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Mine – The Alpha's Possession by Kylie

Chapter 25
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“Go away Alpha.” I demanded. But I

heard his footsteps coming closer to me. I

couldn’t look at him and hear those

words come out of his mouth. I couldn’t

hear him reject me. Not after everything that’s happened between us.

“Taylor. Would you just listen to me. Please?” He asked. The closer he got to me the faster my heart

would start racing. And Ava would start going crazy in my head. I couldn’t stop her. She was a dog in

heat at the moment. Wanting to jump on him and never let him go. I’m sure that his wolf was doing the

same thing and he was fighting it. So, I needed to show the same will power and fight the animal inside

me. I didn’t want to look like the weak one.

“Why? So you can tell me that you don’t

want me. It didn’t seem like that the

other night.” I snapped at him and I

heard his footsteps stop. But he was

pretty close to me at this time.

“I never said that I was going to reject you.” He says.

“You told me that you still had every intention of rejecting your mate. I’m your mate.” I say.

“I know. I was still confused then.” He says frustrated.

“We were in bed together and you were still confused. How the fuck does that make any sense.” I say

turning around and looking at him. He had a pained look on his face. I knew that this was just as painful

for him as it was for me. Being this close to each. My wolf was calling out to his wolf and I could see that

he was

struggling just as much as I was to

control the animal.

‘Stop doing this. It’s hurts.’ Ava says to


‘I’m not the one doing it. Jackson is.’ I say.

‘Convince him not to reject us. We need them.’ Ava says.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I know that your wolf wants to come forward. Your eyes are turning black.” Jackson says.

“Of course she can’t to come forward. You should know that. You’re not just punishing me, you’re

punishing her.” I yelled.

“I’m sorry. I know that. But I’m not here to reject you. I just want to talk to you. He says.

“About what? We’re mates. That’s

usually pretty cut and dry. We should

know what to do right now. But you’re

the one that is resisting it.” I say.

“You’re willing to be the Luna of the most hated Alpha in the country?” He asked looking down at me.

“I’m willing to be with my mate. I don’t care who he is. You might be the most hated Alpha in the country,

but you’ve never shown that side of yourself to me. You’ve always been good to me.” I say.

“I know. I couldn’t be mad at you. I couldn’t treat you like I treat everyone else. And I didn’t want you

around any unmated males which is why I had you work for me.” He says.

“So, you go to all that trouble just to reject me. You’re worse than a woman on PMS.” I snap. And he

chuckled at that.

“I told you that I am not going to reject you. Please, just come back to the

packhouse and we can talk about this

some more. You can keep camping out here.” He says holding out his hand.

“Wanna bet? I can camp out here as long

as I want.” I say.

“Alright. I don’t want you to. I don’t like seeing you out here. It’s not safe.” He


“You’ve had your patrols watching me

since I got here. I think this is the safest place to be right now.” I say taking him by surprise. I guess he

didn’t realize that I knew his patrols were watching me. Guarding me from a distance. But I’m not that

stupid. I know when I’m being watched.

“Please. Just come back to the packhouse. Sleep in your old room and we can work this out.” He says.

I had to think about it for a moment and I had to admit, that bed at the packhouse

was seeming really appealing right now. I did really want to go back there. And camping was a pain in

the ass if I was going to have to shower at the school every morning.

So, I stood up but I didn’t take his hand. I grabbed my bag and we walked back to the packhouse

together. And as soon as we went inside I saw Beta Kai in the living room but I just went upstairs to my

room and closed the door. Jackson didn’t follow me upstairs so I was happy about that. I put my suitcase

in the wardrobe and then I sat on the bed looking through my phone. 4

It wasn’t long before someone knocked on my door and I walked over to answer it and Beta Kai was

standing there.

“If you’re here to defend your friend then I’m not interested.” I say.

“I’ve known about you two being mates for a while now.” He says.

“Yeah. So have I. And he was still talking about rejecting me.” I snapped at him.

“He’s had it in his head that he was going to reject his mate since he was 18. He was determined that he

was going to do that because he couldn’t stand to see his

friend in as much pain as he was in. But then he met you and he changed.” Kai


“Is this really meant to mean something to me? Because it doesn’t. He still told me a couple nights ago

that he planned on rejecting me.” I say.

“He said that he was going to reject his mate. He didn’t know that you knew you were his mate. But I

don’t think he ever planned on rejecting you after he met

you. The more he got to know you, the

more he changed. I could see it. But I’m

the only one that gets to see the real him. And after you moved in and started working for him, I could tell

that he was really rethinking that rejection. To the point where it wasn’t going to happen. He couldn’t do

it. I knew that he wouldn’t be able to let you go.” Kai explained.

“Thanks for your input Kai. But this really is between me and him. I can’t think about it right now because

the more I think about it, the more it drives me crazy.” I say.

“I can understand that. And I’m sorry if it seems like he’s been messing you around. Believe it or not, he

doesn’t have that

much experience with women.” Kai says. And I look at him with a sceptical look on my face.

“He has experience with women. Just not dating them.” Kai clarified.

“So, he uses all women for sex. Good to know that I’m not the only one.” I say looking back at my phone.

“Wait. What?” He asked.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Yeah. I guess your Alpha couldn’t wait until I turned 18 and I was his actual

mate. He had to have me sooner. Which he did.” I say.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know that.” He says shaking his head.

“Well, I guess you don’t know your Alpha as well as you think you do.” I say.

“Just give him a chance to explain himself. He is worried about your safety. You will be the number one

target if he takes you as his mate. A lot of people hate him.” Kai says.

“And I’m sure that he will have guards on me non stop and I can also take care of

myself. What the hell do I have to do around here to prove that to everyone?” I

asked in frustration.

“Yeah. You proved that during the fight. You definitely can take care of yourself. But they were rogues.

Not another pack.

He says.

“Thanks for the talk Kai. I think we can take it from here.” I say. So he nodded his head and walked down

the hall.

I went to have a shower after that and I got dressed and then I sat on my bed and I grabbed my phone

again and started looking through it..

I had a couple messages from friends who were making sure that I was alright. But other than that, there

was nothing. No one was trying to contact me and they obviously found out that I wasn’t

interested at all about my birthday.

Usually, even last year when I wasn’t

here, my phone blew up with birthday


I went downstairs a while later and

headed to the kitchen to get something to eat and I heard Jackson heading towards the kitchen talking to

someone. I was in the fridge looking for some food when they walked in and I instantly recognised

the other voice.

“Taylor. I didn’t realize that you were

down here. I want you to meet someone. Our new warrior, he’s just joined the pack. “Jackson says. So I

stood up straight and

I closed the door of the fridge and looked at the two men standing at the door.