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Mine – The Alpha's Possession by Kylie

Chapter 34
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Edward and I were left standing in that cabin staring at the empty space where Taylor was just standing

with that fae. They were gone. Disappeared in an instant, without us even being able to get to her in

time. I tried. I really tried. I stood in shock while Edward ran to the spot to see if there was any sign that

was left behind but there was nothing. She was just gone. I couldn’t believe it. Taylor chose to leave with

the fae. All I had to say were those simple words. That I accepted her. And I couldn’t even do that. Why

the hell couldn’t I tell her that I accepted her? What is wrong with me? Now I’ve lost her, possibly forever.

No. I wasn’t going to accept that. I wasn’t losing my mate. I was going to find her and bring her back. I

turned to the front door and ran outside without saying anything.

I ran at full speed through town until I stopped outside her mother’s house, and I ran up to the front door

and barged in without even knocking. Avery and Isaac were both in the kitchen and both jumped out of

their seats when they saw me

standing there. I must have looked crazed. My wolf was pushing his way to the front. I was dripping with

sweat, and I could feel myself starting to lose control.

“Alpha. Is everything alright?” Isaac asked.

“Avery. What do you know about a fae called Layla?” I asked.

“Layla. Oh my god, I haven’t heard that name in years. She’d have to be in her late 20’s by now. She’s

an orphan. Vincent,

Taylor’s father had been taking care of her until she was old enough to take care of herself. Why?” Avery


“She just took Taylor. They said something about Layla being Taylor’s guardian.” I spat out at her.

“Her guardian. Did they mention how long Layla had been her guardian?” Avery asked stepping closer to


“By the sounds of it, a long time.” I growled.

“Oh my god. Vincent knows that Taylor is his daughter. He’s known for a long time by the sound of it or

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

he wouldn’t have assigned her a guardian. Where did she take Taylor?” Avery asked.

“They held hands and disappeared right in front of me. I don’t know where they went.” I growled so loud

that the windows shook. And Avery held on to Isaac out of fear.

“Well, if that’s what happened then she took her to Morda.” Avery says.

“What is Morda?” I demanded pushing my Alpha Aura out so that she couldn’t lie. I could see the sweat

forming on Avery’s face and the pain that she was starting to experience.

“It’s the fae realm.” Avery managed to get out.

“How do I get there?” I asked.

“You can’t. Not without a fae. They need to take you there.” Avery says falling to her knees in pain.

“Alpha, please. She didn’t do this. Please release her from the Alpha Aura. She will tell you anything.”

Isaac pleaded with me. But I looked at him and growled. I wasn’t going to take any chances to get Taylor


“Why would she leave?” I demanded.

“Everyone knows that. Because you wouldn’t accept her.” Avery whimpered on the ground.

“Are you saying that this is my fault?” I growled stepping closer. But Isaac stood in front of Avery.

“No. Of course, it’s not your fault. No one knew that this was going to happen. But it did. She was upset

today at school. Everyone heard about it. About you and her having that fight and her announcing that

you two were mates but you wouldn’t reject her or let any other man have her.” Isaac explains.

“How do you get in contact with her father?” I demanded looking at Avery.

“I don’t. I haven’t spoken to him since Taylor was 2. That’s when I faked the DNA test.” Avery admitted.

“Are there still faeries left on earth?” I asked.

“I think so. But I’m not sure.” Avery says.

“Start looking for one. I am getting her back.” I demanded as I turned around and left the house.

I walked out into the cool air but I couldn’t calm down. My wolf was going crazy in my head. I didn’t know

what the hell I was going to do now. How was I meant to get to the fae world without a fae. So I mind

linked all my warriors to contact every werewolf that they know in different packs and find out everything

they can about fae’s on earth. And to report to me immediately.

They knew not to ask questions, especially when they could hear the anger in my voices. They just

agreed and said that they were going to do that immediately. I was going to find her. No. matter what. 1

As soon as I left Avery’s house I called the librarian in the pack and I met with her at the library where

she was working right now and I had told her to get rid of everyone before I got there.

“How can I help you?” She asked as I walked inside. And I saw that the entire library was empty.

“I need to know everything you know about Morda.” I demanded. And she looked at me a little strange.

“Follow me.” She says. And she came out from behind her desk, and we headed to the back of the

library and she used her keys to open a door at the back and we went down a flight of stairs to the

basement. And when she turned the lights on I saw rows and rows of books that didn’t look normal to

me. Not the normal books that were upstairs.

“These books contain everything you want to know about other realms and everything you need to know

about different creatures. Including fearies.” She says.

“Are they in order of species or anything like that?” I asked.

“Yes. Morda and the faeries are at the back. There are a lot of books that you will need to read. There’s a

lot more to that realm then anyone realizes.” She says.

“Is it dangerous there?” I asked.

“It can be. It depends on how well you can behave yourself there.” She says.

“So, definitely not safe.” I say.

So she headed back upstairs and I went to the back row and I started looking through all the books that

she pointed me too and there were several different books that I knew I needed to get into. I started

looking through the books and the faerie’s and there were some really disturbing drawings in there of

faerie’s and creatures from centuries ago. Apparently, they are all in the Morda realm now.

I wouldn’t be able to get through all of these books in the library so I grabbed everything that they had

and I left the library and took them back to the packhouse. I took them straight to my office and I mind

linked Wyatt to meet me in there.

“Alpha. You called me?” He asked coming into the office.

“I did. I need you to oversee the pack for a little while. There’s some stuff that I need to do.” I say to him.

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“I can see that. Where did those books come from. I didn’t know that you liked to read so much.” He says

looking at the books scattering my desk.

“I don’t. But they won’t be here for long. I’ll take them to my room so you can have the office. As of right

now, you’re acting Alpha until I am able to come back and do the job.” I insisted.

“Is everything alright? I heard that you’ve got the entire pack reaching out to other werewolves in hopes

of finding a fae.” Wyatt says.

“Everything is fine. Especially when I find a fae and they can take me to their world.” I say standing up

and picking up the books. (2

“Hold on a minute. You want to go to the fae world. What is this all about?” Wyatt asked concerned.

“Just do yourself a favour, concentrate on the pack while I am trying to figure this out. I will tell you what

you need to know, when you need to know it.” I snapped at him while leaving the office.

I went upstairs to my bedroom, and I put the books on the bedside table and the first one I grabbed was

called ‘The History Of Morda’.

I poured myself a drink and I sat on the bed and opened it to the first page. It was established in the

1300’s and it was a mystical land full of creatures that didn’t belong on Earth. Someone didn’t want them

to be extinct, so they created Morda and sent the creatures to live there.

Dragons and beats and Ogre’s. Dangerous creatures. Why would anyone want to save those animals?


I had been sitting there looking at the books for a ages and the sun had truly set when I grabbed my

phone and I started looking through it. I saw photos of Taylor in the office that night that we were getting

really tired but still had a lot of work to do. I caught her taking photos of me, so I ended up taking one of

her as well. She was looking at the camera and there were so many of her pulling faces but then I finally

got one with her just smiling at the camera. She was happy and content to be there. That was all I

wanted. That was all I needed.

I didn’t know what made me do it but I pulled up her phone number and ed

Even just to hear her voicemail and hear her voice. That’s all I needed.

“Hello.” She answered.

“Taylor. Is that really you? Oh my god, are you alright?” I asked.

“Jackson.” She says shocked.