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Mine – The Alpha's Possession by Kylie

Chapter 20
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“Where did you get the wolfsbane?” Alpha Jackson demanded.

“I can’t remember.” The guy stuttered out backing away from Alpha Jackson but he already backed

against the wall so he had nowhere to go.

“Where?” Alpha Jackson demanded. His Alpha Aura pouring from him that everyone in the room felt it.

They all started whimpering and falling to their knees and I looked around at them all. I could feel the

aura but it wasn’t affecting me the way that it was affecting them. I didn’t know why. They were in pain. I


“It was a guy in the human town. He sells it in his store.” The guy managed to


Why would you spike Taylor’s drink?” Alpha Jackson asked through gritted teeth, his aura still pouring

out of him.

Because they told me to. They wanted me to help get payback for Missy.” He

says pointing to Missy’s friends. And all of a sudden the girls were surrounded by warriors as well.

“Get them out of here.” Alpha Jackson says dropping his Alpha aura so that everyone could stand up


The warriors took Missy’s friends away out the back door and not passed me but Alpha Jackson wasn’t

finished with the


“What was the plan when Taylor was unconscious?” Alpha Jackson asked.

“They wanted me to teach her a lesson.” The guy says.

What lesson. What were you going to do?” Alpha Jackson demanded to know making sure that the guy

was boxed into the corner and couldn’t move.

They wanted me to get her upstairs. To rape her.” The guy says looking away. And I walked over and

grabbed Alpha Jackson’s arm just in time as his claws slipped out and he was going to rip that guys

throat out.

“Don’t kill him.” I say.

Why not? He was going to rape you.” Alpha Jackson says.

“I know. But he didn’t, did he? Put him where you are putting Missy’s friends. Deal with it the right way.” I

say. And he looked back at the guy and then slowly lowered his hand and grabbed the guy by the shirt

and threw him at the warriors.

Dungeon.” Alpha Jackson demanded.

And they took him away too, Everyone else in the kitchen were watching us and were amazed at how I

was able to talk him down from actually killing someone. His reputation is that he loves to kill people, it

doesn’t matter if their in his pack or not. But I didn’t really care.

“I’m taking you home. Now.” Alpha Jackson says. And I nod my head yes. So Alpha Jackson and I left

the house without saying anything to anyone but I saw Emily sitting in the living room and she saw us

coming that way and she

quickly looked away from me. She

couldn’t even look at me and didn’t ask if

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I was alright.

That bitch knew what was going to happen tonight. She was in on the plan. I had no doubt about that.

But I wasn’t

going to bring it up here. I would bring it up later on. When the Alpha wasn’t


Alpha Jackson and I walked back to the packhouse in silence. He was still really angry about what

happened tonight, and I was too. But I was more confused and trying to put all of this together. Why the

hell would they come after me like this. Would they want to hurt me like this?

That made no sense to me. None at all.

When we got to the packhouse I went straight up to my room and I went to have a shower. That guy

touched me. I could still fell where he touched me and I didn’t like it. I washed my hair again and I

washed all my make up off.

I came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel and I saw that the door was open a little again. But I

always close it when I come in to my room. So I walked over to the door slowly and this time I knew that

Alpha Jackson was there.

He was in the hallway and he saw me

wearing the towel and I saw him running his eyes up and down my body before he finally gathered


“I was just checking to make sure that you’re alright.” He says.

“Yeah. I’m fine. You know that wolfsbane

doesn’t affect me. And apparently,

neither does your Alpha command.” I


“What are you talking about?” He asked.

“In the kitchen when you used your Alpha command. It bought everyone else to their knees, but not me. I

don’t know why.” I say.

“I guess that’s one more thing that we need to figure out about you.” He says.

I guess so. Does that worry you?” I asked leaning against the doorframe.

‘Why would it worry me?” He asked.

Knowing that you can’t command me.” I say smirking at him.

I would never command you.” He says. And I stopped smirking while still looking at him. Why would he

say that? Why would he never command me? It was the

way that he said it. Like he knew that he would never need to use the command on

Or he would never want to use the command on me or something.

The way he was looking at me, didn’t escape me either. I was fully aware of the way his eyes kept

roaming my body,

sometimes on their own accord. He would catch himself doing it and then quickly stop.

“I should probably get dressed.” I say.

“Yeah. It’s been a long night.” He says.

“Not that long.” I say. And I slowly turned and went back into my room

without shutting the door and I didn’t hear him move from his spot. He was still standing in the hallway

and I walked

towards the walk in robe and looked

through some clothes when I caught his

scent getting stronger. I knew that he was

in my room now so I turned around and

just came to the door of the walk in robe.

I could see on his face how conflicted he

was. He didn’t really know what to do, what he was doing. He was really struggling with himself. So I

made things a little easier on him. I walked over to him and he was staring into my eyes as I was doing

the same.

