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Mine – The Alpha's Possession by Kylie

Chapter 22
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I went running towards the forest

stripping my clothes off as I went and I

could hear where the fight was

happening. So I ran in that direction,

shifting in mid run and the fight was already in full swing. So I jumped right

into the middle of the fight with the scrappy little mongrels that were

attacking our border. There were

hundreds of them attacking our warriors

and I jumped in the middle and grabbed a rogue off of the back of one of our

warriors and I flung him across the

battlefield into a tree and I didn’t see him

get up again.

I got the attention of a lot of people after that and a lot of my warriors were staring

at me. I didn’t understand why they were looking at me the way that they were. But

they got distracted. I jumped over them and straight into the middle of the rogues

and that’s when they came back to their

senses and they came to my aid and

started fighting them off left and right.

It didn’t take too long before the rogues

realized that they weren’t going to win

this fight and they started to retreat, but

not before we managed to pick off the stragglers. And I was at the front of the

pack but when I turned around I saw the

whole pack looking at me again. I didn’t

notice before, but they were all so much

smaller than I am. Suddenly the wolves.

part and I see another wolf walking

through them. He was my size. I almost

forgot how to breathe when I saw him.

He stopped right in front of me. A large

black wolf with white paws and a white

diamond on his forehead. We were

identical wolves, but how the hell can

that be? No wolves are identical.

Especially not ones like me. I was unique. in colour, even I knew that which is why I

never really let anyone see me before.

But then the warriors took off in different

directions and it was just us two left standing there and he started shifting back and I saw that it was

Alpha Jackson. So I shifted back as well, it’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked, and his eyes

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almost bugged out of his head when he realized that it was me. I think he was too shocked and the

overwhelming scent of the rogues drowned out my scent and he didn’t know who I was at first.

“How the hell are you that big? And you look the same as me?” He asked


“I was going to ask you the same thing.” I say confused.

“It’s not possible.” He says.

“Well, apparently is it. I have to go and find my clothes.” I say starting to walk off but he grabbed my arm

and stopped me.

He walked over to a tree and grabbed out a really long shirt and some shorts, so I put them on while he

put on a pair of shorts.

“Where did you learn to fight like that?” He asked leaning against the tree.

“I told you. I was training at the Richmond pack.” I say.

“Yeah. I know that’s what you told me. I didn’t know you were so well trained. You took out those rogues

like they were nothing.” He says.

“They were nothing to me. You saw the size of my wolf. Rogues don’t scare me.” I say getting a little

annoyed with this


“There are a lot of questions that I have for you right now.” He says.

“Aren’t there more important things that you should be doing?” I asked.

“Probably. But I don’t care about that. The warriors can clean up the mess.” He says. And he started

leading me back to the packhouse.

All the people were coming out of the shelter that was built underneath the

packhouse and I saw my mother out the front with Isaac.

“Taylor. Are you alright?” She asked rushing over to me.

“I’m fine. Not a scratch.” I say. And my mother looked over at Alpha Jackson.

“Yeah. She was pretty impressive out

there. Even though I told her to go to the

shelter.” Alpha Jackson says.

“Since when do I listen to what I’m told?”

I smirked at him and I started to walk

inside but my mother stopped me.

“Can we talk? We really need to get things out in the open.” She says.

“You let things out in the open. You told me the truth about 17 years and now I’m pissed because I just

spent a year living with a man who is not my father and his abusive mate. All because you couldn’t face

the truth that you cheated on Thomas.” I say.

“I don’t want you to hate me for this.” She says.

“I don’t hate you mom. But right now, I don’t want to talk to you either. So, just leave me alone until I’m

ready.” I say walking into the packhouse.

Alpha Jackson followed me inside and I saw everyone still walking out of the shelter but I went passed

them all and headed upstairs to my bedroom where I closed my door and I went into the


I got in the shower and I started washing myself when I heard the door close. I looked over to the side

and Jackson was sitting on the vanity.

“Can I help you? Or are you just here to punish me for not following orders?” I asked,

“I want to know why the hell we are identical. It doesn’t make any sense.

Jackson says.

“Well, what do you want from me? I thought I was unique. I never knew that you looked like that. How

was I supposed to know? And how was I supposed to stop

my wolf from looking like that?” I asked.

“Alright. I know that you had no control over it. I just thought that you might have had some answers.” He


“I wish I did. But I really don’t. I don’t know what the hell to say about any of this.” I say. And he nodded

his head.

“Everyone’s out of the packhouse and back home. We didn’t lose anyone

tonight. And thank you for helping.” He


“Does that mean that you’re going to let me fight from now on? I know what I’m doing out there.” I say.

“I know you do. I know that now. You were pretty incredible out there tonight.” He says standing up from

the vanity and undoing the chord on his shorts.

“Well, aren’t you just full of yourself

right now?” I asked.

“Absolutely.” He says dropping his shorts

to the floor and he got in the shower with


He reached around me to grab the soap and he started washing himself and then he started washing me


“I’ve already done that.” I say.

“I’m just being thorough.” He says

moving his lower until it was between my


“How the hell did this conversation just change?” I asked looking up at him.

“Who cares?” He asked pushing me back against the tiles and I let out a little hiss at the coldness of

them. But he quickly pressed his body up against mine and

grabbed both of my arms and lifted them above my head and held them in one


His other hand was stroking my core back and forth, enticing little moans out of me until he pushed one

finger through my slits and started pumping it in and out. And then added a second finger and started

pumping them faster and faster.

He pulled his fingers out and put them in his mouth to taste them and then let my hands go and he

grabbed me by the thighs and lifted me up off the ground and his rock hard cock was right between my


I reached down myself to adjust it and he slid it inside me and I let out a breathy moan as he started

moving me up and down on him. I wrapped my arms around the back out of neck and I pulled him in to

kiss me and I didn’t know what came over me. I felt like he was my absolute lifeline right now. He was all

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that I needed right

now and all I was ever going to need.

He kissed me back with just as much desire and passion. And thrust into me as hard as he could,

slamming me against the bathroom tiles that didn’t seem so cold anymore. Just as I was climbing the

peak of my pleasure I felt a low growl

escape from Jackson and I plunged over the edge of my orgasm and at the same time I felt Jackson still

inside of me and

find his own release.

We got out of the shower and I got dressed and lied down on my bed and Jackson was watching me so I

pulled the

covers back and he climbed in next to me.

He pulled me closer to him and I put my

head on his chest. (1

“Were you telling me the truth about your

mate?” I asked out of nowhere. And I

seemed to take him by surprise with that

question as well.

“What are you talking about?” He asked.

“That you’re going to reject your mate when you find her?” I asked.

“I already told you that story. I couldn’t stand to see my friend when he lost his

mate.” He says.

“I know all of that. But just because that happened to him, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen to you.” I


“I don’t want to take that risk. I really don’t.” He says as I looked up at his face.

“So what, are you just going to use me for sex for the rest of your life?” I asked.

“No. You’ll eventually find your mate. I’ll

back off then. I’ll have to, obviously. But

it doesn’t mean that we can’t have fun in

the meantime.” He says.

“Yeah. I guess not.” I say looking away

from his face.

“Are you alright?” He asked.

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked.

“I don’t know. That was just a strange thing to bring up right now.” He says.

“Yeah. I don’t know what made me think

of it.” I say.

“Maybe you don’t want this to end

between us.” He says.

“Maybe I don’t. May as well have some fun while we can.” I say. And he kissed

me on the top of my head and I felt him tighten his squeeze around me. If only he

knew what I knew.