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Mine – The Alpha's Possession by Kylie

Chapter 4
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CHAPTER 4 ” What the hell are you doing here?” I whispered so that Thomas and Victoria couldn’t hear me.

” I didn’t have anywhere else to go.” He says.

” I thought you were dead.” I say.

” No. He didn’t kill me.” Lucas says.

” I felt the tether break.” I say.

” I surrendered. That’s why the tether broke and he became your new Alpha.” He says. And that was

definitely obvious. He looked malnourished, his clothes were filthy and torn, and he smelt like he hadn’t

bathed in months and huge dark circles under his eyes.

” So, why the hell did you come to me?” I asked starting to push him away from the house. This was

the last thing I needed.

” Because I don’t know anyone else that I can turn to.” He says.

” Well, you can’t turn to me either. I don’t want you here. You’re just going to get me or my friends killed.

Get the hell out of here. Alpha Jackson is already asking questions about me.” I say.

” Why?” He asked looking at me weird. Like he didn’t even understand what I said.

” Because Jackson thinks I helped you escape and I am still helping you now.” I growled at him.

” I need your help Taylor. Please? I have nowhere else to go.” He says.

” That’s not my problem. Maybe if you were actually a good Alpha and didn’t try to pick a fight with

every pack that you came into contact with then you would still have a home and a pack. Your father

would be disgusted in you.” I say. And his whole face dropped. I knew that it was a low blow, but it

needed to be said. His father was a great Alpha. And Lucas lost the pack in less than a year.

” Where am I supposed to go?” He asked.

” I don’t know. How the hell did you get past the patrols?” I asked.

” It’s a long story and it wasn’t easy.” He says.

” Good. I’m glad it wasn’t easy. Can you please get the hell out of here. Now?” I asked. I was about to

climb in my window when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back down to the ground.

” What can I say to get you to help me?” He asked.

” Nothing. I am not risking my life for you. Not when you are the one that brought this on yourself. Just

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

go.” I demanded and I climbed in the window and I shut it and closed the curtains.

I went to the bathroom to have a shower because I was dirty from my run and I washed my hair and

then I got dressed and I went back to my room and I sat on my bed doing my homework. Trying to

concentrate on doing my homework, but it was hard.

I didn’t get much sleep that night so I got up at 5am and I got changed into a loose-fitting grey shirt,

black tights, socks and sand shoes.

I left the house and I started jogging along the tree line closest to the town until I got to the obstacle

course that was in the woods and I ran up and started running the course until I came out the other

end. I was started to jog back towards the tree line again when I passed a cave and something moved

around inside of it.

I stopped suddenly to see if I could see anything but it was too dark. But I went to the entrance and I

was puffing a lot because I had already been out running for an hour and I just heard someone backing

up again.

” Lucas. Is that you?” I asked after assessing the situation and realizing that there’s only one person on

pack lands that would be hiding out in a cave.

” Taylor. Shit, I thought you were one of Richmond’s people.” He says coming to the entrance of the

cave and looking the same as last night. Like he still hadn’t gotten any sleep.

” You’re lucky that I’m not. What the fuck are you still doing here?” I asked.

” I told you. I don’t have anywhere else to go.” He says.

” Well, you can’t stay on these pack lands. They will find you and then you’ll be dead. They’ll turn you

over and he won’t believe that I didn’t know that you were here.” I say.

” Where the hell am I supposed to go?” He asked walking to the entrance of the cave. And I stopped to

think about it for a minute.

” Alright. There’s an abandoned warehouse just outside the border. On no-man’s land. It’s not used for

anything and I’ve never seen anyone there. That’s probably your safest bet right now.” I say.

” Okay. Which direction?” He asked.

” Northeast.” I say.

” Thank you. I appreciate it.” He says.

When I got back to the house I had a shower and I got changed and I went back into my room. I put all

my things together in my bag and I grabbed out my savings and I sat there counting it. $3800. That

wasn’t too bad considering I needed to pay for everything myself. Victoria had put locks on all the

kitchen cabinets and fridge so that I couldn’t steal their food while they weren’t looking. So, I really was

on my own. I needed to completely fend for myself. So that kind of savings was pretty good. But that

still wasn’t enough for me to leave this house. I needed a lot more if I was going to get a good start in

life and get a house on my own. I was just glad that James gave me as many shifts as he could.

When I left my room that morning I was walking down the hallway to the front door when I heard

someone come out of the kitchen.

” How the hell did you get in last night?” Victoria asked.

” I picked the fucking lock.” I say.

” That’s breaking and entering.” She says.

” Not if I live here.” I say.

” It’s my house.” She yelled.

” Then go dob me into the Alpha. Go on. I dare ya.” I say. And I knew that she wouldn’t because then

she would have to explain why she had locked me out in the first place. And we all knew that he

wouldn’t look kindly upon her for doing that to me.

” Don’t fucking do it again.” She growled at me before walking away.

I left the house and I walked to the diner for breakfast and then headed to school. Carter was waiting

for me outside as he always did and we walked into school together. He saw the cast gone and I told

him that it ripped off when I went for my run last night.

” Are you okay? You look a little distracted.” He says. And I realized that he had been talking to me but

I hadn’t been responding to him at all. I was in a complete daze.

” Yeah. I’m fine. Just the same old shit.” I say.

” Oh yeah. Victoria again?” He asked.

” Isn’t it always?” I asked.

” I’m sure if you went to the Alpha and told him how bad things are then he might do something about

it.” Carter says.

” Just leave it.” I insisted. Once I had enough money then I was out of that house. Wheather or not I

was staying on pack lands or not.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After work that night I headed to the gym and after the other guys left I helped Ethan pack everything

up and although I stayed longer, we just talked tonight. I wasn’t in the mood for anything else. But I was

sitting on one of the mats and he was sitting right in front of me, so close that we were still touching and

he was resting his head against mine.

” Why don’t you quit the diner and come work here at the gym. You’ll get more hours and I’ll pay you

more.” Ethan suggested.

” I love the offer. But I’m afraid that if we spend too much time together like that, then it will ruin things

between us.” I say. And he just nodded his head in understanding. I looked at Ethan and I could tell that

he was worried about me. So I leaned forward and kissed him. He kissed me back and wrapped his

arms around my waist.

Neither of us wanted to stop but I knew that we had to. One of us had to stop it and I knew that it had to

be me. Even though I hated myself for it.

” Listen, I need to get home. Victoria has been unusually bitchy lately. I don’t know why. I wish she

would go back to ignoring me.” I say.

” If it gets to tough at your place then you know where I live.” He says.

” Yeah. I know. Thank you for that.” I say.

” Don’t mention it.” He says. Ethan stands up and grabs my hands to help me up and I kiss him

goodbye and I leave the gym.

I head home and as soon as I walk in the door I see Victoria standing in the hallway.

” What the fuck have I done now?” I asked looking straight at her. And then I heard footsteps in the

kitchen. More than one lot of footsteps and a 5 foot 6 women with strawberry blonde hair came into the


” Mom. What are you doing here?” I asked running up and hugging her. She hugged me back but she

had a very serious look on her face.

I heard someone else come out of the kitchen and I turned to look and I needed to look up at this huge

6- foot 7 man standing in front of me with a very menacing look on his face and a scar along the side of

his face that didn’t make him look any less menacing. With his brown hair touching his shoulders and

his brown goatee making him look like a real badass I felt my stomach drop immediately, knowing

exactly who he was. Even though I had never met him before.

“Alpha Jackson.” I say stunned.