into a grey singlet and black

shorts and I went back to my room.

I started going through my suitcases and I looked at my massive built-in-wardrobe that I missed while I

was away and I started unpacking my clothes. And while I was doing that I closed the door and I tried

to call Ethan. But he didn’t answer. So I went downstairs where mom had breakfast ready.

” How’s it going up there?” My mother asked.

” Pretty good. Getting things unpacked. Slowly.” I say.

” Are you going to go and catch up with friends today?” She asked trying to make small talk. She had a

small hint in her voice like she’s trying to get something out of me.

” No. I just wanna hang around the house today. I’m exhausted. I’ll probably go to bed soon.” I say.

” That’s a good idea.” She says.

” That’s what I thought. I just need to get some unpacking done and get the stuff cleared off my bed

before I can.” I say.

” Can I ask why you had so much money saved up if you had to take care of yourself at your dad’s

place?” Isaac asked. And my mother gave him a sideways glance, like she wanted to ask the question

but didn’t know how to.

” | was saving up to get the hell out of there. I was going to find another house if Alpha Richmond

allowed it.” I say.

” That was planning ahead.” Isaac says.

” I was planning on doing that since I got the job there. When Victoria said that she wasn’t supplying

anything for me. Not even food. I thought I might as well be living on my own. At least I’d have my own

space and no be confined to my room whenever they were home because I didn’t want to talk to them.”

I explained.

” That was actually smart thinking. But you don’t need to worry about that here.” Mom says. Why does

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everyone think that? Why do they all think that I was going to stay there and be subjected to that kind

of abuse.

” I know. But I kind of got used to working. I was going to see if there are any jobs available in town

here.” I say.

” That has to go through Alpha Jackson as well.” Isaac says.

” What are you talking about?” I asked raising my eyebrows.

” He assigns where everyone will be working. So, just write a written request of where you would like to

work and submit it to him and he will let you know if you can work there or not.” Isaac says.

” Jeez. He really does like control of his pack, doesn’t he?” I asked.

“when are training times?” I asked.

“You’ll be training in school. It’s a requirement.” Isaac says.

” Isaac is one of the instructors.” Mom says.

” Okay. Well, I was training the whole year that I was away so I think I’ve gotten pretty good.” I say.

” Cool. Can’t wait to see you in action.” Isaac says smiling.

” Yeah. Training was never enforced in this pack before Alpha Jackson. Lucas definitely didn’t care and

his father always said that it was optional.” Mom says.

When I was finished breakfast I helped clean the dishes and the kitchen and then I headed back up to

my room and I finished unpacking that one suitcase. Then I put the other on one the floor in front of my

wardrobe and I closed the curtains to make the room pretty dark and I got into bed.

I fell asleep pretty quickly because of how exhausted I was. Working last night, going to training, not

sleeping in the car and then being attacked by hunters. It was a pretty exhausting day. But it wasn’t as

peaceful as I’d hoped it would be. Jada ok

Jackson and I were walking through the woods and I was shot with the dart of wolfsbane. But again, it

did nothing to me. Alpha Jackson jumped in front of me and he tried to protect me but there was a

barrage of gunfire and I see him fall to the ground dead. And I was suddenly surrounded by those men

wearing black army suits. But I was leaning over Jackson’s dead body when I realized that I was

surrounded by them and I didn’t know what to do.

I woke up with a jolt and realized that I was still in my room and that everything was alright. That didn’t

happen. We got away from the hunters. But I had this weird feeling that it wasn’t over. They would be

back. Ready to take on the whole pack. I knew that Alpha

Jackson was in danger of them which put the whole pack in danger. But there was nothing that I could