I started playing with the hem of his shirt and I put my hand under his shirt and wrapped them around his

waist. I could felt him slouch down slightly and smell my hair and he put his nose in the crook of my neck.

Then he lifted his hand up and to cup my

cheek and he gently pulled my head back and he stared into my eyes again before he lowered his face

to mine and kissed me really gently on the lips. His tongue stroking my lips, begging for entry, which I

gladly granted him. (3

He kissed me more passionately than I had ever been kissed in my life and he grabbed me around the

thighs and lifted me up so he wasn’t bending down and he pushed me up against the wall while still

kissing me.

I pulled my head back against the wall and Alpha Jackson started kissing down my jawline and down my

neck to where my marking spot is. The spot where my mate will eventually mark me when I find him. But

it’s a sensitive spot that coaxed a moan out of my lips and he looked up at me again and I wrap my arms

around his neck and start kissing him again.

He carried me over to the bed and laid me

down gently and stood there for a second staring at me. He traced his finger from my lip down my chin to

my throat and down my chest to the top of the towel that I had wrapped around me and slowly pulled the

towel off of me.

I was lying there completely naked in front of him and he lowered himself down onto the bed on me but

kept his weight on his arms instead of on me and I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up and over

his head.

He pulled it the rest of the way off and I moved my hands down his rock solid abs just to feel them. I had

to. I had been wanting to do that for a long time. And he started kissing down my neck and kept going

down to my breast and sucked my nipple in his mouth. And then he moved over to the other breast and

did the same thing.

He started moving lower. Trailing small

kisses down my stomach and causing me to moan and get butterflies in my stomach. He was

surprisingly gentle for someone who was so big and domineering.

He grabbed both of my thigh and lifted them up and open and he kissed the inside of both thighs and

then towards my lips and he sucked them in his mouth before letting them go and he ran his tongue up

my core before he reached my slit and sucked it into his mouth as well.

I was moaning to every movement and every touch and he moved down lower again and stuck his

tongue inside my core when I let out a louder moan. At that point, I was just glad that I was a loud

moaner and not a screamer.

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He sucked and licked and kissed my core like a man that was starving and hadn’t eaten for years before

he finally pulled his head back and he inserted one finger

inside me. He pushed it all the way in and curled it inside my before starting to pump it in and out while I

was a writhing mess at that point. After a few moments, he added a second finger and he left it there for

a moment to allow me to adjust to the feeling of him stretching me. But he was waiting too long and I

started moving my hips against his fingers. I heard him chuckle slightly as he sucked on my clit and I

could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge until I finally plunged over the edge of my orgasm.

Alpha Jackson kept going leaving me ride out every second of my orgasm that I possibly could. 3

He then moved up my body again and started kissing me and I could taste myself on his lips while I was

tugging at his shorts and pushing them down his body before he finally kicked them off and he rested on

one of his arms right next to my head and he pulled his mouth

away from mine.

Are you sure about this?” He asked


“I’m not a virgin, Alpha.” I say.

“I think you can call me Jackson now.” He says. And I started chuckling and I put my hand around behind

his head and pulled it back to my face and started kissing him again.

He positioned himself on top of me and reached down to his hardened length and adjusted it to my

opening. All werewolves are known to be huge, and Ethan was big, but he had nothing on Jackson. He

was huge. But all I could think was how much I wanted it. 1

He pushed the tip of his cock into my opening and stilled for a moment waiting for any sign from me but

he didn’t get any. So he pushed it in a little further and a little further until he was in all the way

to the hilt. It was definitely an adjustment

for me and he stilled for a moment while I

got used to his length and girth. But when I was ready I started moving my hips and he started moving in

and out very slowly, very gently. He wasn’t rushing it. He wasn’t trying to rush me. He was treating me

like a one night stand that didn’t mean anything. He was so gentle towards me, I never had that before.

Not even with Ethan. He had his head buried in the crook of my neck but when he pulled his head up he

looked me straight in the eye and stayed there for ages before he slowly leaned down to kiss me again.


He started moving a little faster and I had my arms wrapped around his neck and he put one arm around

my back and rolled us both over so that I was straddling him. He adjusted his body so that his legs were

hanging over the side of the bed and his arms were wrapped around my back and I kept my body really

close to him, and I

started moving up and down on his long hard cock.

I was looking down at him, looking him in the eye as he was looking at me and I ran my fingers through

his hair as I could again, feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge.

I grabbed onto his shoulders hard and he knew exactly what was coming. And he grabbed the back of

my head and

smashed his lips against mine to muffle my moans as I plunged over the precipice of my orgasm again.

And only moments later he stilled inside of me and I could tell that he found his own release and I

stopped moving on top of him but he didn’t let go. He kept

holding me close to his body like I was his lifeline or something. Which I didn’t

mind at all.